My Unpopular Opinion



  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    "Faith" is for the weak.
    Public appearance isn't everything - I will walk around in my PJs if it's 8 o'clock at night and I need something from the supermarket.
    Twilight is the poorest excuse for literature I have ever had the misfortune to read.
    Gaming isn't just for boys.
    Hitting back and standing up for yourself may sometimes be the right answer.
    If "Faith is for the weak," as you said, then if you ever get into an accident, or have a fatal disease, like most cancers, then you might as well fill out your WILL, NOW.

    Because, people only have operations because they have FAITH that the operation can curse the problem.
    You know what else can cure the problem? PRAYING TO JESUS!!!!
    It is called faith healing. I have witnessed it with my own eyes, and felt it in my own body.

    But, you faithless person, I will PRAY for YOU, that no misfortune falls in your path.

    Please note the title of this forum post and remove the stick from thine derriere. Thanks! :bigsmile:
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    Guess I'll add another one

    I truly don't believe people that "people were always this screwed up, we just know about all of it now because of advances in technology"

    People are more screwed up today, period. And I don't really have much hope for the continued existence of mankind, or even our society....because nobody values anything, but especially the desensitization of all the disgusting things that go on in society and how little value people place on life.
  • kjerstenkipp
    kjerstenkipp Posts: 139 Member
    I've got to go man, I just can't wrap my mind around anyone not liking pie. What kind of freaks are we dealing with here?
    Bwahahahahahaha! I'm with you...
  • ElBo58
    ElBo58 Posts: 44
    Christians make up more than 75% of the American population. Stop complaining about being picked on, persecuted, or marginalized. Come back when representatives of your faith aren't making up practically the entire US congress, and when your religion's holidays aren't recognized as national holidays. Until then, stop your whining.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    I don't like pie.

    Also, all the people arguing on this thread are gonna' get it locked.

    I need more info LOL

    Chocolate? Peace? Strawberry? Buttermilk? Sweet tater? Pumpkin? Coconut? Lemon?

    No pies at all??:cry:

    Nope. I would eat the chocolate filling, strawberry filling, pumpkin filling, but the crust is such a waste of my time and taste buds. Just make something else.

    Hmmm, I gotta ask.........are you SURE, I mean 100% SURE, you've had really good crust?

    This is my thought too. No one who has had a really good crust would say that.
  • jeffazi
    jeffazi Posts: 198
    My unpopular opinion is that if you have a belief/religious ideology, you should keep it to yourself because preaching to people who don't want to hear it, isn't going to make God listen to you any more than he is now.

    also, I'm religious. So I don't need the backlash.

    The reason people "Preach" their faith is because the bible says to go out and teach all the world. We are suppose to do that, it's your choice to not listen, but I do not wish to stand in front of God and be asked why I didn't preach his word when he convicted my heart to do so. This can go another way, how about if people don't want to be preached at, have some respect for those who do believe and stop trying to push that he isn't real on everyone? No one came in here preaching till someone had to bring faith and christian bashing in it. God is a touchy subject, have you ever wondered why? Why if God is not real do people try so hard to force others to not believe in him? Why is it so meaningful for someone who has no beliefs to talk people out of believing in God? They don't make that big of a deal out of Santa clause or the Easter bunny, so if God is not real, why in the world do people want so badly to turn others from him?

    The Koran and most other "holy books" also instruct their followers to go out an proselytize. That isn't unique to the Bible. I respect others' right to believe in and preach about what they want. Likewise, you should respect my right to not believe in god(s). It doesn't take faith to hold no belief. I don't believe in unicorns, faeries, or elves either. Does that take faith? No. Atheists aren't forcing you not to believe in gods. There's a reason, however, why atheists and other non-believers (theological noncognivitists, agnostics, ignosticts, etc.) engage with believers. Most of the atheists I know know more about religion and theology than most believers. We've studied and through logic and reason have come to the conclusion that there is no credible evidence for belief in gods. We also are acutely aware of the harm that organized religion and faith have caused in the world. Other posters have detailed those harms (Inquisition, Pogroms, anti-gay laws, wars, discrimination, etc.) on this thread so I don't need to provide the specifics. Ultimately, everyone has to decide for themselves what they believe or don't believe. I just think it's important that people are informed. I sent my kids to parochial schools but I also told them that when they were old enough they were free to make their own decisions about god. My son turned 19 last week. He is a self-professed atheist. My daughter is 14 and she is a believer, like my wife, but I don't worry because she has an open mind and questions everything.

    What you have to understand is that most atheists are "weak" atheists, meaning that we see no evidence for god so hold no belief. It's the default position. "Strong" atheists affirmatively assert that there are no gods and that position is not more tenable than theism. Those who make extraordinary claims have the burden of proof to provide extraordinary evidence to prove their claims. As a weak atheist, I make no claims about god. Seeing no evidence for gods, I hold no belief in them. That requires no proof, no faith. We are all born atheists. You're an atheist too. You just believe in one more god than I do.

  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    Adele CAN'T SING. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.
    She can't sing? That's ridiculous. Of course she can sing.
  • jb83
    jb83 Posts: 38
    1. Everyone who posted something hurtful about someone else is lame.

    and yes, I suspose that includes me for calling a ton of people lame.
  • jeffazi
    jeffazi Posts: 198
    Christians make up more than 75% of the American population. Stop complaining about being picked on, persecuted, or marginalized. Come back when representatives of your faith aren't making up practically the entire US congress, and when your religion's holidays aren't recognized as national holidays. Until then, stop your whining.

  • SinuousNihilist
    The Office (American version at least) is offensive, not funny.

    That literally hurt to read. One of my favorite shows! Think you missed the's supposed to be painfully awkward and politically incorrect. If the audience isn't cringing, they're not doing it right! But, to each his own!

    Also, to Green Day person...

    I'm sorry, but after American Idiot came out, I was DONE. Same thing for Linkin Park's new image and everything about My Chemical Romance. Blech!
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    Ok here is another (and it's not religious in any way!!)

    I don't like, and just don't understand, WHY WHY WHY must women over tan? Why? I live in Texas and what I like to call "snooki-syndrome" is out of control.

    Does no one in their life care about them enough to say "HEY! Cut the crap!! If you get in that tanning bed one more time you are going to look like an oompa loompa, only worse!!"

    BTW, I'm very pale and I look down upon the tan folks around me.....I'm arrogant like that:smokin:
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Ok here is another (and it's not religious in any way!!)

    I don't like, and just don't understand, WHY WHY WHY must women over tan? Why? I live in Texas and what I like to call "snooki-syndrome" is out of control.

    Does no one in their life care about them enough to say "HEY! Cut the crap!! If you get in that tanning bed one more time you are going to look like an oompa loompa, only worse!!"

    BTW, I'm very pale and I look down upon the tan folks around me.....I'm arrogant like that:smokin:

    Have to agree. Fair skin > leatherhandbagby40
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    If you don't know the difference between your and you're you are either ignorant or younger than 8 years old.

    If you ax a question I consider your IQ to have lowered considerably compared to any previous assessment I may have made.

    Pull your pants up. Guys who wear saggy pants look like homeless people who can't afford the proper size and just take what they can find in the Goodwill.

    If you give your child a Cre8tive name you are a bad parent.

    If you are on food stamps (unless it's some sort of new and temporary situation) you have no business having an iPhone, ipod, ipad, etc.

    Car leases are for suckers and businesses.
  • Arperjen
    Arperjen Posts: 108 Member
    I hate Skrillex.

    Can't stand whiny male singers.
  • AnnaBoBanana
    AnnaBoBanana Posts: 5 Member
    Big, hairy caveman type men are WAY hotter than hairless, groomed metrosexuals. :)

    YES YES YES!!! I like me a hairy man that smells like, well, a MAN!

    As for a few more opinions;

    - Nobody would work out if it didn't keep you thin.
    - Lululemon is overpriced garbage
    - Glee is the worst thing on TV. Ever.

    Great topic! So fun to read everyones replies.
  • SinuousNihilist
    I'm crazy stupid pale! I can't tan if I tried :)
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    Christians make up more than 75% of the American population. Stop complaining about being picked on, persecuted, or marginalized. Come back when representatives of your faith aren't making up practically the entire US congress, and when your religion's holidays aren't recognized as national holidays. Until then, stop your whining.


    Meow! The whole "relgious/christian' part of this awesome thread is annoying. Let's just be nice and agree to disagree! :flowerforyou:
  • Dlopez678
    Dlopez678 Posts: 97
    If you live in America and are not proud.. I say peace out!!
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    I'm crazy stupid pale! I can't tan if I tried :)

    I just burn. really, really badly. No tanning over here.
  • SinuousNihilist
    If you don't know the difference between your and you're you are either ignorant or younger than 8 years old.

    If you ax a question I consider your IQ to have lowered considerably compared to any previous assessment I may have made.

    Pull your pants up. Guys who wear saggy pants look like homeless people who can't afford the proper size and just take what they can find in the Goodwill.

    If you give your child a Cre8tive name you are a bad parent.

    If you are on food stamps (unless it's some sort of new and temporary situation) you have no business having an iPhone, ipod, ipad, etc.

    Car leases are for suckers and businesses.

    I...I love you. :3