i'm scared and need support from anyone willing to help



  • mollylookalike
    mollylookalike Posts: 60 Member
    You can do it!!! Don't worry about the scale so much as working toward FEELING better, and being healthier for your kids!!!

  • Lbekah72
    Lbekah72 Posts: 89 Member
    COngrats on stepping into action! Feel free to *kitten* me as a friend if you like... Hope your day is a good one!
    Lots of positive vibes your way from Cali!
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    You can do this!!!!! You can change your path!!!!! Do it for you, do it so your kids have a mommy for years to come! I lost weight for me and so my son would have me in his life for as long as I could be. The road is hard, but if you stick to it you can get to where you want to be. Think of your little ones cheering you on. Think of how good it will feel to go in for dr check ups and watch them move you from the over weight category to the healthy category. Then stick to it!

    YOU ARE NOT ON A DIET! YOU ARE ON A PATH TO A LIFESTYLE CHANGE! Never think of it as a diet to hold back, always think that you have just chosen another path. The word "can't" can make you feel deprived. The words "I chose to....." or "I chose not to......" Put you in control of how you feel.

    Feel free to add me if you would like!!!!!

    For what it is worth I am a stranger and I believe in you and that you are capable of success. Not because you are afraid you could die BUT because you have chosen to live your life!
  • tobakett
    tobakett Posts: 14 Member
    5 pounds in 2 weeks is great! Way to Go!

    A lot of times it takes a shock to get started, so don't been down about that. For me, it was when my work decided I was too fat and sent someone else on an international trip even though I was clearly more qualified.

    Feel free to add me and good luck on your journey! :)
  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 753 Member
    Sometimes a life changing event makes us realize what we really need to do. I would love to be your friend and support, motivate, and encourage you whenever you need it. Feel free to add me!
  • Lbekah72
    Lbekah72 Posts: 89 Member
    lol... So sorry about the about "*kitten* me" as a friend.. Stupid auto text!!! lol I think ya know what I mean...lol

  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    I feel for you. My father passed away in Jan. due to complications from diabetes. That was my wake up call. While not diabetic, I am certainly over weight and sedentary . I have been at this since feb. and making progress...slow and steady! We CAN do this!
  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    :smile: You are doing great- you are in the right place and already making changes! Doing all the right things- and 5 pounds! Way to go! Keep up the great work! and feel free to add me as a friend- always here to give the motivation to others
  • Bobskiframps
    Bobskiframps Posts: 39 Member
    i'v added you :)
  • Sprootles
    Sprootles Posts: 16
    You can add me as a friend if you like. I think it's great that you've already lost 5 pounds! I hope my first week is as successful. I share your fear of weight related health complications as I just watched Weight of The Nation and it scared the crap out of me. My kids are both overweight and I feel entirely responsible for it. So, I'm going to lead by example and hope that the changes I make are positive for them, too.

    ^ Five!
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    Several weeks ago one of my twin daughters best friends Mom passed away from complications due to her obesity. I'm afraid I am on the same path. I started the program two weeks ago and so far so good. I have been diligent about keeping track of my daily calories. My girls bought me a stationary bike for Mothers Day and I use it daily. That being said, I need all the moral support I can get so I don't become another statistic. I'm just sorry it took a life changing event to open my eyes. If anyone out there can just give me a quick 'way to go' or high 5 I would appreciate it more than you'll ever know. Thanks everyone!

    You have a plan. The quick way to go is to stick to the plan. Do not cave in to food pressures or miss your exercise for any reason at least for a time, say til you get to an interim goal or a certain time frame. Personally I don't believe in off days for calorie counts or lack of activity days. It doesn't have to be work if you do your level best to make it a challenge, a contest, a game. It doesn't have to be work, again. It has to be your new lifestyle. It is not a diet.

    Tell as many people as you can bear what you are doing and ask for their support. Some will give it. Some will have other reactions. Ignore the not so favorable reactions. When you make first a commitment to yourself, and then a broader commitment to friends and family, you have a much better opportunity to stay with it for the long haul, as in the rest of your hopefully long life. Good luck.

    PS. The MFP community is as good as any for external support, so welcome.
  • Venturin
    Venturin Posts: 244 Member
    Hi Riotsgram,

    It appears you are being overwhelmed with good wishes and wonderful support!

    Don't be afraid, all journeys begin with a first step and you are already past that, welcome to MFP and enjoy your path to your new healthy lifestyle! I added you

  • hi...I'm scared too. I am 50 lbls overweight and have been told I need a hip replacement at age 54.
  • opaedas
    opaedas Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, awesome that you've decided to get on the healthy lifestyle while you're above ground for sure!!! We can only do what we put forth the effort to do, and sometimes it does take that "Ah ha" moment to spark us and fuel our fire. So here's a BIG HI-FIVE from me!! You're on your way, try to focus on the journey and leave the destination ahead for right now if things get frustrating. Always remember, every healthy choice you make us for the better... you will never feel good about unhealthy choices after they are made, but you will NEVER REGRET a good choice once you've taken the steps to make it. Longterm goals are essential, but short term are where we are every day. Taking it one day at a time and keeping it realistic is the way to make little bits of progress constantly. And you know what?? All those little bits ADD UP to a LARGER whole in time. It takes time to get it right, every mistake is simply a learning experience and a way to progress and move forward. Try to not beat yourself up if you slip, think positive things like "Well, I know what not to do next time, or what to avoid so I don't repeat the same bad habit". Please feel free to add me, and I'll be here for support for whatever questions you may have. If I don't know the answer, I will surely find resources so you can get the answer!!

    Bravo and keep up healthier living!!

  • jadedbutterfly71
    jadedbutterfly71 Posts: 83 Member
    You got this!! Stay focussed and stay positive! Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • lynette221
    lynette221 Posts: 2
    I'm so sorry to hear about your sister, you be okay. You'll be fine just take each day at a time and don't beat yourself up if you get off track. Continue your walking and your bike.You can do this. I had the lapband surgery and still find it hard because now it's all up to me after 132 pounds lost. I found out that Zumba is a great way to reduce and add acrdio with fun dancing. Try that if you can and just go slow no rush. YOU CAN DO THIS. and most of all have fun.
  • czuniga03
    czuniga03 Posts: 99
    Hang in there a death in the family is tough but 3..It's time to change your destiny! Feel free to add me :smile:
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. You took the path to improve and this site an the friends you get will help.

    I'm sorry for your loss.
  • ConnieBoles
    ConnieBoles Posts: 7 Member
    High five. Just do not stop trying, small steps will keep you going.
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    hi...I'm scared too. I am 50 lbls overweight and have been told I need a hip replacement at age 54.

    8 months ago I was 40 pounds overweight. I think you will hear similar stories from many here. Being overweight you can fix in the kitchen, about 80% of that weight. The rest will be activity related, referred to as exercise calories here. Sounds like you might have some temporary mobility issues, so your exercise might be different, but to the extent you can, you have to keep moving.

    My mother had a hip replacement at age 84. She's fine, now she's 86. Just one example, but......

    So, back to the weight issue. Symptoms that will improve or go away when you drop the weight include but are not limited to reduced inflammation, reduced joint pain which will lead to more activity which will lead to more weight loss. Look into an anti-inflammatory diet and supplements. Most of the medical conditions we experience in life are in some way related to diet. Some very short term improvements can be made by adapting some proven strategies for the reduction of inflammation in the body.
    And I am talking food, not big Pharma.

    Research it, come up with a plan. You can do it by taking the first step. Good luck.