Easy for you eat healthy! You don't have kids!



  • DestroyTheOpposition
    DestroyTheOpposition Posts: 444 Member
    So today my friend was asking my advice on eating healthier. She said, "I've only had reduced fat this and no fat these and I'm still hungry! How did you make yourself LIKE healthy food!?" I said, "well, eventually you'll realize that it's worth it to spend your calories on healthy food, rather than processed. I didn't make myself like food-I tried a lot of things from searching online and through my grocery store. Eventually, processed and restaurant foods stopped tasting so good and I became full off of less calories and better for me foods. Now i CRAVE vegetables and fruits"


    "WELL ITS EASY FOR YOU. YOU DON'T HAVE KIDS. It's not realistic for me to eat like this, I have birthday parties to go to."

    That is a cop out. I have kids... 4 as a matter of fact. 3 that are under the age of 3. (and another on the way) I don't eat the best but better than most I have seen.... but as a parent, YOU set the example. You dictate what is eaten. Using her kids is a lazy excuse for not taking better care of herself?! She doesn't really want to take care of herself... if she were ready then there would be no excuses. She would just get it done.

    That hurt my feelings because, I want to eventually have kids...and, I feel like she was kinding throwing that in as a cop out!

    BUT! I'm open to YOUR opinions-parents or not?!
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Total cop out!!! I have kids and I was at a birthday party last Saturday. I even stayed and there was cake.....and it was offered to me. I knew that I didn't want to work out on one of my off days and didn't have the calories for it so I did a totally radical thing.....I SAID NO!!!!

    Is it harder sometimes because I want to finish the food off the kid's plates? Yes!!! Do I want to eat some of the mac and cheese they are having? Of course (and sometimes I do and just account for it in my calories.

    But at some point everyone, kids or not, needs to acknowledge that this is your journey and no one made you overweight or made you eat like crap or made you overeat.....you did that to yourself!!! And I've had to learn, being a mother, that I need to make myself a priority and get healthy not only for me but as an example for my kid!!!

    And even if it's harder, it's not impossible and it's still an excuse!!!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    She should be setting an example for her kids. That's why I decided to get healthy...

    Just my opinion.

    I agree. If anything, she has more of a responsibility, and less of an excuse to have healthy eating habits to pass on to her children.
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    I see plenty of people on food blogs that have kids and they eat healthy. Lame excuse is lame lol
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    That's absolute bullsh*t

    She should be feeding her KIDS the healthy stuff too.

    The reason society is turning obese is because of the processed, sugary, salty foods that are "easy" and "fast".

    I think it's pretty fkn easy AND fast to boil some vegies and grill some fish.

    Geeeez people like that ANNOY me so much.!! She probably doesn't have time to fit in exercise either....(pffft)

    Usually these people are sitting in front of the TV for 4 hours a day eating chips and soft drink (soda).

    Sorry, that's harsh, but probably true!
  • Karenzky
    Karenzky Posts: 34 Member
    i have 4 kids , imagine every year 4 kids will have their birthday parties, cake, ice cream ,pizza, that's torture i know, but i decided not to give in with that thoughts , because i still want to see my kids celebrate their birthday in the next 20 years and more.

    the hardest part is how to start, it really takes a lot of will power not to gave in to the cravings but thinking how would you look, how would you fit in the dress you love is enough to say no to that cravings.

    its hard being fat, i don't even look at the mirror anymore, i was trying to apply for a job, they did not even interview me, just by looking at me they already rejected me, and that hurts, so i decided to do something for myself and that is to lose weight

    i know its still a long journey for me, but i know i can do it! we can do it!
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
    I'm sorry...I have 6 kids & yes, it is hard. But not impossible!! I have a " just for me" cabinet in the kitchen with my whey protien, raw revolution bars, etc. Likewise, the kids have their stuff that I don't touch. I workout at home with Jillian, weights, walk/jogging, etc. It can be done! Also, there can always be excuses if you let them inhibit you.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    That's absolute bullsh*t

    She should be feeding her KIDS the healthy stuff too.

    The reason society is turning obese is because of the processed, sugary, salty foods that are "easy" and "fast".

    I think it's pretty fkn easy AND fast to boil some vegies and grill some fish.

    Geeeez people like that ANNOY me so much.!! She probably doesn't have time to fit in exercise either....(pffft)

    Usually these people are sitting in front of the TV for 4 hours a day eating chips and soft drink (soda).

    Sorry, that's harsh, but probably true!

    LOL you sound like me
  • enyo123
    enyo123 Posts: 172 Member
    Mom of 3 here. Your friend is making excuses. If anything, children are MORE of a reason to eat better because you're providing an example. Birthday parties are a cop out. Just because you eat one piece of cake at an event doesn't mean that you have to doom yourself to a life of eating crap.

    Just like having children is an excuse for not exercising. If it's important, you make the time.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    Yeah blame the kids for your being fat! lol.....you know what I hear when people like her say stupid-rude things like that..I hear "wah-wah-wahwahwah-wahwah-wah-wahahwah" (like the charlie brown teacher) get real. And I have3 kids- 2 eat junk like garbage disposals but are rail thin- because thier young, active all the time. I dont eat thier junk food, lol
  • MerBear30
    MerBear30 Posts: 31 Member
    Fat Head - go watch it. You will realize we all have a choice on what we shove into our mouths ...
    That being said. Kids love fruits and veggies! Don't know what your friend could be talking about. Having kids doesn't mean you need to eat junk. Good habits by parents lead to good habits in children (with a few treats thrown in there of course).
  • monica4354
    monica4354 Posts: 22
    Total cop out excuse and a weak one at that.

    I have a kid. You go to the birthday parties and you skip the cake or you have one bite from your kid's plate. Don't hang around the food table. Grab a glass of water and make yourself one plate with good choices and don't go back for seconds. Go run around with the kids.

    My child doesn't always want to eat the healthiest stuff. I get to control what is brought in to the house. I only buy whole wheat bread, the chicken nuggets we buy are real chicken and baked, we always have fruits and veggies and they're served at every meal, organic when we can. I confess he gets several jelly beans a day because he's potty training and they're his reward for using the potty.
  • enyo123
    enyo123 Posts: 172 Member
    Is it harder sometimes because I want to finish the food off the kid's plates? Yes!!! Do I want to eat some of the mac and cheese they are having? Of course (and sometimes I do and just account for it in my calories.

    *gags* I have never gotten the finishing food off of my kid's plate. He's two. He backwashes in drinks, will sometimes use hands instead of utensils, etc. Plus, he often indicates that he is done by deciding that it's a good time to share his food with the puppies.

    It's just icky to me to eat off of my kid's plate. Of course, I also get irritated if the husband uses my fork. So maybe I'm just weird.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    What a load of crap! The kids aren't doing the grocery shopping. Nobody is forcing her to eat birthday party foods, and even if she did attend one daily, she can still eat in moderation and stay within her calorie goals.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    LOL I cook for my kid separate from me! EXCUSES!
  • Twilightsunflower
    Twilightsunflower Posts: 330 Member
    my daughter eats the good food we eat..she might get more snacks that i dont have like fruit gummies but that is about it... be an exapmle to your kids dont hide behind them!!
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I am a single mom...and my kid eats everything I eat right along side me....I think a healthier lifestyle...vs. rice cakes and celery wins every day! I am eating great food...lean protein...good veggies....and whole grains...I think it is a wonderful thing to teach my son in the long run...and having him never complain...its a win win situation!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I eat ice cream with my kids. They enjoy it.
  • twinmom430
    twinmom430 Posts: 457 Member
    I am a mother of 3 year old twins....I used it as an excuse not to eat healthy too....I said i didn't have the time to cook, exercise etc. Well in January I had a whole new way of thinking of things, I needed to set an example, how did I expect my kids to eat healthy while I was devouring cheeseburgers and ice cream.
    I work 12 hours a day, and still find time to make a healthy dinner and walk 2 miles at night. I always said I didn't have the time, but if you plan properly you can. Birthday parties etc aren't a problem for me, on special days/holidays i'll splurge as long as it's within my calories goals for the day. Everything is about pre-planning for me now. And almost 5 months later I've lost 42 lbs...and can proudly say I am setting a good example for my daughters.
  • Laurakbg
    Laurakbg Posts: 66
    My spidey-senses detect a typical excuse here. Don't worry about it.

    ^^^ agreed!! and I have 3 kids.