The one thing you stopped doing....



  • Started to focus on what foods will fuel my body rather than give me "empty" calories. Also, I workout to Beachbody programs which are amazing!
  • Counting calories and stopped eating breakfast.

    Breakfast is the MOST important meal that you can eat. It gets your metabolism moving as soon as you wake up, rather than just sitting there until you eat lunch. Think of your body/metabolism as a car, if a car has no fuel it will not go anywhere. Well, if your body has no fuel (food) your metabolism will not be burning any calories. I suggest you eat at least a protein bar for breakfast or at least within an hour of waking up. I'm not a fitness expert, or the most fit person in the world, but this is what I have learned studying fitness for the past ten years and being a part of the Beachbody industry.
  • juicymisslucy
    juicymisslucy Posts: 72 Member
    I stopped mindless grazing throughout the day. I started tracking everything I consume.....and Jillian Michaels started kicking my butt.
  • wolveslovemee
    wolveslovemee Posts: 156 Member
    Stopped doing ONLY cardio and started doing some strength training
    Ate less bread and cheese
    Increased protein

    Did shorter but effective workouts
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    Counting calories and stopped eating breakfast.

    Breakfast is the MOST important meal that you can eat. It gets your metabolism moving as soon as you wake up, rather than just sitting there until you eat lunch. Think of your body/metabolism as a car, if a car has no fuel it will not go anywhere. Well, if your body has no fuel (food) your metabolism will not be burning any calories. I suggest you eat at least a protein bar for breakfast or at least within an hour of waking up. I'm not a fitness expert, or the most fit person in the world, but this is what I have learned studying fitness for the past ten years and being a part of the Beachbody industry.
    Sorry, but what you said is wrong. Meal timing is irrelevant to your metabolism, as scientific studies have shown. We've also discussed it here many many times. Total calories/macronutrients for the day is what matters.
  • ajhr
    ajhr Posts: 92 Member
    I stopped seeing dietary fat as an enemy and started moving every day.
    I stopped believing that "diet" products count as food and started emphasising whole/barely processed foods.

    Food is much more satisfying and even tastes better these days :)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Counting calories and stopped eating breakfast.

    Breakfast is the MOST important meal that you can eat. It gets your metabolism moving as soon as you wake up, rather than just sitting there until you eat lunch. Think of your body/metabolism as a car, if a car has no fuel it will not go anywhere. Well, if your body has no fuel (food) your metabolism will not be burning any calories. I suggest you eat at least a protein bar for breakfast or at least within an hour of waking up. I'm not a fitness expert, or the most fit person in the world, but this is what I have learned studying fitness for the past ten years and being a part of the Beachbody industry.

    Bah ha ha ha ha. No.
  • Moyzilla
    Moyzilla Posts: 106 Member
    Stopped hitting the drive through.
  • pdj1220
    pdj1220 Posts: 175
    I gave up drinking and partying! :( MMMM, BEER! (In my best Homer Simpson voice) :tongue:
  • fatcatjack
    fatcatjack Posts: 29
    My first "baby step" and ONLY change my first month - no fast food. I lost 10 pounds in the first month. My second "baby step" and ONLY change in the second month - no soda. I lost another 10 pounds. 200 pounds later...lots of baby steps. No sugar, no caffeine, no soda, high protein, low carbs, clean eating, adding activity...all adds up to success.
  • chooly
    chooly Posts: 4
    stopped eating out and cooking all my own meals.

    cut out dairy.

    weight dropped instantly.
  • Tyler4846
    Tyler4846 Posts: 41
    Cranberry juice has just as many calories as a can of soda, just when you think you're replacing a bad with a good :(
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I stopped believing I couldn't do it, that I wasn't worth it, that I was just stuck being fat.
    I started working harder, being more strict with my intake, and treating my body like something valuable and not a receptacle of crappy food that doesn't provide it with the nutrients and fuel it needs.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Hmmm. Interesting question. Stopped overeating and started eating more healthy. Exercise has slowed progress on the scale but massively increased progress in other areas.... For instance I am now wearing clothes I last wore when I was 199 (size 38 pants) while I am currently 272 lbs... Muscle does weigh more per cubic inch. I still average 13-15 lbs wt. loss per month so I am good with that. It is about the body fat %
  • mamakira
    mamakira Posts: 366
    I stopped drinking redwine and eating chocolate in the evenings.
    I make better choices when I eat out.

    I don´t think I can go on without my redwine for a longer period but I do not miss the carb-loaded meals for lunch.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I stopped snacking late at night.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Breakfast is the MOST important meal that you can eat. It gets your metabolism moving as soon as you wake up, rather than just sitting there until you eat lunch. Think of your body/metabolism as a car, if a car has no fuel it will not go anywhere. Well, if your body has no fuel (food) your metabolism will not be burning any calories. I suggest you eat at least a protein bar for breakfast or at least within an hour of waking up. I'm not a fitness expert, or the most fit person in the world, but this is what I have learned studying fitness for the past ten years and being a part of the Beachbody industry.

    This is not true. Just like your car doesn't run out of gas just because it's nightime, neither does your body. Breakfast is great if you want or need it, but it is not necessary for health, fitness or weight loss.
  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    Stopped smoking.
    Started drinking more water.

    That's what I need to do :(
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    Stopped getting a huge drive thru sweet tea every day.

    Started working out.