Where do you stand with your weight loss right now..



  • MissSirToYou
    I don't have a "track." When I started on my weight loss mission I chose not to set a timeframe or a goal weight because I knew and understood how it was not something I could predict without growing to understand more about my body and how it responds. All I can say is that I am continuing to make progress. 121 lbs down.

    I think I'm going to have to adopt this frame of mind.
  • MarissaCB39
    MarissaCB39 Posts: 115 Member
    I've lost 1 lb per week even though I was originally set to lose 2 lbs per week, it didn't happen. I feel like I'm behind. :indifferent:
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    I am about on track. I have lost 23 lbs in 155 days..so about 1.5 lbs per week.
  • ksumme
    ksumme Posts: 283
    I am on track, but because I lost a bit faster at first. I want to lose 2 lbs a week, but lately haven't been hitting that. Still going the right direction, so that helps. Even though I am on target and happy with what I have done since December, I still HATE the way I look, and the numbers on the scale and tape measure.

    Not giving up, though. I feel SO much better. I can't imagine how good I will feel at a healthy weight.
  • sheri02r
    sheri02r Posts: 486 Member
    I don't have a timeline, but I'm happy with my progress, so I'm going to call that on track. :-) There have been some slow months along the way, but that's okay. The trend for my weight is always downward, and for fitness it's always upward.

    This is great. Congrats! I feel the same way. I had 11 pounds to lose when I started and I thought it would take me about 2 months to lose the weight. Six months later I'm still at it! I have 3 pounds left to go, so the finish line is in sight for me. I'm happy about the weight that I've lost, but more than that I'm grateful for the knowledge I've gained about food and fitness by being on this site.
  • gin_gin
    gin_gin Posts: 184
    you are definitely on track with 51 lbs down that's awesome!
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    I've been at this for a month and have lost 7lbs. I'd like to keep that pace.
  • ReneeElizabeth26
    Well I went back and logged my AWFUL day yesterday just to see...THREE THOUSAND CALORIES...I got up and did p90x Chest back and abs and walked an hour today...But still needless to say I am WAY behind
  • gin_gin
    gin_gin Posts: 184
    ksumme you're 55 lbs down that's Awesome that's a lot of hard work you can do it!
  • sensationallysassyt
    I'm Behind~ took a vacation and has since not gotten back on track~{{{{{{{{
  • faithstephenson
    faithstephenson Posts: 280 Member
    No, and Yes. From where I was in Nov. 2009, I have not lost at the rate I set for my goal calories. But, life has happened in the meantime, and I am still 100 pounds lighter than I was. I have built the habits that let me meets life's trials and not blow up like a balloon, so yes, I would day I'm on track. I have a goal weight, at which point I will reevaluate. When I started. I had mo idea what I would look like at 150, even though it isn't even technically in the 'healthy' BMI range. But already, I'm a size 14, almost 12, at right around 200 (I took this month off of the scale because it was making me crazy, so I don't really know how much I weigh till tomorrow). It will take me as long as it takes me, and I will have learned how to be disciplined even when treating myself.
  • gin_gin
    gin_gin Posts: 184
    1.5 lbs a week is great loss! keep up the good work
  • gin_gin
    gin_gin Posts: 184
    I'm about to go on vacation that is my fear LOL because Im behind from where I gained when I was sick
    that makes me dread it anymore
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    I am on track, down 21 lbs and hit the original weight goal I set for myself in Oct 2011 just this past weekend, however, with that being said now i'm greedy, I want more muscles and 5 lbs less fat so I'm forging ahead with a new goal of August 1st to get more muscles and less body fat.
  • thaislcrd
    thaislcrd Posts: 76 Member
    I'm on my 4th week and lost 16 lbs. Set my goal for 2 lbs week. So I guess I'm ahead for now, even though sometimes I eat what I'm not supposed to.
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,123 Member
    i am behind but thats ok as long as it goes away. due to minor injury, out of town trips (which caused me to to do well) i have gained, lost, and not changed.
  • Racheldt87
    Racheldt87 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm off track :(. I gained 10 lbs in Jan-Feb out of no where & can't lose it. I did workout about 4 times a week year round but since that wasn't helping I strarted Insanity 3 weeks ago & haven't lose any weight yet (nor missed a workout) so idk what's wrong with me!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'm right on track because idgaf anymore. As long as I am lifting 3x a week, walking daily, or doing a bit of extra cardio regularly AND not overeating I consider myself on track.
  • meechi53
    meechi53 Posts: 195 Member
    I feel I'm way behind due to this 6 week long plateau that I never accounted for. I figured I'd be at goal or closer to it by now. I was hoping to have 30 lbs lost by now, not 22.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    On track I guess, I still have ALOT to loose, but so far down 25 since I started about a month & a half ago.