Ladies - 160/170 trying to get to 130-ish



  • buckeyegirl0103
    buckeyegirl0103 Posts: 194 Member
    Me too! I'm 5'3'' and 174.5. My heaviest was about 210 (after kids) and I have been down to 140- would like to be 135 again, but we will see how I feel as I go down. I just joined MFP yesterday.
  • simplyAmanda89
    simplyAmanda89 Posts: 37 Member
    same weight loss goal, i hate working out. been doing zumba again though. add me!
  • Redheadllena
    Redheadllena Posts: 353 Member
  • Beautifylgirl
    Beautifylgirl Posts: 55 Member
    Please add me. I'm also in the same boat. 5'2 and 165 :( Heaviest so far
  • Skinny_Jeans_Soon
    Skinny_Jeans_Soon Posts: 326 Member
    I'm 5'8" currently 153 and am close to my first goal weight. I still have lots of trouble areas and have a smaller frame then I initially thought; so I would like to get down to a lower weight then 150. I want to be lean and have a great bf %. Right now I am at 27% and think if I get down to 20% my weight might be around 140ish.
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    At my heaviest was 163. I'm small-framed & 5' 3.5" tall. I have to throw that .5 in me, it counts to me. :wink: I got down to 140 at one point. I gained it all back. I started again & got down to 132. I gained most of it back, but not all. It's like I do really well for a while and then it all just goes south again. I've got to figure out how to make sure I don't gain again. This time, I'm running a lot more and am actually training to run in 5K's, 10K's, 1/2 marathons, & eventually marathons. I'm learning to love running...I always hated it before.

    You can see pictures on my page and feel free to friend me if you'd like (anyone, not just the OP). We're all in this fitness lifestyle together and we should all try to encourage one another.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member

    Normally when I post I get a few replies sometimes none at all. I feel overwhelmed with a good way. I added ALL that requested so hopefully we can all help each other.

    Let's do this!!
    I find eating well is my issue...I like calorie counting because I can eat what I want but just have to be careful how much and if it is worth it. Like that half a chocolate cake? Well that is a whole days worth of calories ... Do I really want to eat that and just that! Nope I want to space my meals out and make better choices. It all falls into place when you can SEE what you are doing to yourself.

    I <3 MFP!! I love that I have had success using the tools and I will have success again!!
  • Jessies_journey
    Jessies_journey Posts: 131 Member
    Feel free to add me :) 5.475" I started at 187 - now bouncing between 156-159 since January. Hope to someday get to 130 "ish"
  • CherokeeTopaz
    CherokeeTopaz Posts: 299 Member
    I'll be joining you all in about 2 months.. you'll all probably be almost done by then :/ Who am I gonna lose weight with after this baby is born?? lol
  • ccpowers
    ccpowers Posts: 203 Member
    Ok, add me to the list to please anyone. I am 5'1 , heaviest was 206, now flirting with 160's....very briefly, but really really need to get that down. Feel free to add me. It gets so frustrating when you 'think' you work so hard and don't actually see the numbers moving. I have done a test run with 30 DS and will be starting up again, hoping to tomorrow. And I depend on walking even though I feel as though I have fallen off the wagon the past week. Looking forward to new friends!
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    I'm 5'5 177 (Highest wt 185) I weighed 116 when I got married 26 yrs ago! Not looking to be at 116 again. I keep gaining/losing 6-7 lbs. Got down to 168 last fall by really monitoring my food portions and eating whole/real food....need to get back to doing that
  • danadew18nj
    danadew18nj Posts: 30 Member
    Anyone is more than welcome to add me as a friend! Just shoot me a msg and a request :)
  • WannaLoseit101114
    I am a little heavier than 170s but I am trying to loose 45 lbs can I join? :smile:
  • mum2paris
    mum2paris Posts: 25
    Hi all, would love to join in here too. Really trying to change my eating habits, I know that I'm a terrible snacker, especially if I'm bored or tired so trying to combat those things too so that the cycle is stopped. Have been back and forth alot in last 10 yrs.

    Was a gymnast in high school so always sat at about 121, moved outta home, got bored on days off from work so ate (I love to bake, and I love to eat baking).. went right up to about 176. Started my nursing training, ate regularly, didn't have time to bake, slept well, plus stress of studying, it all fell off me, back to 121 within the first year without too much trying (was much younger). that stayed off even through having 2 children, stress of them and running around after them,plus still studying, went down to 112. Was too little, despite eating like a horse! But of course, started working as a nurse, and have had odd sleeping times, random meal times, and feel tired alot of the time, so would reach for the first sugary goodness that I laid eyes on. In my first 2 years I gained about 22lb. Lost a baby and kinda just started eating when I was down as well.. so here I am. Wanting to get back to the mid 120's if possible but would be happy with 130. Feeling like I'm getting my head back in the game, and being sensible about planning meals for work, and healthy snacks too. Have been at it about a week and feeling really good, and actually far less tired despite shift work - just because I have cut out all of sugary junk and opted for healthy snacks instead.

    So that's me. :happy:
  • ThinMint_Stac
    ThinMint_Stac Posts: 59 Member
    i am 5'5.5" and started at 173...hoping for 130ish:)
  • hduston
    hduston Posts: 61 Member
    I'm 5'6" and 162.5 (yes, I finally lost .5 lbs). I have done Weight Watchers in the past and got down to 137 lbs (but it was really a result of severe anxiety/depression and not because of health eating or exercising or WW - not a healthy loss and definitely didn't feel "fit") and then I've gained it back (and then some) over the past 2 years. I'd like to get down to 145 lbs because I feel that's realistic for me and something I can maintain. Love to join this group and help us support each other!
  • mini72
    mini72 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi everyone

    I am 170lbs and my first goal is about 140.Feeling a bit disillusioned today so really need some encouragement!

    Feel free to add me.
  • Grissay
    Grissay Posts: 112 Member
    I'm 5'5", 172 lb (started at 215) and my goal is 130-140. Add me, I like new friends :)
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    My first official weigh in tomorrow...well later today technically.
    I love the beginning when you can see your hard work paying off! Once I get to around 10lbs left to lose things come to a screeching halt!
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    i have similar goals, feel free to add me.