barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member

:flowerforyou: Welcome to the place for support and encouragement on your weight loss and fitness journey.

:flowerforyou: The title says Women ages 50+ but all women are welcome.

:flowerforyou: You can be part of this supportive family just by posting and returning regularly to join the discussions, ask your questions, and share what’s on your mind.

:flowerforyou: How have you done with the goals and resolutions you set for May?

:flowerforyou: What goals and resolutions have you chosen for June?

:flowerforyou: It’s never too late to make positive changes in your life……never, never, never give up.

:heart: Barbie from NW Washington

June Resolutions:
*walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
*100 lunges a day
*weight training three days a week
*planks every day
*17,000 steps a day
*Act the way I want to feel
*Come from a place of love

"The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

"The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."


  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 896 Member
    Hmmm, I know last moth (May) I worked hard but didn't lose any weight! I am so frustrated, that I am working so hard, and staying under most the time and not losing!!
    So for the month of June I so want to lose 10 lbs!!

    I do want to add more weights, and start toning!
    I will add more as I think of it,
    Much Success,
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 896 Member
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    :bigsmile: Thanks Barbie!!!
    June Goals
    Yoga 2 x a week
    Gym 2-3 x a week
    Water water water!!!
    1200 Calories a day
    Check in everyday to MFP :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Kat :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I'm in : )
  • dnish53
    dnish53 Posts: 162 Member
    Hi I just joined MFP and this looks like a group for me.

    My goals for June
    Stay on track with my nutrition.
    Boot Camp 3x a week.
    12,000 steps/day
    Planks 4 times/week
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Nancy - I agree with you on spending more money on a parka. I remember I spent a fair amount of money on coats so that I got good ones that would keep me warm.

    Don't ask me to explain this, but I woke up early this morning so I did all three of the levels of the 30 Day Shred. I guess it took me about 75 minutes. I don't do the cooldown until the end. I started out with levels 2 and 3, was going to see how I felt. I felt pretty good so I did level 1. Tomorrow I'll do a downloadable spin workout that I have.

    jellyfishjen - There are times when I do substitute applesauce like in spice cakes. But in plain white or butter cakes or even yellow cakes you can taste a hint of the apples. I've also substituted it for the oil in brownies, but you can taste just a slight hint of the applesauce. I was hoping for something even plainer, don't know how buttermilk would be or even low fat yogurt (plain). Anyone have any suggestions?

    Nancy - how wonderful that you can start to put some weight on your foot! I'm doing a happy dance just for you.

    rrphillips - thanks so much for the link. I added it to my favorites as I think I'll probably be referring back over and over to it. I never thought of mayonnaise as an oil substitute. They did mention the yogurt. One time I put some greek yogurt in a cake mix and that made it on the heavy side. Good flavor, just not great consistency. So I know that in a cake mix I have to use just the regular unflavored yogurt.

    Laura - I'm so sorry your hubby has IBS. Maybe the site that rrphillips gave me will give you some ideas of things that you can use to substitute in place of oil. I also make these pumpkin spice muffins. Basically, it's spice cake mix, mix in a can of pumpkin, bake the muffins at 350 for 30 min. You really can't taste the pumpkin with the spices. Now I have put pumpkin in brownie mix to substitute for the oil and eggs, the brownies came out quite moist but you could taste a hint of the pumpkin. Vince, of course, wouldn't eat them. I personally didn't think they were bad at all. On another note: our neighbor had their house on the market for a year. They wanted to move to SC. Seems that this couple who had lived in this neighborhood but moved to SC were selling their house so they traded with my neighbor. She works about an hour from here, so they now have the house back on the market. They felt they'd have a better chance of selling it up here.

    dalbrown - welcome. You've come to the right place for motivation and support, that's for sure

    alwaysnancy - so sorry about your coworkers. How sad!

    To everyone who mentionied the applesauce, I've always substituted equal amount of applesauce as the recipe calls for oil and I've never had a problem with the consistency.

    Just got back from our local theater. A couple friends of ours had tickets to see "The Full Monty" . It was very good. I knew where we were going to have dinner, so originally I was going to have this black bean burger. While I was there I saw these crab cakes on the appetizer menu and another hummus which looked like it came with lots of veges. But I had already logged in the burger. I kept remembering what Barbie says about sticking with what you have planned, so I got the burger. It is actually quite good. My son used to work at this restaurant so I know that it's a Morningstar Black Bean veggie burger.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Friday 1st June 2012 First day of Winter (for me)

    June = DD 21st birthday on the 21st. DH birthday on the 22nd. I have booked us to go on our first ever cruise, a 3 day cruise to no where is how its advertised. A comedy cruise, we go out to sea and back again. DD did not want the big party so a family holiday instead. Will have a small family dinner including Nan on 21st cruise departs on 22nd.

    June goals = stay on top of things and don't let them get the better of me.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi all I'm back!!

    Hopefully we'll get a new internet provider soon so won't have to limit myeself on the net.

    Pleased to say I've lost another llb (I know it's not much, but every little helps) :bigsmile:

    My goals for June are:

    Read SWSS and SWSY
    Start the exercises and get the weights asap
    Drink Water!

    Need to catch up with the last few weeks of the May part 2 thread, see how you are all doing :smile:

    I've booked a week off work and typical the weather has changed from bright sunshine to rainy/gloomy I should have known better than take some time off near a bank holiday! Lots of celebrations for the Queen's jubilee are happening this weekend., so I need to be doubly careful I don't sabotage myself!

    :flowerforyou: Missed you all - glad I'm back and thanks to Barbie for keeping the thread going. :drinker:

    Right .... going to catch up :heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning my friends and happy June (reading that back makes it sound like I'm saying a hello to a jolly lady called June!)

    Wanted to mark my spot before we go out for the day. We are heading down to Arundel to scatter late father-in-laws ashes, not sure when I'll be back - hopefully not too late as we both have work tomorrow. After that we have three days off for the jubilee weekend - god bless our old queen!

    Catch up with you all later and hope you have good and healthy days.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'm 50 on 8th June......guess that now makes me eligible to join! :wink: :wink:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Hello everyone, I've have to say I'm so lucky to have this post. I started here in 2008, and lost 30 pounds. I searched and searched different posts and tried to fit in, but most of the time I felt alone.

    Then one day all these lovely ladies started popping up for another site and join MFP, and this post was created. We had a blast.

    Barbie I can not express how great you are to keep this post going. I can't remember when this posted started exactly, but I know it has been years.

    This is home to me. All the other post I could never relate.

    So, as like some, when I left for a bit, I was not sure if I would find WOMEN AGES 50+ AGAIN. How wonderful it was to still find it. So, of my friends are still active on it and that is another great thing. :drinker:

    I have had some rocky moments in my life, but this post always brings me back. I have never felt ashamed because I feel off the wagon, then, dropped off for good. Every time I came back I just felt hey, I messed up. Life throws me all kinds of curve balls. So why feel guilty about starting again.

    So, I'm in a better place now. I still have family worries, lost my wonderful Mom and Dad that has short term memory loss, and heart problems that keeps me busy making sure he is in a safe and a healthy place. But, I have sisters that also help with that, I'm just the one they call, when a problem arises.

    Plus, a son who chose drugs instead of his family. I'm at the tough love stage of that situation. Very sad, I am in therapy for it and coping as best I can. I have taken over with the visits to see my grandchildren. He has not really had them for a few months. I have established a great relationship with my grand children mom. I now know what she went through because my son stayed with us for 1 1/2 years. He just stayed in his room. Tried Rehab did not work. He came back in a week, Said he was going to kick I him self. Yea, that lasted a week. He just did not want to quit. He is a working drug addict. Good job. Don't know how he i doing it. He spends most of his money on his habit. But, he will break soon. I have come to terms with it. I do have a heavy heart, and we really tried to help support and money wise. But, he was just darning us dry. Hubby is retired, so a fixed income in not easy to just dish out money. We have even dipped into our retirement savings to help. But, enough of that. I just wanted to let ya all know why sometimes I get down.

    On a happy note I am staying on track and staying positive.

    We have 4 grandchildren, 2 from my husband and 2 from me. My husbands grand daughter ( she is mine also in my eyes I have had her since she was born) just want to clarify the craziness. Well she is graduating from High School tomorrow.. That will be exciting, I am so proud of her. She is going to be an electrician.

    So I have this dress, that I so need to fit into. :bigsmile: I love it. I've worn it before and feel great in it.

    Well, enough of that.

    My goal for June is to keep logging in.
    To stay in the moment, one day at a time.

    Kathy (plantlady)

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • walker001
    walker001 Posts: 116 Member
    Good Morning all and Happy June. It is overcast and cool here in Cape Breton N.S. Had a long walk yesterday so after it clears up hubby and I will go out and work in the yard.

    My goals for June.

    Log in everyday
    Water, water,water,
    walk 5-6 days a week
    try and motivate myself to do some strenght training.

    I have been on MFP since March 20 and I am losing however slowly.
    but at least I am losing.

    Have a good day all

  • margaretat
    I come into this group periodically but need to set my goal this month to actually get to my goal weight. I'm not far away and even though I didn't want to lose a great deal of weight I already notice this difference in my attitide and ability to move. It is wet, rainy and windy here is southwestern Ontario. My cat is sitting on my desk on top of my work so I guess I'll have to move her soon (but she seems so content). Oh well, back to the daily grind. :laugh:
  • tr853
    tr853 Posts: 7 Member
    Happy June. May did not go well for me, I help my daughter with her real estate busines & she is so busy we did lots of eating out. She is still really busy so I had better watch what I eat. June goals are not eating out all the time & getting back to more walking. Good luck everyone!:drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy June! I hope to keep walking. I set a goal for 12500 steps aday for our work walking thing that starts in the middle of June. I really need to get back to it. I am so frustrated with my life right now that I am doing the things I want and should be doing. I feel like such a failure.

    Sorry to be a downer. Oh well Have a fantabulous Friday all.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."

    Really? I experience that temptation all the time.

    I hope to meditate every day and to do some kind of activity every day, consistent with what I can do at the moment.
  • laporter62
    laporter62 Posts: 73 Member
    i would love to join your group. i turned 50 on 15th april this year and since then i have struggled and lost my mojo
    i am from melbourne and winter has officially started today 1 june
    tomorrow morning its time to get back on track again

    my goals are
    gym- 3-4 times per week
    water - lots of it
    log in and log my food every day, no excuses

    happy to be friends with anyone who woud like to be friends
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :glasses: Welcome Summer & Happy June with a TGIF thrown in! (except those of you that are starting winter:sad: )

    Just caught up the goals, sounds like a lot of us are determined to make some serious headway toward those goals....WE CAN DO IT!

    Kathy(plantlady) thank you for the update in your life, sorry you are living the soap opera of life but glad you are back here with us:flowerforyou: We will support you in all you encounter, so hand in there and let's conquer this month of June:drinker:

    Yesterday being the end of the month I had such plans for wrapping it up with a serious bit of exercise...well that didn't happen...

    On my way home hubby called to say our darling two grandsons emptied a gallon of bubble bath on the carpet in the master bedroom when they were supposed to be taking a nap:huh: and our DIL had requested our carpet cleaner so as soon as I got home I took in my bag and the dog and turned around and got in the truck with hubby for a return trip in the traffic I had just passed. DIL had prepared dinner for us so spinach salad and spaghetti with a meatless sauce with veggies and meatballs on the side. There was no way for me to accuratly calculate the calories so last nights dinner was a total guess:ohwell: Hubby worked on the carpet for an hour and when we left there was still another hour of work to go on it...that spot of carpet so sooooo clean:noway:

    Well my May goals, not sure how I really did but I know that it was better than ever before because I kept a spreadsheet with what I did daily...so on with June

    30 days = wall push ups (will graduate to girly if I get to 15 days of 100 each)
    14 days- eliptical
    16-21 days= stationary bike (that's what I used during the work week)
    9-14 days=outside bike rides (on weekends weather permiting)
    7 days= kettlebell workouts
    30 days = squats of 50 (100 would be better)

    I wrote it down have entered it in the computer...Let the month of June begin:drinker:

    Everyone have a good day, let's get attacking this month, we can do it...log your food, drink your water and let's keep moving

  • laniwolford
    laniwolford Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone, just started this last Saturday. Had lost 2 lbs then checked 3 days ago and it said I ganed 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sad: I have noticed I am retaining fluid especially in my hands so maybe that is why. I weighed this am and lost 3 but hands still swollen:cry:
    my June goals are: get >15000 steps a day and 14 floors
    drink more water
    try stength training kind of hard for me cause I have limited use of my right arm.
    running with the wii fit 45 min a day and doing water exercises
    lose 5 pounds:happy:
    Have a great day everyone. Lani
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Ahh yes, here's June. Almost summer! :flowerforyou: Thanks Barbie, for continuing the thread.

    So many of us doing push-ups, how impressive! :love:

    Laura, I started out doing 50-100 counter push-ups for a few months then graduated to girlie ones, so don't dismay. I could barely do 1 last year! Now I can do 3 sets of 11 or 12.

    And Kat, you did 8 of the manly buggars, wow.

    Faye, you might start with wall or counter push-ups and build up slowly. I like what your hubby said, lol.

    T-Rex Hates Push Ups! :laugh:

    Kackie, 2 miles in 22 minutes, that is absolutely astonishing! Good for you!

    Nancy, how exciting about your foot! :bigsmile: Oh, I recently read Hunger Games, loved it! Waiting for the 2nd book which I have on hold at the library. Thought about you and your DH yesterday as I was picking radishes. :wink:

    Oh dear Laura, that's so sad about the house and all. :cry: I feel your every worry and fear, as I'm facing very similar circumstances. It's possible we won't be able to keep our house, either, which sends me over the edge with frustration. I'm trying like heck to not freak out, but yesterday after paying bills I just kind of lost it. Hate this! :explode: Trying to remain positive and not let worry get the best of me. Sending good thoughts your way. :flowerforyou:

    Time to get rolling. SWSY here I come. Happy Friday everyone.

    :smile: jb