Do you peek at grocery carts to see what other people buy?



  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    Yep, I really like people watching... I guess Im a creep :embarassed:

    Seeing fit people with healthy foods in their carts really motivate me to keep the junk out of mine. As many other people have said, I feel uncomfortable when I see overweight families buying ****ty food... I was never taught good eating habits by my parents (I never went hungry though, they did their best) so I know how hard a future these children are going to have trying to break these habits. :frown:
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Haha, nope. I'm usually just in, get what I want and go. Not worried about what other people are buying!
  • rcillo219
    rcillo219 Posts: 76 Member
    I am a nosey grocery shopper lol but not so much with other peoples carts. I tend to stare (I can't even lie it's not a peek lol) at the peoples food who are checking out in front of me and deciding if my cart looks as good/bad as theirs does. But when I cart creep I do get good dinner ideas sometimes or new veggie ideas and whatnot.
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    Yeah, I'm a total cart creeper
  • bunnyfufu2012
    Yes, all of the time.

    No offense, but when I see an obese person with a cart full of processed junk, it kind of makes me want to say something.
    I notice people checking my cart out too so it's mutual.
    Yay for food police...I'm sorry sir your too fat you don't need chips.:grumble: why do all these people get satisfaction from judging people? I'm obese and I shouldn't have to apologize for it. And if the person likes bad food who the hell are you to be the whistle blower. Im trying to lose weight for me not to make other people happy.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    I totally do. :laugh:

    I also giggle to myself when I have really weird combinations in the short check out line, wondering what people think about my bottle of wine, ranch dressing, and plastic bags....
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I sometimes pick up random items off shelves and put them in other people's grocery carts and then try to walk away with their cart.

    That is awesome. My son does that to me... "wait a minute!! I don't remember putting water ballons in my cart."
    I'm 36 going on 7.
  • chelsa1986
    chelsa1986 Posts: 71
    If I'm bored in the checkout line, yes. Honestly, I tend to numb out in public, I hardly notice anyone! My husband laughs because he'll ask if I saw the ______ in the hideous _______ or whatever, and I always say no.
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    No, I have never ever conciously looked in someone else's trolley. Not interested.

    I used to work on a checkout can't help but notice then. Never saw any hugely overweight person buying lots of junk food. Then again, I live in Ireland....most people bought a LOT of potatoes. :laugh:
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    no kids, huh? or else you must shop without them.

    I am very focused on getting in and out asap. no time to worry about others.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Yes, and sometimes it gives me ideas on what to buy.
  • newking
    newking Posts: 70 Member
    I love how it is only overweight families who are being judged for buying crap. :ohwell: Because we all know that is ALL they eat junk food and processed boxed meals.

    I look sometimes to get ideas, I wonder what people think of my cart sometimes. I am always convinced people think I must be faking buying all the veg I do. I'm a big ole fat lady I can't possibly eat vegetables!
  • chelsa1986
    chelsa1986 Posts: 71
    No, I peek in people's food diaries intead :P

    LOL! I just joined a few days ago, when I saw that diaries could be made public I was in lurker heaven! To be fair, I made mine public, too.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I always have. It's interesting to see what people are buying.
  • JediMaster_intraining
    JediMaster_intraining Posts: 903 Member
    I check out people's carts in the line sometimes. Just outta curiosity.

    I mainly drive my cart through the store around people pretending I'm the coolest grocery shopper of all time.
  • babycook
    babycook Posts: 172 Member
    Yes. So do my kids. They whine why can't we get that. They want junk instead of healthy food. I've also been complimented on how healthy I eat by total strangers.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I love to see their faces when I take a picture of my food on the checkout counter cause its all healthy and beautiful... and then I glance in their cart. And they look at all my food, and its gonna feed me for two weeks, and it comes out to $30 including the chicken and brie and crackers, and lots of fresh veggies and salmon and nuts and milk and eggs and such. And they look at their cart, and its full of sugary cereals and fruit roll ups and 4 bags of chips and 4 3 liters of coke and spaghetti-os and kraft macncheese and the generic 2 gallon bucket of fudge ripple ice cream, and some ramen noodles and an entire section for cold foods -meaning microwave dinners. And it comes to like 150. And itll last them a week.

    And then we look at each other. And then I save my picture on my phone and upload it to my blog with pride.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Yep, but not for the usual reasons...I look to see if someone has a lot of diapers and enfamil, juice, dairy...WIC items.
    Great for them, but it really slows down the line. I just want to get out of the store by the time I'm in line!
  • HannahDiaz25
    HannahDiaz25 Posts: 104
    Ok, I have to admit that sometimes I notice what others are buying. I love to people watch. Its interesting to me to see the people who do fill their carts with junk food. I've noticed that they usually look like they probably couldnt afford expensive food items. BUT I think this is just laziness or just sheer lack of knowledge about healthy foods.
    My parents had ten children, and my dad did a ton of charity work, so we didnt have much of an income. My mom was very health conscious. She bought bulk brown rice, dried beans, frozen bulk veggies, bananas and apples etc. Not a single one of my siblings is heavy and we owe it to her for being willing to take the time to prepare healthy, wholesome meals. I think that laziness is what leads people to by processed pre-made foods. That goes hand in hand with refusing to work out. Walking is pretty much free...jogging just requires a pair of decent shoes, yoga books can be rented from a wights and exercise balls arent that expensive.
    I think with proper planning and willingness to COOK anyone can eat a fairly healthy diet. Brown rice and beans and chicken are way better for you then cheetos and frozen pizza. A couple dollars worth of these will feed you for days...try eating a couple dollars worth of corn dogs for days. Sorry if I'm harsh. I just get so tired of hearing people complain that they can afford junk food...If they were willing to work for it they could eat healthy. We live in such a lazy, instant gratification culture!
  • Devolucien
    Devolucien Posts: 55 Member
    This is someone with an eating disorder's worst nightmare. The people on this post that are making judgemental comments about what are in other people's carts, are what cause a lot of ED patients to have panic attacks....

    This makes me sick... seriously.
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