Do you peek at grocery carts to see what other people buy?



  • soonersgurl
    at times i wish i didnt have to see what others are buying to feed to themselves and their kids. its mostly junk, unless i'm in whole foods, trader joes, etc. love those stores! i'll even ask in the healthfood stores about a certain product if i see it in someones basket if i really dont know what it is. but in other stores like super walmarts, etc..i can't help but want to express to few people of what it could cause, when alls i see is JUNK in their carts, and having 3 little kids surrounding them putting additional junk into it. i dont judge by anymeans, but it just makes me sad knowing what i know about the health industry. we all slip and fall a few times, but that much unhealthy mess is stripping their own lives as well as hurting their kiddos health in the long run.
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    OMG yes!!! and I tell my hubby, look u can tell that guy is single by what he's got in his cart~! LOL
  • Dlopez678
    Dlopez678 Posts: 97
    I think it is sad that you all have the time to judge people. If you were looking for ideas, or to see you forgot items I can understand as sometimes when things are on the belt it will remind me I too need something. But to think that people actually JUDGE people ... based too on that persons dimensions ... sad. Very sad!

    My family eats really well, but I am large. So when I have a party or something, and I go the shops to get chips and soft drink and what not for my guests, are you saying that because you see that stuff in my cart you assume I am a bad mum (if I am with my kids, or am this size because I eat like that)? COME ON. This is rubbish.

    Seriously guys, if you took the same amount of time to try and know or love someone as you spend judging them the world will be a much better place ..........

  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    ALWAYS! Especially when I see a VERY overweight person, walking around with a cart full of junk. I love knowing thats not me anymore! I also love walking around seeing a fit person with nothing but produce in their cart. :)

    How do you feel when you see a fat person walking around with a cart full of produce? Or a skinny/fit (it can be hard to tell in street clothes) with a cart full of junk?

    I honestly don't understand why it would make you feel anything either way. *shrug*
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    I do... but then I look at mine and it looks very odd. I get our meat, cheese, milk, eggs, nut butters and quite a few veggies from a CSA, so my cart tends to be a random hodgepodge of supplementary veggies, grains of various sorts, granola bars, dessert items and some snacks - chips and such. I only go to the grocery store about once every other week.... I probably look like I live on snacks, granola bars grains and fruit.... oh well!
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    I used to be paranoid that people were checking out my shopping basket but then I convinced myself that nobody in the world gives a damn.

    Guess I'm back to hiding my protein bars under a magazine again. :ohwell:

    True. I didn't think anyone cared what was in my cart until this thread. haha.
  • duplicitous
    duplicitous Posts: 82 Member
    Nope. I never knew other people did it, either.

  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    My sister just graduated from college so I made her a "Real World Survivor Kit" as a gift. Along with simple medications, toiletries and cleaning supplies, I also got her FOOD! She eats healthy but since it would sit for a few days until I saw her, it was mainly boxes of pasta (whole wheat), jars of sauce, pop-tarts (on sale for $.89! Broke college kids will eat anything lol!) those bags of instant rice and instant noodles. I felt the cashier would judge me so I even explained it was for my sister who just graduated :-) LOL
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    I took a picture of the lady infront of me in line the other night... she was only buying three items: a box of frozen White Castle burgers, a bottle of wine and a box of cupcakes.

    She must have had a rough day.

  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I sometimes pick up random items off shelves and put them in other people's grocery carts and then try to walk away with their cart.
  • LemonJADE
    LemonJADE Posts: 89 Member
    I do this all the time. It's interesting, sometimes you find yourself judging them on their food purchases and then realise they could d the same to you! It is funny when you see someone buying for a restaurant with 50 loaves of bread or something ridiculous like that.
  • quie618
    quie618 Posts: 102 Member
    Yes and I always see chips and cans or 2L bottles of soda.

    I wonder about the people who buy 6 big bags of chips at a time...

    srsteier - they're probably commenting because they have to weigh and look up most of that stuff... :P

    If we're having people over for a BBQ, we usually have bags of chips and soda in our cart although that's NEVER normal shopping.

    Last couple of times we had people over, I made a big fruit salad with fresh sliced strawberries and blueberries and I had to force feed it to everyone. People were practically fighting over the cookies that another guest brought.
  • carrollel
    carrollel Posts: 57 Member
    THIS is exactly why i feel insecure about the 1 or 2 "crap" items i buy for my fiance...and also when i tried the atkisn thing, your supposed to eat things that are not "low-fat" your supposed to eat that butter or whole milk cheese, etc. so that diet phase made me super insecure at the grocery store!

    but i am guilty as well...
  • TheirEllie82
    TheirEllie82 Posts: 162 Member
    I not only look in their carts but I will comment on their food also...but it is mainly to ask how to prepare something in their cart
  • TheirEllie82
    TheirEllie82 Posts: 162 Member
    I sometimes pick up random items off shelves and put them in other people's grocery carts and then try to walk away with their cart.

    That is awesome. My son does that to me... "wait a minute!! I don't remember putting water ballons in my cart."
  • MoreThanMommie
    MoreThanMommie Posts: 597 Member

    I can't stand that show. I don't think it's funny... most of the time. That was hilarious!! :laugh:
  • Crystal_LeeDee
    I don't really care what other people are doing and I could care less about what anyone thinks of my choices either. But, to each their own.

    It has never once crossed my mind. Even standing in line I don't even pay attention like that. I have to shake my head at how judgmental some people become just because they now log onto this site.
  • Mama_Jag
    Mama_Jag Posts: 474 Member
    I do it, too. And sometimes I judge. Hey, none of us are perfect.

    What makes me the most sad is the overweight women with nothing in their carts but Lean Cuisines, Smart Ones and Diet Coke. I just want to tell them to eat real food, that's it's ok! :o)

    I also notice families when I am out (anywhere). Heavy parents tend to have heavy kids. That is not a coincidence.
  • Jenncoc86
    Jenncoc86 Posts: 203 Member
    I don't look I judge,lol
  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    In my redneck town it is mostly Slim Jims & beer!
    YUMMMMM :) haha

    I must admit although I love people watching, I've never really spied on others shopping carts! I'm sure I will start now!
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