Do you peek at grocery carts to see what other people buy?



  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    I do. All the time. Usually at the checkout line. I'm not making judgements, just being nosie.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    LOL if people look in our cart at the grocery store they must be horrified.
    We buy all of our fruits/veggies/meat/eggs at a market near us that only sells those things, once a month we take a trip to the grocery store to stock up on things like almond milk, maybe some cereal, coffee, some snacky stuff etc, our grocery store trip must look terrible but we actually eat really healthful things like 95% of the time!
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    But now I try to remind myself that I don't know their story and I try not to judge.

    Exactly, they could be on a diet that these things fit into - it may be working for them, it coould be for someone else and they could have recovered from an eating disorder. And this has been said before (and i know im gonna be *****ed at) but people being judgemental *kitten* can be a trigger for recovered ED sufferers!

    So can going to the grocery store. Or reading threads about food. Or being on a weightloss site....there are lots of triggers.

    It's not the job of everyone else to change for someone recovering from an's the job of the person recovering from the ED to change. That's the point of recovery.

    Now go ahead and swear at me and call me names, but it's the truth.
    I swear when i'm angry but calling anyone names would be hypocritical since the reason I'm typing this is due to my anger at people who judge others by their weight and eating habits...
    Well people negatively judging someones eating habits is pretty high risk if you ask me. But its just downright *****y to judge people on what they buy. To be honest, i've begun shopping online to avoid this kind of crap. No i don't have an ED but i'm "a fat slob who eats too much - and what i shouldn't be eating that", according to people who judge us on what we buy. This enrages me. People need to cop on and concentrate on their own lives instead of judging what others are buying.

    How dare people think things about you! And make logical connections between what you're buying and what you weigh! God, the NERVE. What a bunch of judgey judy's, huh?

    When I see thin people with carts full of crap, I think about how lucky they are and they aren't going to be thin much longer if they keep it up. Do I have all the information about that person? Nope. Who cares? I am making a snap judgement based on the information presented to me. That judgment affects the person buying crap... how? Unless you're a mind reader, I think it's safe to say that what I am thinking is none of your business.

    Saying it's bad to NEGATIVELY judge people you see is, frankly, the stupidest thing I have ever heard. You can say that it's wrong to be an *kitten* about what your judgement is (whether a person is healthy/unhealthy or whatever) but you WILL NOT go through life with a positive impression of every single person you meet in every encounter.

    Yeah obviously your thoughts are your own business. Its when they're NOT kept to yourself that makes it a problem. Not everyone's healthy but there's no reason to look down on them either!

    There IS a reason to look down on people who eat themselves to death. I judge smokers, too.

    But I would never say anything to that person or around that person. That's just bad manners.
    TRISTAR Posts: 105 Member
    I'm not interested in what other people buy. Not really sure why I should be either.
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    No, and I never knew people did that at all until MFP and a thread just like this months ago.
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I'm not interested in what other people buy. Not really sure why I should be either.

  • newking
    newking Posts: 70 Member

    wow, my bad, I thought we were discussing the same thing. I was trying to bring it back around to the positive note that most people here are proud of their evolution and can see their progress just by being around other shoppers.

    Skinny people get crap too, but Im starting to think that healthy people must be the most judged people ever!

    We cant fill our carts up with healthy food without someone stink eye-ing us about how we are making them look bad.
    We cant order a salad at a fas food restaurant when everyone else is ordering big giant burger combos without getting sneers and eyes rolled at us.
    We cant skip dessert at a restaurant without being called obsessed.
    We cant lift weights, run marathons, jump around the playground with kids, enjoy our food or wear what we want or be proud of ourselves, love ourselves and be happy about our lives because someone is already offended by our mere presence.

    We know the difference between looking in someone's cart and silently thinking,oh thats interesting, and saying something out loud and damaging when we have no idea what the story is. Hell I KNOW they probably have a cart full of pizza rolls becasue they are having a 7 year olds birthday party this weekend and 40 kids are coming. Explains the jugs of lemonade and all the hot dogs too I bet. Thats why we dont say anything.

    But we take note in our head because we have worked hard for sooooooooo long to become aware.


    Being aware and noting your surroundings and the choices of people around you, is not being malicious and hateful. Its learning.

    Life is the constant adaptaton to your environment. If you dont observe your environment, how can you know how you need to adapt? Honestly.

    I guess no one wins the poor me Olympics today huh? Thin/fat/healthy doesn't matter you just can't win.

    I am proud of where I have come from, but I judge that on what is in my own cart, not in someone else's cart.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    How dare people think things about you! And make logical connections between what you're buying and what you weigh! God, the NERVE. What a bunch of judgey judy's, huh?

    When I see thin people with carts full of crap, I think about how lucky they are and they aren't going to be thin much longer if they keep it up. Do I have all the information about that person? Nope. Who cares? I am making a snap judgement based on the information presented to me. That judgment affects the person buying crap... how? Unless you're a mind reader, I think it's safe to say that what I am thinking is none of your business.

    Saying it's bad to NEGATIVELY judge people you see is, frankly, the stupidest thing I have ever heard. You can say that it's wrong to be an *kitten* about what your judgement is (whether a person is healthy/unhealthy or whatever) but you WILL NOT go through life with a positive impression of every single person you meet in every encounter.

    How is it anyone's business what's in someone else's cart. The only reason that I can see for looking at someone else's cart is because the looker wants to feel superior about something. No matter what justification a person uses, it's no one's damn business if I'm at the register with 2 bottles of wine, a bar of chocolate, a pack of condoms and some coconut oil or lettuce, cucumbers, a pack of chicken breasts, and some coconut oil (that *kitten* is multi purpose).
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I guess no one wins the poor me Olympics today huh? Thin/fat/healthy doesn't matter you just can't win.

    I am proud of where I have come from, but I judge that on what is in my own cart, not in someone else's cart.

    I hate the poor me Olympics. Take your obstacles and jump over them to the awesome side. Dont stop and hug your problems, right?
    this is why I judge the hell out of my own cart.

    There are so many times that I put back half the stuff I put in it, just because I know I dont need it, and it feels like that game on Sesame Street- one of these things is not like the others... ya know?

    also- i think that marinade was coffee peppercorn- thats usually the one I get.
  • Josh
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