Do you peek at grocery carts to see what other people buy?



  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    All the time!
  • tlamarch
    tlamarch Posts: 105
    hmmm, I never knew people where peeking in my cart , I feel so Vulnerable lol, but for real I didnt know people checked out my cart
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    I actually don't purchase anything unhealthy at the grocery store and shop mostly at farmer's markets. The fact of it is that it is my worst nightmare that people actually do this stuff.. I don't judge others buy what's in their cart. Part of the reason I shop so healthfully is so that people won't judge me because I am big.

    My issue with it is where do you draw the line. Vegans think meat is bad, paleos think veganism is bad, low carbers think carbs are bad. It got to a point with me where I'd buy salad and vinegar and grapefruits and spinach....THAT IS IT. That is all I was eating for 3 months before I went into the hospital. I also gained 25 lbs during that time period despite doing P90x and running.

    My point this whole time is just that people should stop judging others in this forum on this site. You don't know that other person's situation. You haven't 'walked in their shoes' so to speak. Until you have, then judging people is just wrong on every level. This should be a place where everyone can feel safe and supported during their weightloss/fitness endeavors.

    your life must be very tense being so concerned what strangers think... wow... you know if you stop caring what others think.. and what you think about yourself.. you would be alot happier...

    on other note.. I ALWAYS DO THIS... the man in front of me last night has a serious orange soda and chip addiction... then i looked down at my cart.. hmmmmm fruit veggies greek yogurt and meat.... .. hey wait a minute where did that bag of candies and chips come from.... damm kids... lol well they can have that as there treat for the week.

    also to those who are giving crap about parents with pizza pops and easy kid food and saying it isnt cheaper... you are soooooooooo wrong.. i before my health change would have that garbage in my house.. and i could "afford" it.. and they would not go bad ( hmmm yummmy chemicals and proceed food.... stay ok to eat for years) .. when you are doing veggies and fruit you have to eat them before they turn.... so sometimes you do end up throwing out more food..... which i hate to do... but it is true...
  • CharleneExtreme
    I'm sorry but if someone looks in my cart and judges me, i won't hesitate to punch them in the ****ing face!!! I get that I'm fat, i don't need others judgement to remind me. **** off and die!!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I think it's human nature for people to pass judgement on others based on appearance, and when you are in the grocery store, your cart is part of your appearance.

    I volunteer at a choice food pantry (choice means that the clients make selections for themselves from different categories of food). We actually attend classes that teach us not to be judgemental toward the clients. I have learned a lot from this. People stick with what they know. I think we tend to assume that everyone has had the same exposure as we have, when in reality, many people just don't know any different. I could not believe how many people turned down the option of fresh vegetables. FREE, fresh vegetables. The most common excuse is "I don't like them" or "I don't know what to do with them". We try to take the time to offer suggestions on how they can easily prepare things, or explain how to use things. Once we had bags of fresh blueberries. Almost nobody wanted them. I told people " Just take them and try them, otherwise we will throw them away. Put them in your cereal or in pancakes". I actually had several people come the next month and tell me how much they enjoyed the blueberries and thanks for convincing them to try them.

    I still find myself peaking in the carts of others at the grocery store. And I hate when I see obese families with obese kids and carts full of crappy frozen and boxed food. But now I try to remind myself that I don't know their story and I try not to judge.
  • Pooker89
    Pooker89 Posts: 154 Member
    I don't normally check out other peoples carts, but sometimes you JUST can't help it. I saw these 2 MORBIDLY obese ladies ( one was a mom and the other was her daughter, mom was just a tad bit bigger, girl couldn't have been more then 16.) getting into line in front of me and they had 2 carts...TWO... full of those little pizza rolls literally the carts were over flowing with bright yellow boxes. It looked like they were buying out the whole store on just those... I thought that hey maybe they had a coupon and they were one of those extreme coupon-ing people...but no... I was wrong... they had to full.... it made me seriously look at my basket. I felt so awkward I left the line and went and walked around one more time just so I wouldn't have to be behind them.. I felt so horrible.
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    I do - it's an entertaining game when I waiting in a queue. I try to guess if they are buying for a family or if they are a single person or a gourmet eater or a convenience food junkie.... and then I look in mine to see what people might be thinking about me too!

    yes, this.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    This is someone with an eating disorder's worst nightmare. The people on this post that are making judgemental comments about what are in other people's carts, are what cause a lot of ED patients to have panic attacks....

    This makes me sick... seriously.

    Im very sorry that I have to change who I am, be someone else, live my life differently, stop being proud of my change from one kind of cart to another kind of cart, stop noticing the differences in groceries, stop paying attention to any relation between the energy of the person in front of me and the fact that their cart is 90% full of junk, stop feeling sad for those people, stop hoping someday their wakeup day will happen, hopefully soon, doing my best to make sure that if anyone looks in MY cart, and looks at ME - they will be inspired by the price tag and the beautiful foods and cease and desist all observations of the world around me

    ... all so no around me accidentally develops an eating disorder.

    That is NOT fair.

    Every individual is responsible for their own perception of the world. Not that its their fault... but it IS their responsibiliy as an adult.

    I dont have an eating disorder.
    I dont run around judging fat people's carts.
    I dont say anything cruel or give them stink eyes.

    I fill my cart up with healthy food and then I see someone else around me and am reminded of what I was like 90 pounds ago- not that my cart was full of junk food, but it was full of foods that werent giing me the rigt nutrition.

    Im gonna get a lot of crap for this, so Im going to say and just take the heat. I dont care. People who suffer from eating disorders get very wrapped up inside their own heads, about how everything relates to them, people looking at them, judging them, looking at themselves, judging themselves....(whether thats the real sufferers of ED or just the ones that like to get attention for it on the interwebs- im not sure- I could be wrong here) but they need to realise that all these people in the grocery store, could care less about them, their carts, what they eat or if their thighs touch. Everyone has their own life going on and no one is preoccupied with that one person who may possibly be in the store with an eating disorder starting to develop. We're just not that into it. We arent thinking about YOU. (general ED you, not youyou.

    I wasn't attacking you personally... I have a full blown eating disorder that I nearly died from and when I read this post, I actually got sick....this is a real valid thing... it happens to a lot more people than you're probably aware.

    You have no idea what it is like to have ED and to read things like this and it just reaffirms everything counseling told you wasn't true. It is a LIFE THREATENING disease and the mental disorder with the highest death rate.

    Stop being so damn selfish and grow the hell up. Stop judging others. Yes, change yourself to be a better person.

    A better person is not defined by what foods they eat but by how they treat others regardless of circumstance or situation.

    In this respect, I believe that one day you will realize the error of your ways and become a better person spiritually not just physically.

    You're an adult, if you know it will affect you this way, don't read the thread. It isn't anyone elses job to keep you feeling great, that is your responsibility alone. You are on a diet site, for God's sake, you MUST realize you are going to be seeing a lot of things that might upset you. Grow up.

    Yeah, nobody here is the Robot Chicken, strapped to a chair with their eyelids held open by machines so you have to read. If a thread is threatening to trigger bad behaviour, the back button or the X button is right at the top of your screen, just click, it's easy... Click clickedy click click
  • anastasia8382
    yeah kinda do this.. it is crazy. i mainly look when people have like 2 shopping carts or more.
  • CharleneExtreme
    But now I try to remind myself that I don't know their story and I try not to judge.

    Exactly, they could be on a diet that these things fit into - it may be working for them, it coould be for someone else and they could have recovered from an eating disorder. And this has been said before (and i know im gonna be *****ed at) but people being judgemental *kitten* can be a trigger for recovered ED sufferers!
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    I'm sorry but if someone looks in my cart and judges me, i won't hesitate to punch them in the ****ing face!!! I get that I'm fat, i don't need others judgement to remind me. **** off and die!!

    Not everyone who looks in your cart is judging you. Some are just curious or bored. How would you know the difference? I hope I don't accidentally glance at your cart. I can't say that I'm prepared for a physical assault in return. ;)
  • Rdahl2
    Rdahl2 Posts: 90
    Yes. Especially parents with overweight children. I'm not usually judgemental, but sometimes I just want to pull the the frozen pizzas, pop, chips and Little Debbies out of their cart and drag them over to the fresh produce aisle....while asking them if they know what they're doing to their children.

    OMG YESSS!!!! I always think the same thing. Its really sad.
  • pebblesbuddy
    pebblesbuddy Posts: 55 Member
    Yes it sometimes it gives me ideas too :)
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Not really but when I see someone morbidly obese and they have a shopping cart full of chips, regular pop processed meats and other Junk I can only shake my head. And wonder whose gonna foot the bill when they cant take care of themselves anymore.
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    But now I try to remind myself that I don't know their story and I try not to judge.

    Exactly, they could be on a diet that these things fit into - it may be working for them, it coould be for someone else and they could have recovered from an eating disorder. And this has been said before (and i know im gonna be *****ed at) but people being judgemental *kitten* can be a trigger for recovered ED sufferers!

    So can going to the grocery store. Or reading threads about food. Or being on a weightloss site....there are lots of triggers.

    It's not the job of everyone else to change for someone recovering from an's the job of the person recovering from the ED to change. That's the point of recovery.

    Now go ahead and swear at me and call me names, but it's the truth.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I do it.. O.o I see a lot of people with like 4-5 cases of soda and they shouldn't be drinking soda at all.. and I wonder if they know how bad it is for them.. and I wonder how can they afford all of that soda!! O.O It bugs me seeing families with over weight kids putting junk in their carts =( Like candy and snack cakes and sodas..
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I do it.. O.o I see a lot of people with like 4-5 cases of soda and they shouldn't be drinking soda at all.. and I wonder if they know how bad it is for them.. and I wonder how can they afford all of that soda!! O.O It bugs me seeing families with over weight kids putting junk in their carts =( Like candy and snack cakes and sodas..

    I know it is terrible to judge people, I don't openly make comments I keep all the thoughts in my head! I do remind myself that I have no idea what is going on with them.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    No, I have little to no interest in what other people buy, it isn't my business and my mind is usually on more interesting things.
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    Yes and most of it is a bunch of sugary cr*p..........
  • Alacey88
    Alacey88 Posts: 487 Member
    Yes I must admit I am guilty of this- especially in the check-out line

    Sometimes I sit in the local Wal-Mart or Costco just to see what people are buying then I go home and see what I have in my kitchen and compare to where I was to where I am now... I have to admit--- it is hard to not to fall back into the old habits but I always cherish the progress that I have made for myself....
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