Food you thought you hated, but now Love

Venturin Posts: 244 Member
edited December 20 in Food and Nutrition
Maybe our tastes change as we mature, or maybe we finally try a food we always thought would be nasty and wind up loving.

What are your food you now love but either didn't or didn't think you would?

Here's mine;

Brussels Sprouts - Hated them as a kid! But now, roasted in the oven at 370 degrees for 45 minutes with kosher salt and ground pepper... YUM!

Raw Oysters - They just look nasty. But one day when alcohol made me brave I tried one, and I loved it.

Prunes - I thought you only ate them when you wanted help in the bathroom. Nope! They're yummy


  • GFreg
    GFreg Posts: 404
    Sardines. Always thought they would be nasty but I accidentally order them on a pizza when I was in Italy. That was a delicious pizza.
  • newking
    newking Posts: 70 Member
    Brussels sprouts!
    artichoke hearts
  • babycook
    babycook Posts: 172 Member
    Brown rice.
    I've tried quinoa. Not found of it. And I should get a strainer small enough to rinse it well before. That's probably the problem.
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Never used to like avocado and now it's an almost daily consumed item!
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Hummus and avocado
  • amanda3588
    amanda3588 Posts: 422 Member
    Spinach.. Yumm! I have no idea why I never liked it, may have just been the name. Now I eat it in everything. I have also come to love oatmeal.
  • angeldaae
    angeldaae Posts: 348 Member
    Asparagus and onions.

    I don't consume either one of them "almost daily," but I used to hate them and now I love them!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Fish. I think I was tricked into dislike by those overprocessed, overcooked fish sticks we were served as kids. I'm learning all kinds of new ways to cook it and enjoy it.
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    Greek yogurt - to an extent. I still don't get the love affair with the stuff. It's just so thick and gaggy! But I finally found one I can tolerate and actually really enjoy - voskos honey vanilla bean. It's all natural and the perfect mid-morning snack, with a tablespoon of bear claw granola mixed in.

    Now Chobani - blechhhh! Have yet to find a flavor of that I can stomach.

    Luckily, I've always been a fan of the presumably gross green veggies - spinach, lima beans, brussels sprouts. Of course, I grew up on malt vinegar, so a little malt vinegar on any green veggie works for me, especially since I will no longer be having delicious french fries with malt vinegar.
  • Izanami66
    Izanami66 Posts: 181 Member
    Onion and cottage cheese.... not together, of course. :wink: I still have a bit of trouble eating raw onion, but I love them grilled, carmelized, and in pico. I used to think cottage cheese was :sick: , but now, I've found it's a wonderful filling and protein rich snack! Yay!
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    OMG there are LOTS. I've taken the stance that I'll try anything again since I now love the following. I do however draw the line at liver. That is some nasty stuff. I'd try squid over liver ANY DAY!!!!!

    Brussel Sprouts
    the list goes on.
  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member

    Still waiting to like celery though! It's evil :devil:
  • Reana27
    Reana27 Posts: 43 Member

    I never ate breakfast before, but now every morning I have some yogurt, fresh berries and a slice of wheat toast. It seems to be the perfect start to my day!!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Yogurt, but only if it has fruit in it
    Peanut butter
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    -Cottage Cheese
    -Ahi Tuna
  • LaSweetMini
    LaSweetMini Posts: 157 Member
  • CdnPgnMom
    CdnPgnMom Posts: 172 Member
    Squash! I hated it as a kid and then my chef uncle made it one Christmas and I've been eating it ever since!
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    Onions !! Love them now!!

    Oh and sweet potatoes!
  • aleexFIT
    aleexFIT Posts: 77 Member
    SO MUCH.

    Brussel Sprouts
    Natural Yoghurt
    Peanut Butter

    Now some of my favourite foods!
  • klc519
    klc519 Posts: 5 Member
    cottage cheese!! and string cheese! I now eat them daily
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Bok Choy
  • laurensayz
    laurensayz Posts: 67 Member
    Until this past year, I did not eat any of the following:

    Fresh Tomato (not cooked into things like spaghetti, etc).
    Greek Yogurt

    I now love all of them and eat them almost daily!
  • TGKvr
    TGKvr Posts: 123 Member
    Avocado, crab, tomatoes (still can't do them raw but I'm getting there), eggplant, hummus, pizza with toppings other than pepperoni, pork (not all the way there with that one but I love me some ribs and pernil!), kiwi, sushi, escargot, super spicy things...
  • JennyZD
    JennyZD Posts: 176 Member
    raw oysters
    brown ANYTHING
    and .... bacon lol

    I eat most of them almost daily (except for bacon)
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member

    I had a 900 year old Mexican aunt who was blind as a bat but made the most DIVINE flan. The first time I hated it. Now my mouth waters at the thought...mmm, flan.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Brown rice & spinach!
  • ttrussel
    ttrussel Posts: 99 Member
    Sardines. Always thought they would be nasty but I accidentally order them on a pizza when I was in Italy. That was a delicious pizza.

    Sardines on a pizza? mmmm I might have to think about that one. I do like them, just never though about on a pizza. They are actually one of the recomended foods in a book called Super Foods.

    About 3 years ago, my NY resolution was to try new foods. Now, I like spinach & broccoli and many more veggies that I never used to eat.
  • jl622
    jl622 Posts: 104 Member
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    tomatoes - always loved ketchup, pasta sauce, etc, but never raw ones til I was about 18 or so!

    squash - hated ALL kinds, no matter the preparation... then one day I was like wait, what am I talking about?? It was whipped butternut squash that did me in :)

    mushrooms - couldn't even stand the smell!!!! My dad bet me $20 I wouldn't take one bite of a mushroom once... cause he was SO sure I wouldn't do it (which I did, cause I was a moneyhungry 13 year old, but I still hated it)

    mayo - now I can't get enough, I wish I hadn't changed my mind lol
  • Dethea
    Dethea Posts: 247 Member
    Brussel Sprouts
    Beans (any kind!)
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