Something everyday in June



  • balancejenn
    balancejenn Posts: 234
    June 1 - 3.5 bike miles

    Did another 3.5 bike miles today, I'll start posting mins instead of miles since that's what is mostly being posted.

    June 1 Bike 37 mins
    June 2 Bike 37 mins
  • rbene07
    rbene07 Posts: 143 Member
    June 2 - Bike 45 mins
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    June 1 - 45 minute run.
    June 2 - 50 minutes pool, 20 minutes bowling - My arm is sore. I need to stretch.

    PowerJenn whatever you record is fine. The rules are pretty loose - just "something."
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    I want in

    You are in.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
  • proudtexan71
    proudtexan71 Posts: 203 Member
    June 2
    5K + a little
  • Akhlys
    Akhlys Posts: 5 Member
    First post ever: I am going to try to do this even though I'm a little late to the party! starting tomorrow (well today now its 1:11am) I imagine that the exercises I do will be quite short and sweet to begin with as I am extremely unfit and pathetically achey and body woe-ey. However I'm going to give it a go!
  • winninga
    winninga Posts: 77 Member
    June 1 - 60 minutes treadmil
    June 2 - 45 minutes stationary bike and 15 minutes leisure swimming
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,183 Member
    June 1 - 30 min. dancing
    June 2 - 15 min. back exercises, push-ups & 30 min. dancing
  • nannabannana
    nannabannana Posts: 787
    bump I am in..didn't need to bump...See what other trouble I can get into.:) Tks for invite
  • LuAnnMarieP
    LuAnnMarieP Posts: 5 Member
    Well, I missed yesterday but I can do that starting today!!!! :bigsmile:
  • nannabannana
    nannabannana Posts: 787
    June 1 Lifted 8 lb weights
    June 2 Did squats with 5 lb weights
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    First post ever: I am going to try to do this even though I'm a little late to the party! starting tomorrow (well today now its 1:11am) I imagine that the exercises I do will be quite short and sweet to begin with as I am extremely unfit and pathetically achey and body woe-ey. However I'm going to give it a go!

    Welcome to MFP. And, thank you for joining our little challenge. Have fun with it. =)
  • lrdavenport23
    lrdavenport23 Posts: 58 Member
    June 1 - Tris & Biceps, 40 mins of Taebo Insane Abs, 20 mins on treadmill.
    June 2 - Insanity Core Cardio Balance for 40 mins, 100 lunges, 10 mins of Zumba.
  • icandoit63
    icandoit63 Posts: 621 Member
    June 2 cut the grass with the heaviest mower in the world 30 mins to an hour lol and worked in the yard weeding and trimming for about 45 minutes
    yog tonight
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    6/1 - Biking - 60 min
    6/2 - Treadmill - 30 min
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    June 1 - went to gym, bike & walk
    June 2 - gym in the a.m., walked 3/4 mile in the afternoon at Relay for Life
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    June 1
    Step Jazzercize - 55 minutes
    Walked to and from Jazzercize - 40 minutes
    Cleaned the house - 90 minutes (though it took me two hours -- seemed like MFP gave me too many calories when I logged it all)

    June 2
    Step Jazzercise - 55 minutes
    Walked to and and part of the way back from Jazzercise - 25 minutes
    Shopping for two hours - logged 90 minutes of slow walking
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    June 1 - 40 min walking
    June 2 - 210 min walking
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    Def in! I will need to see how many different ones I can do!

    I'm actually doing a challenge to try and do something different every day this month.