30 Day Shred.....Lets Support Each Other!



  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere, but has anyone else notice Natalie cheat during the bicep curls with lunges? I thought I was seeing things at first, so looked out for it and she definitely does. As the camera moves over to Anita, you see Natalie continue with the bicep curls, but she doesn't do her lunges for about 2-3 times. And for Jillian to say 'they don't even cheat behind my back' lol...

    Has anyone else seen this???

    Completed day 7 today, few more days till lvl 2 :)
    Hahaaaa I noticed this when I was on day 4, I would get proper riled up & shout you lazy cow at the tv. I bet she sits on her *kitten* everytime she is out of view from the camera :laugh:

    Lololol that made me giggle!!
    I really couldn't believe what I was seeing haha and she's meant to be the one to look upto to, the one your meant to want to be like (in terms of succeeding with non-modified moves) how dare she cheat!!!! :laugh:

    I totally saw her cheating the 2nd day. I yelled so loud my husband thought I was hurt and came running. I was like look at that ***** totally cheating. She cheated. I swear she cheated! My husband just rolled around LOL'ing at me. He finally said well from looking at her, I don't think she makes it a regular habit.

    Lmao!!!! That's so funny...
    I was thinking, man look at her muscles and SHE CHEATS??? What's up with that! I haven't skipped any of these workouts so I best make some muscle from doing this if she cheats in her workouts and has the muscle she does :laugh:
    I'm glad others noticed aswel.. I'm surprised more people haven't mentioned it, particularly when we're working our butts off!! I think Anita does the most out of all of it and she does the modified moves!

    She's forever cheating! Noticed today she also stretches the 'wrong' leg first in the cool down of level 2, lol.

    Speaking of level 2, finished day 3 today. :) Was going to have a day off but I suspect I'll need that tomorrow as I just got my TOM and normally feel stupidly sick and ill for a few days so I doubt I'll be shredding. Managed to hold my planks for longer which is great, still don't feel my abs burn in the twists at the end but do every other plank pose. Trying to work out if I'm doing anything wrong.
  • 2012NSR
    2012NSR Posts: 51
    I will have to look out for the cheating tomorrow - I have not noticed it yet!!!
  • cheeky1095
    cheeky1095 Posts: 83 Member
    I didn't realise the other thread was full lol. Well today was my last day of 30DS & I am sooo excited for my day off tomorrow before I go for round 2 on monday. I wil be back in the morning to share my results....eeeeek excited much!
  • I had the same problem with the plank twists, so I checked around and found that you have to bring your knee to the opposite elbow.
  • kyleighmacd
    kyleighmacd Posts: 19 Member
    Ive done two days of 30 day shred so far. It's not as hard as I anticipated but I really hate the skipping it hurts my knees a lot! I think thats my only complaint, i have really bad knees so it iritates them.

    But other than that I really enjoy it. I had to take a few days off though because I had competition a few hours away and didnt bring my computer and I couldnt move for like 3 days as well lmao.

    Congrats everyone! Keep up the hard work.
  • strawberrygashes
    strawberrygashes Posts: 210 Member
    I finished lvl 1 yesterday (took today as a break, only because I've been busy with fam visiting). Before I start lvl 2 tomoz I took my weight and measurements (I'm not taking progress pics, I want to have just my start pics and end results). But so far so good. Mine are only little improvements because I'm very near my goal weight anyway, so I wasn't even expecting this much:

    Before 30DS

    Weight; 116lb
    Neck: 12"
    Bust: 32.5"
    Natural waist: 26.5"
    Belly button: 28"
    Narrow hips: 34.5"
    Hips inc butt: 36.5"
    Thighs: 21"
    Calves: 14"
    Arms - unflexed: 11", Flexed: 11"

    After lvl 1

    Weight: 115lb
    Neck: 12.5"
    Bust: 32.5"
    Natural waist: 26"
    Belly button: 27.5"
    Narrow hips: 33"
    Hips inc butt: 36"
    Thighs: 21"
    Calves: 14"
    Arms - unflexed: 10.5", Flexed: 11.3"

    I was shocked with my narrow hip measurement (where the top of my knickers lie) and also that I've gained half an inch on my neck (could that be muscle?). I'm also super pleased with my arms, although its a tiny improvement, I'm happy to have lost half an inch and gained when flexed :D

    I think there's no difference in my thighs yet because I'd already lost an inch on them just before starting the shred. Maybe after lvl 2-3 there'll be a difference.
  • strawberrygashes
    strawberrygashes Posts: 210 Member
    My results with 30DS is barely noticeable,

    I think the changes are noticeable!! Your waist is definitely trimmer, and your thighs have improved quite a lot!!

    If you feel more toned, then its definitely had a positive effect. Keep it up and try some other workout routines that push you :)

    You've got a gorgeous figure, don't feel bad!!
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    I had the same problem with the plank twists, so I checked around and found that you have to bring your knee to the opposite elbow.

    Wish I'd seen that before I did it today! I'll try that tomorrow, thanks. :)

    Amanda, I can totally see a difference, you look great - well done!

    I really struggled getting back to it today after 3 days off but pushed through. I can hold myself in plank for the whole time now even though my shoulders are killing. For some reason the strength exercises were particularly tough today on my shoulders - I'm assume due to those days off. My thighs were sore while doing it but I was right down Natalie style so yeah, I felt the burn! I thin I'm even starting to notice a difference in my body. May finally be losing some inches. :) Get to shred tomorrow and then see how I feel on Thurs after tomorrow's root canal. No matter what, I'm intending to be finished by the end of June.

    Keep going everyone else. :)
  • kyleighmacd
    kyleighmacd Posts: 19 Member
    I just finished level 1 day 3! I feel great yay!
  • strawberrygashes
    strawberrygashes Posts: 210 Member
    I started lvl 2 today... What a killer!! I found it harder than lvl 1, but then I guess I would haha. I'd just started being able to do all the side lunges from lvl 1, then she throws those squats with arm lifts at me!! They torture my arms. I'm hoping though that like the side lunges ill slowly be able to do more. (I rather do as many as I can than buy lighter weights)
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    Still on my fitness hiatus...it's been 11 some odd days. I need to redirect!! My belly is literally one of the last places I have extra to lose on my massive frame...other than the tatas.... and I'd like to keep the girls thank you very much!

    Here's to finding the motivation in the next 24 hours to finally start Level 2.
  • chiselle
    chiselle Posts: 21
    Started 30 Day Shred level 1 three days ago. got to watch my apetite as I started eating more from day one. I also noticed Natalie taking it easy when Jillian wasn't looking and immediately forgave her as it's so ****** hard.

    Can't complete all the star jumps, skipping and but kicks yet but i'm sticking with it. Timewise, it's brillant as doing exercises without a DVD before was taking too long, so long, in fact that I gave up.

    Heard about J.M. on this website, so thanks, everyone for sharing - MFP is so inspirational!!

    Good luck and keep going. :smile:
  • Day 3 level 1 :sad: going to keep at it i def. feel it in my arms ...also thinking of adding the wii fit 30day challenge to this as well
  • cheeky1095
    cheeky1095 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi all, well my final day 0f 30DS was on 2nd June, 2012. I only took 1 day break & that wasn't planned, I had the intention of doing the full 30 days without a break but on my anniversary I drank waaay to much & just couldn't face Jillian the next day :sick:
    Overall I have noticed a huge difference in my physical wellbeing. I have alot more energy, strength & stamina compared to day 1. I can lift my heaviest set of weights to do all of level 3, which I couldn't even hold for 30 seconds in level1 without feeling like my arms were going to fall off :laugh: I can do all of the cardio sections without stopping for a break compared to day 1, I needed to stop every 5 seconds for water & to breathe :laugh:

    ~ Weight Lost - 11lb ~
    ~ Inches Lost From Body - 9.50 ~
    Inches were lost from =
    * Arms ~ Start: 12.50 / Finish: 11.75 ~ Loss 0.75
    * Hips ~ Start: 43 / Finish: 41 ~ Loss 2
    * Thigh ~ Start: 25 / Finish: 24.75 ~ Loss 0.25
    * Upper Waist ~ Start: 33.50 / Finish: 31.75 ~ Loss 1.75
    * Lower Waist ~ Start: 38.50 / Finish: 37.50 ~ Loss 1
    * Chest ~ Start: 36.25 / Finish: 35 ~ Loss 1.25
    * Bum ~ Start: 43 / Finish: 40.50 ~ Loss 2.50

    I am very happy with my results to the point where I have had a 3 day break & started round 2 of 30DS this morning. I forgot how much of a killer level 1 is to your legs but overall I was happy with the fact that I never had to stop at all & could use weights throughout the workout :smile:
    Keep up the good work everyone
  • strawberrygashes
    strawberrygashes Posts: 210 Member
    Has anyone else noticed the levels of aches and pains you go through as you progress through the shred. At first it killed my legs, for the first 2-3 days they were sore. That subsided and then it was my abs, even lifting up out of bed hurt my stomach. Now that has subsided and its my shoulder blades. I'm guessing that's from all the arm work in lvl 2, my arms are on fire during lvl 2 and its left my shoulders aching! Wonder what will hurt next :laugh:
  • emmalou2206
    emmalou2206 Posts: 109 Member
    I am hoping to start 30DS tonight, I have had the dvd for just over a week now and must stop putting it off, the house work can wait. After reading everyones results it gives me the incentive to start. I really need to tone up and lose some inches

    Good luck everyone who is still doing it and well done to those who have completed it

  • the girl who posted the pics you can notice a HUGE difference looks great !!! ive took before photos and im on day 2 level 1 i didnt find the first time bad went all way through it with no breaks or nearly dying, but did it this morning and o my word my muscles ache like mad lol ! dreading tomorrow but gonna keep at it !!
  • samwise29
    samwise29 Posts: 31 Member
    Reading about 30 day shred for the first time, and wondering if I could have a little more information regarding this.
    Think it's something that will definately help me.
  • I just finished day one and o.m.g it killed me!

    I feel like i'm not fit enough to do it! I followed the easier gal the whole time :cry:: I didn't give up though.
    Was it hard for anyone else too?
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    Finished day 5 (I think, or was it 4?!) of level 2. My arms/shoulders/core must be stronger as I can get through the first 3 lot of planks without collapsing now. Major improvement from 10 seconds then collapsing! I feel like the rest of the strength work is getting worse though. My arms just give up on me on the squat row things (in circuit 1) and those v raises at the end are a complete killer.
    I must be doing something right though as I did a little informal measurement and I'm down at least 1-2cm each on my hips and naval area. :) I'll wait until the end of the level to measure properly and do it everywhere - I'm thrilled though since I saw no change at level 1, just keep pushing through anyone else who isn't seeing change!
    Oh, and thanks for that tip on trying to get my le to the opposite shoulder on the plank twists - I feel that a lot more now.