How often does everyone weigh in?



  • I want to add that after I lost those 40 lbs I did start weighing myself more and more... and speaking only from my own experience, IT WAS NOT HEALTHY. My days became about losing weight and keeping the weight off. It was kind of crazy. Unless you're an athlete needing to keep tabs on your weight for professional reasons, I'd really recommend against weighing more than once a week at a set time on a set day.
  • Every morning...I'm obsessed :ohwell:
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    Once a day using the Wii fit - I only log a loss once I've maintained it long enough to know I won't jump over it the next day (so usually I'm a pound to pound and a half under my weight listed here). Personally I feel almost like I'm cheating if I skip a day - although I have missed a few here and there.

    I'll also jump on the big scale at work for s&g's - but since I can't control the amount of clothes I have on and the scale is able to weigh up to 2 tons or so I don't put a lot of stock into it, other than it generally confirms similar weight loss.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    I have been weighing in every Monday at the YMCA. I am under my calorie allowance by quite a bit everyday and I jogged 5 times last week for a total of 18.2 miles. If I am not satisfied with my wieght loss then I am going to start weighing in every 2 weeks. I have stayed on this counting calorie thing for 1 month now and I don't have any temtations to cheat, but I have lost 10 lbs from a month ago so I am anxious to see what my weight is tomorrow, bt as I said, I won't be discoraged be caus I am making great strives with my controled eating!!
  • I only weigh in once a week. I can tell by my clothes if I am on track. I have gone from a 22 to a 14 in a year. I am losing it very slowly...hoping it will stay off. I found out that muscle weighs more than in the beginning it can be a bummer to watch the scales (hence the clothes). I am heading for a size 6.

    Best of luck to you!
  • Mommsue3
    Mommsue3 Posts: 5
    I'm numbers person so I weigh in every morning about the same time. I hit goal but then lost another five so with the little differences every day, it's not earth-shattering like it used to be. This Wednesday, June 6th, it will be a year since I started the weight loss journey and I have to say if it wasn't for God, the YMCA, my personal trainer LeAnn, family, friends, and myfitnesspal - I'd still be wondering why I couldn't even walk up the stairs w/o breathing hard.
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    I used to weigh in once a week but because I would have so many fluctuations in my weight, I've decided to go to once a month weigh ins. I figure this will give me a more accurate average of how much I lose every month.
  • melonclarinet
    melonclarinet Posts: 163 Member
    I weigh myself all the time (probably a few times a day to be honest). I just find it interesting to see how it changes throughout the day. I record my weight on Sunday mornings before breakfast.
  • Jessie1227
    Jessie1227 Posts: 71 Member
    ~ The scale can be your best tool ever or it can be your worst nightmare ! It depends on what you're looking to get out of it ...

    I weigh in every morning ... I like to track my water weight and what different foods will do to my system. I don't " live " by it and the numbers mean nothing other than a " gauge " of my progress.

    However ... if you think for one minute that the scale going up will deplete your enthusiasm ... only weigh in once a week, giving your body time to balance out the water gain vs the actual fat loss. The scale can play vicious mind games and cause people to give up on their quest. If you believe you are one of these people ... I'm telling you to step back from the scale and go about your day ...

    The best indicator of your progress is how you feel ... no number will ever compare to that !

    Hope you have a great day ! :flowerforyou:

    Agree 100% with this. Weighing in everyday helps keep me in-line. :)
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Weekly. Once i'm done the challenge i'm currently in, i'll be doing it monthly. Since i am close to my goal, the loss is slowed significantly and i don't think a weekly weigh in is necessary.
  • julesw734
    julesw734 Posts: 100
    I used to weigh in every day, but my scale is not working at this time. Probably because it is an old manual scale. So I need to buy a new one..
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Every Monday morning....After loo and before food and naked......
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I really don't understand weighing every single day. Why OBSESS over it? I weigh myself in the morning on Monday every week. Sometimes, Monday mornings are rushed so I'll just wait until Tuesday. I'll even go 2 weeks w/out weighing in only because of female issues. I don't want it to get me down.
  • nangel4u
    nangel4u Posts: 119
    Maybe every other day, I do have a temptation to weigh myself sometimes every day but I try and not think about it :-)
  • I weigh once a week. Before I registered on here, I used to weigh every Saturday morning, but I'm switching days to Tuesday because I joined MFP last Tuesday.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I weigh myself all the time (probably a few times a day to be honest). I just find it interesting to see how it changes throughout the day. I record my weight on Sunday mornings before breakfast.

    I can see that especially starting out. For me, it wouldn't happen. I would get too down on myself, most likely...
  • cindy235
    cindy235 Posts: 8 Member
    once every two weeks
  • mespreeman
    mespreeman Posts: 70 Member
    Once a week, Sunday morning, After the three S's but before brekkie.
  • dixeyk
    dixeyk Posts: 20
    Once a week on Sundays
  • lockedinpa
    lockedinpa Posts: 33
    Every Saturday morning, first thing.