

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi

    :flowerforyou: Welcome back Kathy (Plantlady) I remember you from when I first started on MFP. Sorry to hear about your dad, you and your family are in my thoughts. :heart:

    :heart: Jeannie also sending prayers your way, check in with us whenever you can, we are here for you.

    Has anyone heard from chicklet recently, I know she was going through a bad time last I heard from her, I often wonder how she is. Hope she is okay.

    It is a typical bank holiday weekend here, raining - I hope it clears up by tomorrow when there's lots of parties planned for the Queen's Jubilee it would be such a shame if they were all rained off.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the new people, look forward to getting to know you.

    :laugh: It's such a horrible day that I am going in to work to do some overtime. Might as well earn a "little extra" we don't often get the chance to do overtime so until we get these files sorted it is on offer. It was quite nice to get a extra money in my May wages. Plus I have next week off work to catch up on chores etc.

    Look at the time I still need to do my exercises before going off to work, won't get a lot done there, mainly sitting down at the computer. Trying to get at least 12,000 + steps everyday for the Global Challenge that we are doing at work again this year, and only just scraped in yesterday (12,864).

    Hugs to all who are struggling with family issues :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Chat soon
  • rob_knitwit
    Just started back up on mfp. I have gotten quite disgusted with myself. I know how to lose wait, but I am doing everything to gain weight. Not exercising and eating junk. I have now gotten to my highest weight ever and I do not like it. I have lost weight before and I knot the drill: expend more calories than taken in.

    My goal for June will be to faithfully record what I eat each day. I find that when I keep track of what I eat I am a little more selective in my choices.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies - was just about to do a big post when DH said it's time to go out, so I'll be back later x
  • bakz4
    bakz4 Posts: 64 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I turned 50 last summer (WOO)! Life's been slinging mud at me for some years and I have pretty much found the bottom of the mudpile! It's time to take back my life, live it to its fullest, and be the woman that I was created to be!!

    I've been lurking on MFP since mid-April.

    I think the best thing that has helped me most is just tracking calories. Along the way I've cut out lots of things I love, but have also increased exercise (for now, it's just walking).

    I have a new, short-term goal for June though and I'd love some encouragement!

    My son, who just graduated from college with his Master's degree in Music Education, will be leaving on July 3 to teach music for a year in Sweden! How exciting, right? Well, I get to go with him!! Even more exciting!! But I want to take at least another 10 lb off before we leave! That'll put me in the low 180's and with almost 20 pounds gone I'll have the energy to keep up with him as he finds his way in his hew hometown!!

    So, anyone will to take on the challenge of helping to keep me motivated? I realize I have my page set to private (many personal reasons for that) but I'll open it to you if you ask! Thanks for the support group! Being 50 is great, but it also has its challenges, doesn't it?? :tongue:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Hi ladies! I`m 53 and pretty new to the site, started May 20th and I`ve lost a bit over 10 pounds now (I am so excited about it). I`m also pretty new to posting, so i really dont know too much about it, hopefully it won`t take too long to learn. I`d love to be a part of your group. My goals for June are:
    try to eat all of my calories
    walk outside more often
    be supportive of anyone needing motivation
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    This sounds like a very supportive group! I recently lost over 60 pounds but am finding the last 10 the hardest!

    Goals for June: Zumba class 2 times a week
    Gym for strength training/cardio 3 days a week
    Kayaking at least once a week
    Rediscover quilting
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Congratulations on the loss! :smile: I too am new to this . I have lost over 60 and still have about 10 to go.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Sunday from cloudy, cool Portland. Great lettuce-growing weather, and peas! :love:

    My friend made this goofy hat out of her lilacs and plopped it on my head a couple weeks ago at her birthday party, lol. We were being silly girls. :bigsmile:

    I rode my bike for the first time in 7 years yesterday, :noway: about a 7 mile, very hilly round-trip. Really fun, quite challenging going uphill, had to use the brakes while going down steep hills (too scary!) and oooh-wee is my butt sore this morning. :laugh:

    Michele, it makes perfect sense about keeping the blood sugar up by eating several times throughout the day.

    Well, lots to do, off to work in the garden. Welcome everyone new. I wish you all a great day.

    :smile: jb
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Stepping on the edge today :laugh: salad with cottage cheese and left-over grilled asparagus for breakfast! Whoowee.

    I wonder if I could get my bike (cycle, not motorcycle) going this summer? Jb and others, you are inspiring me. Perhaps a July goal? I am using the elliptical stepper at the gym because I can do it without putting a lot of weight on my fore-foot, it feels good to get some aerobic exercise in. Just 15 minutes at a time because I get really tired, it’s been six weeks since I did anything really strenuous. On the other hand, my arms & shoulders are looking great, that’s the result of hours on the “krank” machine. Does this mean I am going to continue using it on a regular basis? :noway: Not likely!

    Our formal dinner was a lot of fun. It was a “Titanic” theme so everyone dressed in their best approximation of 1912 high fashion. Unfortunately I had to leave before DH and his barbershop buddies sang because my foot was just too sore. I got the best of the food, though – filled my plate with veggies and (can you believe this?) :drinker: skipped the buttered rolls altogether.

    Today I am back to planning my food and logging everything in advance except water and exercise.

    Liselyn, I was trying to think of a goal around alcohol consumption, and I think you got it right “limit alcohol and eat the calories instead”.

    Goals for June:
    At least 4 aqua fit classes - something new to shake up the routine.
    24 hours of exercise including weight training
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination!
    Act the way I want to feel. Be kind.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,227 Member
    Happy Sunday, everyone -

    It is a quiet day, dim and wet out, housecleaning and desk work getting done. Exercise next! Luckily, my son just started playing some video game in the living room that makes him shout and carry on -- excellent inspiration to GET OUT!

    Nancy - get on the bike! It is great fun and won't kill your foot. I am biking more since my leg with IBT syndrome is still very cranky, and it is wonderful. Of course, the lush greenness everywhere is delicious to bike through this time of year.

    Welcome to new person with the trip to Sweden coming up! I'll certainly send you a message - I have been to Sweden many times, am a music educator myself, and would be glad to help any way I can to meet your goals!

    have a good one, gang --

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Logging my food again. The tricky part is during the week when I am at work. Not so much the eating, but the logging. (The tricky part for the eating is on weekends.) :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :drinker: I've just booked a trip to Holland again to go see my mom and sisters. Yay!! It's been over a year that I was there. My mom is 89 and MIL is 88, so it is high time for a visit, while I still have them. This time I am going in September for 2 weeks. So excited. My bicycle will be waiting for me again. I never gain weight while I am over there, since I ride a bike daily. Love it.

    Have a great Sunday. Off to do shopping and laundry.

    :heart: Renny
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    I wish you success I did pretty good each month I usually lose 1lb per week take a little or give a little for a moment I got stuck and I think I had increase my activities and decrease my eating.
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Sounds good Rebel!
  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    Well, I did a stupid thing last night. My Husband made us mocktails last night (like crystal light margharitas) and put salt around the rim of the glass. SO I enjoyed the salt and today, I am 1 lb heavier from water retention:( I know, I'm a disabled RN and I have a history of Chronic Kidney Disease so I should have known better. Just goes to show you what eating too much salt can do to you.

    So I'm going to continue with a healthy diet and not overdo the salt anymore tho I did enjoy it yesterday and the mocktail!

    Hope to get below 200 this week!
    Hope my ribs will heal a little more so I can exercise more
    Hope to start on the 17 day diet with my husband next monday!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member

  • SHarriss
    SHarriss Posts: 1
    Hi there, Three weeks so far on MFP and I like it a lot but need to reach out for support. I hope to lose ten pounds. Goals for June:
    work out 3x or more a week
    strengthen those leg muscles so I can do squats without worrying about my knees!
    stay on the calorie counting
    I've really enjoyed reading the posts here! Thanks, all, for being there.:flowerforyou:
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    saying Hi:ohwell:
    hope everyone has a good week:flowerforyou:

    Very hot in AZ.....will be indoors till November:mad:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :bigsmile: I have read every post and would love to reply individually but there's no time tonight.:cry::yawn:

    :bigsmile: the line dance workshop was awesome---I learned about eight new dances and got to enjoy the personal satisfaction of feeling smart and competent.and being able to learn :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: there was a lot of free dance time and I knew more than half the dances so I got to be on my feet a lot.

    :flowerforyou: I took two days off from logging food and exercise but didn't stray far from my usual behavior (huevos rancheros and more fruit than normal and extra isagenix bars for snacks were my big detours)..........no HRM so I don't know how many calories I burned but I carried my pedometer and logged over 20,000 steps each day.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I've seen a bit of the Queen's Diamond Jubillee on TV and it looks like an amazing event.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Hubby and the poodles were glad to see me home again......the dogs were glad to go for a walk for an hour and hubby came outside and worked in the yard with me and told me all about what he did while I was gone (I was gone for 29 hours but it seemed a lot longer than that :laugh: )

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: if you are new to this thread, I hope you will come back often and join in the discussions, ask questions, and tell us about your successes and frustrations.

    :drinker: :flowerforyou: Rose, I'm so glad you are back :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: kathy (plantlady) best wishes to you and your dad, you are so right to stay in the moment.......we are all here for you

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: early to bed for me :bigsmile:
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    just saving my spot will read all and catch up soon
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning Dear Ladies...and WELCOME to all of our new members:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Glad to hear from some old friends too!!!

    I have JURY DUTY starting today so I am trying to get myself organized for sitting still all day:grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
    I have books, puzzles and will pack some healthy foods for lunch. I recall last time that the water machine didn't work...only the soda machine and they don't let you bring water bottles into the courtroom, so will put a cooler in my car in case I can escape for a bit. I am HOPING that I will be excused after one day but it could be all week. I know it is our civic duty, etc. and important, but I don't know anyone who WANTS to go sit in a courtroom all day for a week:tongue::tongue: DH has never been called...and I get called ALL the time:grumble: :grumble:

    Enough about that...

    On a good note, I have made 2 whole days in a row now staying under my calories, after a week of struggling to stay under. I will wear my pedometer today so I can pace the halls when they give us a break. It is stormy looking right now so doubt I'll be able to be outside when I get back later this afternoon for any walking.

    CLEANED out a section of my closet that I have ignored for far too long...all my "dressy" type clothing that I seldom wear anymore. I took every item out and put it on my bed, then made myself try each item on before deciding to donate or keep. I am happy to say that EVERY thing fit me...things from 5 years ago or so, a few things were too big:love: , and I got rid of at least 1/3 of the items. Now that section looks so much neater and I now KNOW what is there.

    Take care, Dear Ladies!!!:heart: Kackie