*** Runners' Team * 50+ and 100+ Miles in June *



  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    hewhoiscd said:

    Today's run:
    7 mile run in 1h18m09s
    Avg Pace 11:10mm
    Splits 11:31--11:04--11:20--11:11--10:40--11:23--11:00

    Temp 84F at the start and 89F at the end, Dew Point started at 70F and ended at 67F, slight breeze, sunny.

    Great run - nice consistent splits (and your 5th is the fastest!
  • I want in! Put me down for 70, please.

    June 1 I ran 3 miles, June 2 I ran 5 miles. June 3 = 0 (Sunday is my rest day).
  • trail_rnr
    trail_rnr Posts: 337 Member
    I ran 50 miles today :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    (but I'm not counting that in my total goal)

    OMG 50 miles? You are my hero! Can you tell us about it? :smile:

    Sure! :happy:

    I did this same race last year and ended up finishing it injured (peroneal tendonitis), so I was determined to be more successful this year.

    The race is called the Squaw Peak 50 mile trail run, in the mountains near Provo, Utah. It's really about 51 miles, and about 6 miles of it are on road. But the rest is on singletrack trail and dirt roads. Much of it is very technical, and it has some beastly climbs (almost 11,000' gain total).

    I wrote a short report with some photos in another forum that I have long been a member of. You can see that post here:


    For comparison, last year's report (a different route due to too much snow) is here:


    (Last year's race was less than a year and a half after major back surgery)

    A long trail run is nothing like a road race. Nothing. You focus on finishing, hopefully not feeling like you've been rolled by an avalanche. Pace only matters if you're an elite (I'm not) or if there is a cutoff you need to meet to stay in the race. People make jokes about puking (and a lot of people do end up puking). Nutrition and hydration are a science. It's hard on your body. My mantra is generally "keep moving". I really love to run and am not fast and since discovering this type of running about 6 years ago I haven't gone back to the pavement (it also enabled me to lose a total of about 20 pounds overall; I am firmly in maintenance mode and plan to stay here).

    It takes a long time to train for something like this. I started out doing 50k and shorter races for a couple of years and then eased into 50m races. It just takes a couple of years for your connective tissue to adapt (at least it did for me). I'm no spring chicken, and am careful with training. 50m is really my limit; too much time required to train for anything longer.

  • pjcapps
    pjcapps Posts: 63 Member
    Please put me down for 50 this month. I am hoping that this month I will exceed that.
  • sidhe31
    sidhe31 Posts: 96
    19 miles this (short) week
    19 for the month...
  • geeksrule
    geeksrule Posts: 143 Member
    Wow, some really heavy duty distances coming in already this ought to inspire me to move it!!!

    Week 1: Saturday and Sunday = 10.5 miles combined!!!
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    I ran 50 miles today :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    (but I'm not counting that in my total goal)

    OMG 50 miles? You are my hero! Can you tell us about it? :smile:

    Sure! :happy:

    I did this same race last year and ended up finishing it injured (peroneal tendonitis), so I was determined to be more successful this year.

    The race is called the Squaw Peak 50 mile trail run, in the mountains near Provo, Utah. It's really about 51 miles, and about 6 miles of it are on road. But the rest is on singletrack trail and dirt roads. Much of it is very technical, and it has some beastly climbs (almost 11,000' gain total).

    I wrote a short report with some photos in another forum that I have long been a member of. You can see that post here:


    For comparison, last year's report (a different route due to too much snow) is here:


    (Last year's race was less than a year and a half after major back surgery)

    A long trail run is nothing like a road race. Nothing. You focus on finishing, hopefully not feeling like you've been rolled by an avalanche. Pace only matters if you're an elite (I'm not) or if there is a cutoff you need to meet to stay in the race. People make jokes about puking (and a lot of people do end up puking). Nutrition and hydration are a science. It's hard on your body. My mantra is generally "keep moving". I really love to run and am not fast and since discovering this type of running about 6 years ago I haven't gone back to the pavement (it also enabled me to lose a total of about 20 pounds overall; I am firmly in maintenance mode and plan to stay here).

    It takes a long time to train for something like this. I started out doing 50k and shorter races for a couple of years and then eased into 50m races. It just takes a couple of years for your connective tissue to adapt (at least it did for me). I'm no spring chicken, and am careful with training. 50m is really my limit; too much time required to train for anything longer.


    How interesting, and inspiring I read both of your reports in the forums! I have had t deal with my connective tissues myself (hip issues) and I am finally adapting. I love trail running too.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I ran 50 miles today :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    (but I'm not counting that in my total goal)

    OMG 50 miles? You are my hero! Can you tell us about it? :smile:

    Sure! :happy:

    I did this same race last year and ended up finishing it injured (peroneal tendonitis), so I was determined to be more successful this year.

    The race is called the Squaw Peak 50 mile trail run, in the mountains near Provo, Utah. It's really about 51 miles, and about 6 miles of it are on road. But the rest is on singletrack trail and dirt roads. Much of it is very technical, and it has some beastly climbs (almost 11,000' gain total).

    I wrote a short report with some photos in another forum that I have long been a member of. You can see that post here:


    For comparison, last year's report (a different route due to too much snow) is here:


    (Last year's race was less than a year and a half after major back surgery)

    A long trail run is nothing like a road race. Nothing. You focus on finishing, hopefully not feeling like you've been rolled by an avalanche. Pace only matters if you're an elite (I'm not) or if there is a cutoff you need to meet to stay in the race. People make jokes about puking (and a lot of people do end up puking). Nutrition and hydration are a science. It's hard on your body. My mantra is generally "keep moving". I really love to run and am not fast and since discovering this type of running about 6 years ago I haven't gone back to the pavement (it also enabled me to lose a total of about 20 pounds overall; I am firmly in maintenance mode and plan to stay here).

    It takes a long time to train for something like this. I started out doing 50k and shorter races for a couple of years and then eased into 50m races. It just takes a couple of years for your connective tissue to adapt (at least it did for me). I'm no spring chicken, and am careful with training. 50m is really my limit; too much time required to train for anything longer.


    Thank you for sharing this! It is truly inspiring. Don't know if I could ever do more than the marathon, as that is challenging enough all on it's own. I can't imagine running 50 miles. I loved your race report and pictures! Inspiring indeed! Keep up the great work!
  • Angelie28
    Angelie28 Posts: 197 Member
    I want to be put down for 50 this month :)

    2 miles completed so far

    New to the group and some of you are logging amazing mileage...When I grow up I want to be like you guys haha :flowerforyou:
  • i_am_asparagus
    i_am_asparagus Posts: 336 Member
    A lovely 8 mile run this morning, 14.2 miles for the month.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    9.5 miles for me today June 4 . Thanks.

  • dsharpie
    dsharpie Posts: 55
    I got 5 miles in yesterday morning 6/3.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Hi there, I've seen this threat around for a while and finally have the courage to ask if I can join this month?? I have a half marathon on 1 July - my second, and would like to think ill run 50 miles between 1 June and 30 June!

    I'll add up how many Kms I've done this last week and send through in miles once I know if I'll fit :)
  • timboom1
    timboom1 Posts: 762 Member
    Would love to join, if not too late...165 mile goal for the month, 2.75 for June 1 and 13.1 for June 2.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    I ran 50 miles today :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    (but I'm not counting that in my total goal)

    i think you should add 50 miles to your goal and COUNT that 50 miles! you ran it, you earned every mile with blood sweat and tears. count it!!!! :bigsmile:
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I ran 50 miles today :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    (but I'm not counting that in my total goal)

    i think you should add 50 miles to your goal and COUNT that 50 miles! you ran it, you earned every mile with blood sweat and tears. count it!!!! :bigsmile:

    I thought the same. What an incredible achievement. I used to watch the ultra-marathoners run The Comrades (they passed near my home) and I always wanted to *be* one of them. I'm awestruck by what it takes to achieve this. Incredible stuff, well done!
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    Added Angelie28, timboom1 and brookepenni to the sheet! Welcome :flowerforyou:

    the update will be up in a few minutes.
  • I'm in for 100 miles for the month of June.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I'm very proud to say that I (together with my incredible little dog Sophie) ran 13.2 miles today. that's my longest distance. Also according to runkeeper, my steepest climb. I think me and the mutt did pretty well, even if we were a bit slow.

  • obiausten
    obiausten Posts: 8 Member
    Hello, Is it to laate to join . My goal for this month is 50 miles.