Women Of 5'9/5'10 - What's Your Goal/Ideal Weight?



  • Jeepgal1984
    I am about 5'11 and currently 198. My goal is around 140-150 but I want to Be more toned then just small. My lowest was about 6 years ago when I was around 130 but I was what they call skinny fat. I worked out and ate right just did not have any muscle.
  • AlabasterJar68
    I'm 5'11" and my goal weight is 189 pounds. That will place me at a healthy BMI for my height and age.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    I think 160 would be my LOWEST I could go.
  • theskinnyonme
    theskinnyonme Posts: 443 Member
    i m almost 5'10" and I want to be 135
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    I am 5'9" and hope to get to 130. Don't know if I will make it but that is where I am headed.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I'm 5'9" and currently weight 141 (as of this morning). I would like to get down to about 138, but since my BF is around 23%....I'm finally getting to the point of being happy with my weight/body! I am wearing a pair of sz 4 jeans today - I don't think I'd want to be any smaller! The smallest I ever weighed, was about 127 and I was sickly looking. I don't think anything under 135 would look good on me. I've actually had people recently tell me I'm starting to get too thin. But I'm not losing weight......I'm gaining muscle.

    I think weight does have a lot to do with frame size. I do know some women who are 5'9" and look good at 130. But I know its not the right look for *me*.
  • sky_sings247
    i'm 5'10 and have a pretty athletic-curvy build... think serena williams with the boobs and the butt. the lowest i've ever been was like 165 in high school. i'm 190 now (since i've filled out a bit) my goal right now is 175.
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    I am 5'9.5" and my first goal is 179. I am uninterested in being thin. My interest is toned, strong and womanly.
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member
    I am 5' 9" and currently weigh 166. My goal is 160. When I hit that, I am going to see how I look and feel and then decide if I want to maintain or go down to 155. At my age (54 yrs old), I have to take my face into consideration. I don't want to start looking like Skeletor.
  • bigpenguin570
    bigpenguin570 Posts: 52 Member
    Between 150-160 I suppose
  • TGKvr
    TGKvr Posts: 123 Member
    I'm 5'9" (and a half! haha) and currently at 156. I'd like to get to 140, then see how it looks and feels at that time before I determine if I want to lose any more. I really want to be toned and lean, so 140 might be the perfect weight once I get the muscles all toned up. In high school I was 90 lbs... didn't break 100 until I was a senior! (17+ years ago!) I'll never want to be that skinny again though... I think my best/most ideal weight was around 130, but like I said - I'd take solid muscle over a number on a scale any day.
    I've lost 5 lbs in the two weeks that I've made my "lifestyle change" and I'm already feeling healthier.
  • idziak04
    idziak04 Posts: 69
    I am 5'10 and I am currently 160. My goal weight is 150. My lowest adult weight was around 148. At this point I am more concerned with toning up than losing weight.
  • Kameisha123
    Hmmm, I feel like the odd ball here. I'm 5'10" and my goal is 155-165 (I gave myself some wiggle room haha).

    Back in my youth, I was under 150 and I thought I was too small!
    Haha, I was really comfortable around 160,so that's my goal now. I have a ways to go though...
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    Holy crap, those frame calculators say I've got a small frame. I always thought I had a large frame because I feel like Godzilla around most other girls. My current goal weight is 150lbs because it is smack in the middle of the healthy BMI range on MFP. I figure I can reassess when I'm closer to that weight, and figure out what I want to maintain.

    I have no idea what my lowest weight was, because I didn't use scales much when I exercised regularly and was in shape. I know 170 has been the average of what I can easily maintain without trying to exercise or watch what I eat.
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    I did the BodPod and it was $50 or $75 for two. I think it was an older machine (it didn't give me my BMR - just my lean body mass and body fat percentages) and the lady (a chiropractor) who owned it said I should not eat more than 1200 calories per day (under my BMR!).

    I was surprised by the 26% reading in the BodPod as I have defined abs and muscle definition in my arms and legs and would have guessed myself around 24%. However, the online military BF calculator gave me the same number (for free!). The military calculator is supposed to be one of the most accurate.

    I lift heavy and do quite a bit of cardio on top of regular activity so I was expecting a lower number - particularly given that I see people who appear much heavier on MFP that report much lower body fat %. I am going to retest in a month because I paid for it but will rely on the military body fat calculator or find another BodPod somewhere else after my next test.
    How does one get their body fat measured? I doubt I could afford a bodpod thing or whatever that is. Only ever used the military online bodyfat test and that gave me around 16.4%, but those online calculators are never particularly reliable.
  • SilkyHotspur
    SilkyHotspur Posts: 233 Member
    I did the BodPod and it was $50 or $75 for two. I think it was an older machine (it didn't give me my BMR - just my lean body mass and body fat percentages) and the lady (a chiropractor) who owned it said I should not eat more than 1200 calories per day (under my BMR!).

    I was surprised by the 26% reading in the BodPod as I have defined abs and muscle definition in my arms and legs and would have guessed myself around 24%. However, the online military BF calculator gave me the same number (for free!). The military calculator is supposed to be one of the most accurate.

    I lift heavy and do quite a bit of cardio on top of regular activity so I was expecting a lower number - particularly given that I see people who appear much heavier on MFP that report much lower body fat %. I am going to retest in a month because I paid for it but will rely on the military body fat calculator or find another BodPod somewhere else after my next test.
    How does one get their body fat measured? I doubt I could afford a bodpod thing or whatever that is. Only ever used the military online bodyfat test and that gave me around 16.4%, but those online calculators are never particularly reliable.

    At work, i've run biggest loser contests with 50 people at a time, using body fat % as a measurement to determine winners, instead of weight. I've owned an Omron meter for several years, and over that time, including contests I must have measured around 80 people total. It has yet to fail in terms of accuracy. "Accuracy" being within 1-2%. I've verified these measurements using calipers in One, Three, and Seven position tests. The best time to use the Omron is in the morning, just after the shower, before using any lotion. If it says you are 32% and a guy...you're in trouble....If you want cut abs, get down below 13% for guys, and below 21% for women.

    I also use it to validate friends weight loss programs. We'll take tape measure readings and bf% at the beginning....then when they get "stuck" at a certain weight, we'll see what their readings are again. Chances are they are losing fat, and gaining muscle.

    Every method has its drawbacks...water displacement, the BodPod, the Omron. I wouldn't waste money on the BodPod over and over if you could own your own meter for $30.

    The principle is Bio Electrical Impedance Analysis. Muscle is 75% water, its why it is hard when compressed, as fluid does not compress. The more muscle you have, the more water you have in your muscles and tissues....the lower resistance, the lower the body fat %. The less muscle you have, the less water you have, the higher your body fat%.
  • kdetmar
    kdetmar Posts: 13
    I am 5'8 and right now weight 178. I use to be 269!! I can't believe that but I am fit and healthy now! I want to weigh around 160 :) I always had that number in my head!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • brennamurphy42
    I'm 5'10" and I currently weigh 158 lbs. My goal weight is 140, but that may be too low. I'm planning on re-evaluating when I get closer. I'm really active; I work out 6 days a week while at home (both cardio and strength training) and I row on a competitive team when I'm at college. I also watch everything I eat and am under my calorie goal pretty much every day. If anyone has any advice on determining a good goal weight for someone with my activity level, that's be great!
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    small frame 5'10" I weigh 139ish I am maintaining this, I go up and down within 2-3lbs.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I'm 5'10" and I currently weigh 158 lbs. My goal weight is 140, but that may be too low. I'm planning on re-evaluating when I get closer. I'm really active; I work out 6 days a week while at home (both cardio and strength training) and I row on a competitive team when I'm at college. I also watch everything I eat and am under my calorie goal pretty much every day. If anyone has any advice on determining a good goal weight for someone with my activity level, that's be great!

    I am pretty active like this. I am doing cardio 4-5 times a week. I eat a lot though, too. Well not over my TDEE. Strength training (heavy lifting) 3-4 times a week. I think it all depends on your frame. I always thought I had a large frame but my hips are actually pretty small after losing weight. I am at 139 and I am starting to finally get a flat stomach (very slow process).