Couch-to-5K - Who's In?



  • kmel2479
    kmel2479 Posts: 102 Member
    Just wanted to let you all know that I ran in a 5k yesterday, mixed with some walking,but I did so much better than I imagined!! The C25K program works for sure! I am only officially in week 5 of outside training and I finished in 39minutes. I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it feels to cross the finish line. Believe me you all can and WILL do it!!!
  • omearaee
    omearaee Posts: 35 Member
    I have started week 3. It's harder but I can still do it. The program makes me feel very empowered, that surprised me.

    As for breathing, I have read that in through the mouth is best
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    week 4 here...the 2nd 5 minute run almost killed me...uffda!!!
  • This is a really good program I am on my 8th week and almost run a full 5k it most def helps! GOOD LUCK!
  • ldg323
    ldg323 Posts: 101 Member
    Starting week 2 tonight. So far so good...... It's actually not as bad as I imagined. Plus it's fun to take my dogs out. Thanks for the challenge!
  • wtbarunner
    wtbarunner Posts: 162 Member
    Just started week 1 today!! Hope I can keep at it!!
  • Spiderjaime
    Spiderjaime Posts: 11 Member

    I can't breathe in through my nose. I don't get enough oxygen. Even just sitting here on the computer, if I try to breathe in through my nose, I am gasping for air in just a few breaths!

    My husband told me to sing while I run. Of course, since I run outside, in public, I'm not about to do that but I have tried lip-synching some refrains and it really does help! As he says.....there's a reason why the military chants throughout their runs!

    If I saw someone run by singing, not only would I assume they were having a great day, but it would make my day too! So now I want to do it. I think I'd be tempted to sing "Harder to breathe" by Maroon 5.

    edit: it won't quote the first two paragraphs! Sorry original poster I don't know how to fix it!
  • JMock13
    JMock13 Posts: 25 Member
    Just signed up for my 1st 5K :)
  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
    Finished the first day of week 4. I did not even die during the 5 min run :) Does anyone have any advice for running in the rain?
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    me please! although my 5k will be done on the wii fit as i have 3 little kiddies to look after so its very hard to get time for me, i can do 3k on it already so id love a little push to get the full 5! Good luck all x

    How do you do 5k on the wii fit? I don't own one and was contemplating getting one. Are you running on the wii board or does it hook up to a treadmill somehow?
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    Did week 4 day 1 today! I'm glad to see that each week has its own mini group of support. The 2nd 5-minute run was definitely more challenging, and I didn't add any extra time on the end of it like I did the first 3 weeks, but I made it. I hope to make the 2nd 5-minute run a 5.5 minute run on Wednesday, and I hope to make it a 6 minute run on Friday. I think this is the first week that I actually struggled. I slowed it down a little, going 4.4mph on the first two runs and 4.5mph on the last two. Wednesday I plan on doing 4.5 and 4.6, and 4.6/4.7 on Friday. Little by little!

    I also have asthma. The past few months I have been on Singulair and my asthma has been totally under control. But, as these runs get longer, I will probably take a couple of puffs of my rescue inhaler before I go work out. My previous doctor suggested that, and she is a runner with asthma.

    I tried a little of the techniques today. I can definitely see how making yourself as tall as possible will help you be lighter. I also tried the timed breathing. I count to 3 on the inhale and 3 on the exhale. I tried to visualize my stomach and diaphragm going out on the inhale and in on the exhale.

    We can do this! Great job today runners!
  • Started week 4 today and loved it!
  • cartwoman
    cartwoman Posts: 64
    Finished the first day of week 4. I did not even die during the 5 min run :) Does anyone have any advice for running in the rain?

    You just do it? :) I tend to run in the rain and the only difference I notice is that I don't get as hot as normal ;)

    Started week 5 and the first day didn't kill me. Bit scared of running 2x 8 minutes tomorrow though :o and 20 minutes in a row on Saturday :s
  • mishtery
    mishtery Posts: 148
    Hi, I'm in also. I did my first 14.38 km run earlier this yr. Ran least half of it. But plan is to do more fun runs this yr, and this probably the best plan to get into it and do it right.
  • I did Week 4, Day 2 this morning. I'm finding the running to be getting easier but now my brain is getting in the way. I know that I could run further but find myself thinking "1/4 lap down, 1/2 lap down, " etc. I'm thinking about the run every single second and it just drags on and on. How do I just chill and enjoy the workout? I am probably ADD which I think is playing into this. HELP!!!!
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    I started on this ages ago but stopped. I'm back in on Day 1 Week 1 tomorrow. :D
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I will be starting this over the weekend!! there is a group alerady at:

    you can always join in the fun

    Here is my post about June starters:
  • jessimom
    jessimom Posts: 29
    I'm in ... Been doing it for almost 4 weeks and loving it now ... Actually felt like I was more stressed in begining but now finally got rid of all the built up stress stuff and it is relaxing me now ... Keep at it I can't believe that I can run for 3 min intervals now and KNOW I will make it through the whole program :)
  • sandygettingfit
    sandygettingfit Posts: 69 Member
    I started this morning - I need some motivation to stick to it.
  • uk_angeldust
    uk_angeldust Posts: 234 Member
    Meeeee toooo! I started 3 days ago :)