Challenge for Xmas!



  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I think I can drop 20 lbs by Christmas if I keep exercising. I am just worried about the exercising part. I have no idea what I'll do when it gets too cold to go walking. I have been bugging hubby for a Wii & Wii Fit. If anyone can make suggestions for workouts, lmk. I don't like leaving the house unless there's errands to be run. So the fact that I'm getting out and walking every day is kinda a big deal for me.

    Anyway, here's to keeping an eye on the prize-- 20 lbs by Christmas!
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    Weighed in but forgot to check in!!!

    Started challenge - 205
    First check in weight - 203.8
    Current check in weight - 202.8

    25.2 lbs. of baby weight down
    6.8 lbs. until pre-baby weight

  • I didnt get a chance to post on Monday because my scale hated me so i went and bought a new scale and im down 15 pounds! woohoo...Only 15.1 to go until my Christmas goal...:noway:

    How is everyone doing?
    Is this challenge helping at all?
  • -sigh-

    Last Week: 271.7
    This Week: 272.7

    I gained a pound. Doesn't surprise me because I went to my family's pizza shop and I was starving... stuffed my face. This is what I get. I know better than to go down there when I'm really hungry, all will power goes out the door. Ugh.

    Today's a new day. Back on track and even though I HAVE to go down there this saturday, I will not be eating food there. I'll bring snacks and eat lunch somewhere else.
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    How's everyone's week going? I was down to 155.4 yesterday morning (woohoo 7lbs in almost 2 months), but then yesterday was a kind of bad eating day AND I went and had a McD's small oreo blizzard :laugh: ... I sooo wanted ice cream and I caved. But I've been doing my runs this week and have finally gotten back to riding the horses after the rain and crappy rings made riding almost impossible.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am down 1.5 this week...that is only 17.3 more lbs till christmas
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    Started challenge - 10/8/09 - 205 (according to my 10/2/09 weigh in)
    10/9/09 - 203.8
    10/16/09 - 202.8
    Current check in weight - 10/23/09 - 200.6

    27.4 lbs. of baby weight down
    4.6 lbs. until pre-baby weight

  • trimlaw
    trimlaw Posts: 11
    I'm in! I'm trying to lose 15 by my birthday (11/18) but don't know how realistic that is. I'll make it my Christmas goal instead!
  • I know I am a little late but I would LOVE to join:happy:

    Start Weight: 180
    Goal Weight: 160
    Goal By Christmas: 170

  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    goal to be in 160's by xmas, but by spring time 2010 to be my goal of 126lbs.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Monday, October -26th - Weigh In

    Starting Weight: 193
    Starting Group Weight: 185
    Last Week: 182
    Current Weight: 181
    X-Mas Goal: 173
    Pounds to X-Mas Goal: 8

    I did weigh in last Thursday at 179, so due to my cheat day yesterday, my body has to catch up a little. :tongue:
  • yoopergirl
    yoopergirl Posts: 41 Member
    Well, I am back to 259.4; seems the more I cook, the easier it is to not eat. Make any sense? I can only think that as I prepare I am more aware of everything about the food & knowing I am really a good cook. It helps that everyone else enjoys the food & appreciates the amount of work that went in to the prep. sue
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    Ok weighed myself this morning.
    Starting weight: 162
    Group start weight: 159
    Last week: 155.8
    This week: 156.4

    Not totally surprised since I wasn't super good this week... Not really bad on any particular day, but not super any day either lol. Ate out a few times as well. Been doing my running but not the strength stuff. Owell moving on...
  • suszieq55
    suszieq55 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm new to MFP and just saw this challenge. I would like to join in. My goal is to lose 15lbs. by Christmas.
  • My goal is to lose 20lbs by Christmas.
  • Weighed this morning

    Start weight for this challenge: 180
    10/26/09: 179

    NINE MORE TO GO!!!!!
  • 10/26/2009

    Starting Weight: 134

    Weighed in at 133!
  • Its better late than never! Welcome to those who joined.

    I didnt lose anything :angry: But better than gaining! :love:

    Check in @ 215 lbs
  • pitapocket
    pitapocket Posts: 287 Member
    I'm down 2 pounds, 12.8 pounds to go. Good Luck Everyone.:drinker:
  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    I'd love to lose as much weight as possible by Christmas...I'm in for about 35..I know thats probably going to happen by Christmas, but I can break it down into a smaller goal. Let me know what we're doing exactly...weigh in's and what not...thnx!!
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