Please help I'm almost in tears



  • itsjen516
    itsjen516 Posts: 86
    Maybe the waieght you have been losing is muscel if you havent been going to the gym. Try 20 crunches in the mourning before a shower and 20 before takes a total of 1-2min and can help get you belly flat. Also try planks personally i cant hold longer than 1min. Becuase it hurts my sholders. What you need isnt carido because that burns calories, but muscel stregthening. To work on core also try 6inches. I have no idea who you are or where you live but please dont hurt yourself with diet pills or knifes its not worth it.
    whats plank i keep hearing this alot and am willing to try
  • itsjen516
    itsjen516 Posts: 86
    And just throwing this out there:

    I am a mom of three........and my belly looks like three kids have lived in it for sure!!!!!!!!!! I am not sure I'll ever get it totally flat and non-poochy.........but when I put on cute clothes and walk out in public and catch my reflection in a window or mirror.....I look like a thin, healthy woman. Not a fat mom. And I bet you you pretty darn good too. Put on your cutest outfit and go shopping and tell me what you see when you pass your reflection..........a thin girl, right?? You're beautiful..........I hope you find a way to not be so hard on yourself.
    i own cute things :( but then get all upset if something looks weird
    ughhh i wish i never had a eating disoder eveything would be better :(
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    How is your stress level? There are several studies that show stress can lead to excess belly fat.
    soooo high
    like to the point were i have hurt my self :(

    This and the comments about drastic weight loss concerns me and tells me that you may need to be talking with a professional. If you have hurt yourself and you are bordering on ED behaviors, you need more help than any of us can offer. I hope everything works out for you, but I really hope you find the right help too.
  • itsjen516
    itsjen516 Posts: 86
    How is your stress level? There are several studies that show stress can lead to excess belly fat.
    soooo high
    like to the point were i have hurt my self :(

    This and the comments about drastic weight loss concerns me and tells me that you may need to be talking with a professional. If you have hurt yourself and you are bordering on ED behaviors, you need more help than any of us can offer. I hope everything works out for you, but I really hope you find the right help too.
    i am getting help
    i took that step cuz im sick of my way of living
    its jusr ALOT harder then i though

    i really just want a flat stomach at thus point
    i just went on a random vent cuz i was crying
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    You will just have to try some different exercises. Yoga, the 30 day Shred. No more trouble zones...there are so many.
    Don't cry and don't give up...You can do this!
  • imara125
    imara125 Posts: 13
    You lay on your belly with your arms by your face and then push up so you are on your forearms and toes only keep your but level. Google it. Basically you are keeping the down position of a pushup but with your forearms.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Strength training (no, not Jillian Michaels, P90x, or Chaleen Extreme), and eating at a slight caloric deficit. All the crunches in the world aren't going to make your belly fat go away...but a deficit and strength training 3x a week will.

    Also, you don't have to have a gym to strength train. There's a bodyweight program on my profile that is incredibly effective. I went from a 42" waist to a 32" waist in 3mos.


    Also, the yoga suggestion is also a good idea. There are many types of yoga - some which are better for strength, and others for flexibility etc - it would be good to look into them

    One big thing is to try to relax (easier said than done) - you will get there, but stress can derail your efforts. Also, please make sure you fuel your workouts. Undereating (I am not suggesting you are, just a heads up) and too much cardio can stress you body, which you really do not want.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Honestly the best thing in this situation is therapy and learning to love your body. It's hard, but you can do it. :)
  • wrecktechno
    wrecktechno Posts: 145 Member
    My old personal trainer told me that stomach fat is generally a result of diet. but having said that, you won't get a flat tummy from inactivity.

    PLANK :
  • itsjen516
    itsjen516 Posts: 86
    Honestly the best thing in this situation is therapy and learning to love your body. It's hard, but you can do it. :)
    ya ill try my best :)

    sorry about the rant yall :(
  • timmymon
    timmymon Posts: 304 Member
    It just takes TIME! I know that is not exactly what you want to hear but it really is the truth. I am in the same exact boat as you. I have lost 100 pounds this past year and still have belly fat that is slowly but surely going away. Keep working hard and keep your head up, I promise you will see results as long as you are pushing yourself each and everyday. There is no such thing as a quick fix
  • laneydawn
    laneydawn Posts: 64
    I agree with the planks! They are fantastic. Also, do a google search for lower ab exercises, you are bound to find some. Also, have you tried taking CLA? Its a natural thing that our body makes but as we get older we make less of it, its works really well and its not like other stuff where you get jittery or whatever. Not sure how it works, just know it does! good luck
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    Lower your carbs
  • JazziA
    JazziA Posts: 1
    Hi: I am new here but have been using Livestrong My Daily Plate and lost 40 pounds. I too have a belly and some of it has gone down. Try eating MUFA's monounsaturated fatty acids - avocado, nuts, fish/sardines, seeds, etc. Also, check out the Lean Belly Prescription by Dr. Travis Stork. You really have to strength train and eat certain foods to eliminate visceral belly fat. I so want a tummy tuck because of childbirth, but I can't afford one right now. Just love yourself and make some changes to the foods you eat. Don't be so hard on yourself and learn to love, dress, and appreciate the body you have right now. It will all come together in time. Take care and stay strong and positive.:smile:
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Honestly the best thing in this situation is therapy and learning to love your body. It's hard, but you can do it. :)
    ya ill try my best :)

    sorry about the rant yall :(
    ::hugs:: Your worth as a person is not determined by whether or not you have belly fat. Since you say you've dealt with ED issues, maybe you should consider the possibility that your stomach is fine, and it's all in your head?

    Either way, my recommendation is that you stand in front of the mirror and chant something affirming like, "I am beautiful" over and over again every day until you stop feeling silly and start believing it.
  • Smartypantz4u2
    Smartypantz4u2 Posts: 7 Member
    If you had a flatter stomach, I guarantee that won't make you happy. You will find something else to obsess over. I have lost 90lbs and I suffered from an eating disorder. I find that when I feel out of control in my life, I start obsessing about my weight. It's funny how one day I can feel thin and good about all the progress I've made in my life and the very next day I could feel like I'm 300lbs. Nothing changed in one day, even one week. Maybe extra stress or whatever. Focus on you, not your weight. Your weight is not the issue. You have to accept yourself just as you are in order to be happy and if you end up getting wash board abs, you will be happy then. Remember, it's always going to be something. Don't punish yourself, love you, be good to you. If you exercise, do it because you want to be healthy, if you lose weight in the process then that is an extra bonus. This is what worked for me. :heart:
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Honestly the best thing in this situation is therapy and learning to love your body. It's hard, but you can do it. :)
    ya ill try my best :)

    sorry about the rant yall :(

    Good plan!! With the right help you'll make it. This is waaay more important than any stomach fat. You'll be so much happier and healthier when you can be kind to yourself. For example: that wasn't a rant, that was you asking for help so you don't go back to hurting yourself. Well done! :D
  • TenderBranson
    TenderBranson Posts: 114 Member
    Excuse after excuse after excuse.

    It's no wonder why you haven't reached your goals.
  • WinWinGo
    WinWinGo Posts: 99 Member
    Yoga is good for this, because it does help strengthen muscles (in addition to helping with balance and flexibility), and it sounds like that's what you need. At least, it seems to have helped me. I do Ashtanga Yoga, but it's kind of intense, and I think Hatha Yoga would probably work too. I might take longer though.
    Idk about planks, but I have tried them, and they do work the relevant areas. You do planks by getting into a pushup position, putting your forearms flat on the ground and holding for as long as you can.
    I also did some strength training with a dumbbell (oblique exercises), and crunches. I did the crunches longer than the strength training though, and in addition to the yoga.
  • jhigg11
    jhigg11 Posts: 121 Member
    I think the OP could use compassion instead of being told she has excuses. She has a serious eating disorder. She's not eating twinkies for dinner and wondering why she can't lose weight. She's starving her body of vital nutrients and harming herself.

    Sweetie, you should work with a therapist, nutritionist and a trainer that can create a plan for you to create a healthy body, before you start losing bone density and end up with osteoporosis, as well as many other problems. You have a long life to live, take your time and live it right.