Groceries $$



  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 615 Member
    I spend about $400 a month for myself and my two kids full time and my best friend and her two kids about half the time (she takes care of my kids during the day at my house so I feed 6 people breakfast, lunch and snacks and then three people dinner most nights with occasional company.

    I shop sales as much as possible and do my best to hit up the farmers market by my house.

    My calories vary from 1200 to 2000 depending on the day. I'm the only one in my household working on a weight loss regime but I have picky eaters so meal time can be interesting.
  • star7092
    star7092 Posts: 22
    I'm a meat eater, though I eat mostly chicken and fish. I live by myself and typically can get away with shopping once a month for $200. I try to keep my calories around 1600 a day.
  • cyclingben
    cyclingben Posts: 346 Member
    About $300 for one male. That also includes all my protein bars and shakes/ vitamins/ supplements
  • LovesMyBananas
    For two adults, about $480, give or take.

    We buy mainly produce and lean meats; not many processed foods. I eat ~1200 cals per day, partner eats ~ 2200.

    It's expensive to be healthy :(
  • fitnhealthykaren
    Too much! I spend about $1000/month for a family of 4. BUT, I buy a lot of organic meat and veggies, plus I'm a Celiac so I buy gluten free as well ($$). AND, this does also include alcohol.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    My boyfriend and I spend $200 a month (combined). We are both vegetarians. He eats probably 1400 calories a day and I eat about 900 calories a day. We eat mostly veggies, beans, rice, oats. Our "splurges" are fake meats (like veggie burgers!).

    I think you need to eat more!
  • gentsevetzak
    gentsevetzak Posts: 147 Member
    800€ a month for 2 adults and a kid (complicated family situation but this is about right). Vegetarian most days, about 2 days of meat/fish a week, all organic produce. I think if i lived in the States i could get by on around 400$ for pretty much the same thing. Food is expensive here.
  • xlolitabandita
    Probably around $200+ for two people...I would rather spend the extra money on healthy food for us, then go out and spend it on other crap. We rarely ever eat out or drink, and I rarely buy junk food...He was doing a happy dance yesterday, because I bought him one bag of his favorite old bay chips. I'm a recently turned herbivore and he's an omnivore, and I eat around 1200-1400 and he probably eats anywhere from 1200-2500, just depending on what he has going on.
  • 3ofmine
    3ofmine Posts: 136 Member
    I am eating 2100 calories a day. I buy alot of spinach, apples, bananas, strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe. I buy our breads at a bread store(good name brand) that is a discount store Double Fiber Wheat bread for $1. We also don't eat ground beef we use ground turkey in place of it. We use alot of chicken, fish, pork and if I don't buy fresh veggies I use frozen and I shop at Sam's Club because some of the stuff is a better deal you just have to watch what you buy. We spend about $100-$140/week so at most $600 per month with eating out because we'll get pizza or something out 1x per week.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    Family of 3. We spend around 400-500 a month on groceries. Generally we go every other weekend and spend around 200.

    We all eat a little of everything.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    $1000 - $1200 for four adults--all vegetarians, and me--mostly vegan. We rarely eat out. I buy mostly organic fruits and vegetables, dairy and eggs from a local farm (double the price of similar products at the grocery store), and my family likes faux 'meats' which tend to be pricey. I make many things from scratch normally: yogurt, bread, soup, etc. Buying locally sourced, sustainable foods which aren't packaged to death is more expensive than the big warehouse stores.
  • XxXHillaryXxX
    XxXHillaryXxX Posts: 32 Member
    Family of four. Light on the meat/heavy on the fresh fruits and veg plus 2 tubs of $45 (each tub) protein powder. Our budget also includes all household and personal care items too. $300 a month.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I spend about $600 dollars a month on food for my daughter and I. I'm eating very little calories since I had a gastric bypass, but I'm also eating very very high quality calories (which can be pricier). My daughter averages about 1200 calories (but she's only ten and when I say averages, i mean i'm not counting her calories and i'm completely ballpark guessing.... she's 5'2" (adult height and about 110 pounds so she's eating a good small adult calorie diet)

    But like I said before I shop for very high quality foodstuffs, that doesn't always mean most expensive, we do a lot of farmers markets for really fresh and organic (and that can often end up cheaper).

    But I do have to maintain a certain protein level every day and that protein (be it shake, meat or bar) can really push up a grocery budget.

  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    I spend about $100-200. I don't have a family yet and eat around 1600-2000 calories a day.

    Beer not included.
  • HannahDiaz25
    HannahDiaz25 Posts: 104
    I spent a lot on groceries. My calorie goal is 1590, I shop for a family of 5, and we spend at least $800/month.

    But I feed 1 vegan, 1 vegetarian, 2 toddlers with mutiple allergies and huge appetites, and 1 very tall, hardworking and hungry husband. And we live in a part of Canada most people will never ever hear of, and everything is trucked in. EVERYTHING. Fruit does not grow here, very few veggies grow here and what does grow only grows for 2 months a year.

    Are you up north? I knew someone who worked up north for awhile and hear horror stories about how much he spent on food (especially his comfort foods).

    I'm from Alaska. I use to spend about 200 per week if I was eating fresh veggies, fruits and all healthy... produce etc is very expensive when its getting shipped half way around the world. Now I live in Colorado with my husband and we spend about 700 a month on groceries if I'm shopping at Whole Foods and buying all organic (we eat meat) We spend about 500 a month if I'm shopping at Safeway...
  • HannahDiaz25
    HannahDiaz25 Posts: 104
    Wow! Tell me your do you get veggies and fruits for four people at this low of cost per month!?
  • ready2tryagain42
    Anywhere from $150-$250 per month for me. I am not married and have no kids so it is just me. I eat between 1300-1700 a day depends on exercise. I definately think I eat lighter meals during the summer. And I tend to like to try new things and recipes so I buy a lot of things in the health food places like Drug Emporium and Whole Foods. I don't eat a great deal of meat but more of a pescatarian than anything else. :)
  • Meganalva
    Meganalva Posts: 282 Member
    For myself and my three little boys, I spend around $300-$400 a month. I eat vegan but cook vegetarian for my kids. It's hard to really give an accurate money total though because they eat 1-2 meals 5 days a week at the babysitter's so that's a lot of meals I don't have to provide.
  • wantangbob
    wantangbob Posts: 22
    It's me, my wife and my sister libing at my house.
    We tend to spend around £100/week on our shop, but that'll include pet food, cleaning produce, impulse DVD's etc.
    I guess it would work out at around £80/week, which'll be around $120. This'll get cheaper in the summer as I'm growing a lot of my own fruit and veg, so it'll only be meat, bread and beer left.

    I'm aiming for 2100 calories.
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    $80-$145 for me and a cat (if I have to buy cat food that month, my bags of cat food last 2 months and cost $45)

    I use a lot of coupons as well so usually my food is less than that. (not counting eating out which I do about twice a month)

    Meat eater, but very little red meat, I prefer chicken and fish.