Dating someone different... did it change your type?



  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Never went with a 'type', though music was a huge part, I could NEVER date someone who listens to country.

    I dated whomever wanted to date me (within reason, not gonna date some drug addict).
  • Strawberry09
    Strawberry09 Posts: 14 Member
    I was once into "bad" boys (lol) but met a country boy a couple years ago that changed my whole world. He loves country, dirt biking, off roading, four-wheeling, working in the garage, building things, camping, hunting etc and is honestly the sweetest guy i've ever met. Just because someone likes country doesn't mean they have a drinking problem, haha. My guy can control his alcohol and only drinks socially. They are good guys to keep around! Definately know how to have a fun time and you end up doing a lot of new and exciting things! Hold on to him :-)
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    I don't know if i ever had a "type", which now sounds a little slutty (lol). The only thing that was a constant was humor. If you didn't have that, it wasn't going anywhere. I did date a good amount of "difficult/bad", muscled out dudes. Then i was cheated on and almost killed, so that changed everything for me. I then didn't give two s**ts about what a guy looked like as long as he was stable, kind, and had,of course, HUMOR.
  • brittanylock09
    brittanylock09 Posts: 197 Member
    I've dated:

    Gangsta boys (when I was younger)
    Skater boy (again, younger)
    Church/ preacher boy (was married to him.. ehhh probably won't do that again)
    Regular guys (they don't fit under a category)
    Country boy

    What I haven't dated:

    Cop or fireman (fantasy!)
    Sugar daddy

    the fantasy isn't all it's cracked up to be . . . trust me

    Yup! It ain't all fun and games. A lot of them get the reputation of not being faithful which I know a lot of them that ain't. also, they work long hours, weird hours, and are on call. not fun to deal with
  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
    Just wanted to note that your bf is hot.

    But you already know that.

    I've always had a thing for country boys... my ex was not one. Will definitely be looking for one in the future...
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 615 Member
    I don't know if my exes have caused me to change my type but they have certainly made me cautious and less tolerant of certain attitudes or behaviors.
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    And yes...your country boy is a little hottie for sure!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Thanks for the compliments on the bf. He is a cutie!

    On the cop thing... my cousin married a cop and he's a good guy as far as being faithful etc but he's a functioning alcoholic. The stories he tells us about the other cops... not appealing. Still, hot uniforms!!
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    :sad: All my dreams, disiers, and fantasys are country/cowboys.

    The closest Ive come is a white guy from Tennesse... No one else even came close to being "my" country/cowboy.. and I still want one!

    Edit: Because my response sounded shallow. LOL I have dated other guys, but im still drawn to the country boys. I always keep an open mind. If he can wear a cowboy hat for me once in a while he could be blue with three eyes, as long as his personality is what I was attracted to.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I was just the opposite. I dated someone that was atypical of my usual preferences and it only reaffirmed how much I really like what I like and how much I didn't like someone different. I guess I'm finally old enough to be set in my ways LOL
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    dating my first girl now, 6.5 years strong :heart:

    :heart: Happens to the best of us.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I don't know about a cowboy... bf isn't cowboy.

    Mmmm but I can picture him in some tight jeans and hat. Yum yum!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I just like bad girls.
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    I don't know about a cowboy... bf isn't cowboy.

    Mmmm but I can picture him in some tight jeans and hat. Yum yum!

  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    I have never dated a Hispanic woman before my current girlfriend. I f*cking love it. She's perfect.
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    In high school and my first year of college I used to be really into artsy guys (only making sense since I'm an art student) - skinny, long hair, piercings (my mom called them hobos lol)

    Then I joined the military and while I haven't dated a military guy, just being in has definately changed my taste radically - Now I am attracted to clean cut guys.

    A boyfriend I had when I was 17 is an example of this, when we were dating he was skinny with long hair and piercings. I saw him several months ago and now that he has taken his piercings out, cut his hair and put on a bit of weight I am way more attracted to him. whoops....
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    Hey....I just got out of an extremely HORRIBLE relationship with my BF who is from Alabama......I'm a NYC girl......Born and raised the Italian-American way.

    My ex loves nascar, hunting, fishing, mud riding, 4x4's, dirt roads, moon shine, whiskey.....

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE .....I'm only saying this because I care, watch to see if he drinks...and HOW MUCH he drinks. My ex is clearly an alcoholic yet won't admit it. His friends and family even says he's an alcoholic. He was also a drug addict.....I never knew til I did a background check on him. Also, see if he has somewhat of an edcuation. My ex dropped out of see where I'm getting with this??

    I LOVE country boys too and want to so desperately move back down South...because that's where my heart is. I don't like living in NYC, but I have no business being down south because all of my family lives up here.

    Please take my mistakes and learn from them. I'm not saying that ALL country boys are like this. But it's almost the norm down there (also depending on the location and type of crowds you hang out with) You can even read my wall page....I was desperately 100% in love with this man only to find out he was a monster. He changed me and my ways of don't change or lose yourself for who you are...keep that close to you.....

    Thanks for generalizing every "country boy" into alcoholism. Wow...just WOW

    That's what I'm thinking.

    Pretty sure you can find alcoholic, dopehead, dropouts in every walk of life... not just the dirty south. As far as preferences go, when you're open minded, you never know who you might get along with.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i've definitely dated people of different cultures than me as well as different ethnicities. stuff like not listening to the same music or tv shows are superficial details and not really good examples in my mind of why someone would be too different for me to datet . it's like me saying i cant date a white guy because he needs to use sunscreen and i dont and those differences are just so hard to overcome :laugh:

    i guess i've been lucky enough to meet guys who are similar to me in that they realize that what's important is a shared or similar value system and general shared beliefs in things like being honest, having integrity, being kind and being affectionate. whether or not he watches my same tv shows, likes the philadelphia eagles, can sing every prince song with me is really not that important.

    so no, i guess my type hasnt really changed since fundamentally i'm dating guys for deeper things rather than any particular set type
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    My type was always average everything. Average height, average fitness, etc. Then I dated someone chubby, and I think I'm a chubby chaser now. :blushing: After that, I dated a more-fit guy, and I didn't like it as much. However, he did have great arm muscles, which made me love muscles again! Not too sure what I like anymore. Chubby with muscles? That doesn't make sense...

    Chubby with muscles exists! lol My boyfriend is a big guy but he's got muscle under and you can see it. He's extremely strong. I love it because he's not smaller than me and not super musclely but just enough that he can pick me up and toss me around with no problem :) Oy, I'm getting excited now lol

    But to reply to the OP, I dated:

    Older man (rocky relationship, ended badly)
    Thespian type (didn't last long but he was a sweetheart)
    Marine (he conveniently let me know he had another gf after returning from Iraq)
    Country boy (he cheated on me via dating sites)
    Geeky Gamer (My longest relationship so far. 2 years and still going strong!)
  • withabandon
    withabandon Posts: 168 Member
    I am currently in an LTR with a reliable, tall, blonde broker who is not quite "farmboy" (which would be my initial type), but a little bit country... in the city. I think he could transition nicely. I don't think he will ever be a calf-roping, sheep-purchasing, mud-truck runner BUT he has been making a big effort to friendly up to my horse. :)

    He is the first really RELIABLE, stable guy. Previous to this, I dated a gypsy, who literally lived in the converted back of a postal truck and kept horses on big, open land. I was also involved with a musician in identity crisis who just couldn't make up his mind what he wanted, and a man who spent a large part of his life on the streets of TO and was 13 years my senior (I had just turned 18). I used to feed off of the drama of the volatile relationships and uncertain circumstances, but I love having someone I can count on. Physically, he is quite the opposite of what I go for (I usually prefer dark hair, light eyes, tall and lean muscle type (read: brooding!) but I think this could be my final answer. :)