Women with PCOS!



  • superbeffie
    superbeffie Posts: 93 Member
    I have it, too! I am unable to conceive again, but I'm hoping that losing some weight will enable me to get pregnant this time without fertility treatments!

    I have found that being careful with carbs is very important. That and my doctor said that our bodies don't burn calories the same way that others do so be very careful in eating exercise calories. The numbers shown on machines or on here don't accurately represent our burns.
  • laceyvl12
    laceyvl12 Posts: 8
    I'm glad i found this group! I had an ultrasound in 2006 that was suspicious for PCOS. It took 14 months to get pregnant with my first child. I did not have a problem getting pregnant with my second. After that I didn't really think too much about having PCOS until a few months ago. I was looking up reasons why my acne was flaring up and my hair was thinning. I have most of the symptoms of PCOS. I'm currently on birth control and my Dr. prescribed spirinolactone last week. I'm going to start it tomorrow and crossing my fingers I don't have any side effects! I've had a hard time losing weight the last few months but in the past it's came of easily once I really try. I've been working out about 5 times per week and cut down on carbs and that seems to be helping.
  • Always0614
    Hi guys. I am a fellow PCOSer here. I've been diagnosed since 2010. My journey has had many ups and downs. My husband and I still don't have a little one yet, but we do have each other. I'd love to be part of this community. The unity here makes me feel like someone understands my cries and won't judge me or think of me as being weak or incapable!!!!!! I'm the most confident person that you'll ever meet but PCOS is the one identity in my life that makes me want to hide my face and fall to defeat. It's my nerver ending struggle!!!!!!
  • maryann0518
    maryann0518 Posts: 3 Member
    I didn't always have PCOS. I was pear shaped and slim in high school, and had three babies with no trouble. After my third son, I got the Merina IUD. I developed all kinds of issues, and weird symptoms which lead me to get some answers. I was soon diagnosed with PCOS. I don't know if it developed because of the weight gain from each pregnancy or the Mirena IUD (which I have since had removed). I am hoping that losing weight will somehow normalize my body and rid me of this disorder. I'd love some PCOS friends since we all know what a struggle the weight loss is!
  • ShylaBrown22
    I got diagnosed with pcos when i was 19 and im 26 now, it was a rough road but i finally got pregnant! i now have a almost 6 month old little boy, his name is COlton and he is amazing!!! Now im having problems losing weight! ugh!! Help!

    Please add me as a friend! I could use advice and Encouragement!
  • BabyGrl726
    BabyGrl726 Posts: 102 Member
    Im with you on the PCOS. I refuse to do any meds. I was at about 220 back in 2002-2008, droppd weight and got down to 170. I became pregnant and after pregnancy got down to 160. My daugther is three now. I had some stressful events happen in my life and gained my weight back. The acne is horrible. My face is all scarred with pock marks. But for me, the diet and excercise has pretty much kept PCOS under control. Looking to lose again and definitely looking for "support/encouragement/advice/friendship."

    feel free to add me
