Body by Vi scam

OnlyICanDoIt Posts: 31 Member
Am I the only one that thinks this is just a new Pyramid scheme?

Of course you are going to lose weight with just drinking shakes, exercising, and eating right. Why spend all of that money or WORSE yet, try to get your friends to buy so YOU don't have to pay for it. And it really drives me nuts that they congratulate each other and "oooo" and "aaaahhh" on each other's FB pages (I have a FB buddy that is doing it and has tried to sell it to me several times).

Tell me what ya'll think, maybe I'm just looking at it wrong.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    It is MLM. I unfriend people who try more than once.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    It's extremely annoying. My sister in law swears by it (and has lost next to no weight) and I continue to tell her about this site.
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Network Marketing (also called Pyramid Selling, Multi-Level Marketing, or Referral Marketing) is not the same thing as a "pyramid scheme", though many people make that assumption. As long as there is a sale of actual products or services involved (in this case, the weight loss shakes), it's not a pyramid scheme. The scheme is when someone sends off money for nothing other than the promise of receiving more money later as other people join in.

    As to whether the product itself is any good, I have no idea. I've never tried it, and I don't know anyone who has.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Body by Vi and shakeology and stupid body wraps and beachbody coaches pushing expensive programs on you annoy the crap out of me.


    ok, rant over :laugh:
  • Doing_The_Unstruck
    Doing_The_Unstruck Posts: 241 Member
    It's just as useless and annoying as shakeology. It's sad that people waste money on the garbage instead of eating whole nutritious foods and exercisimg regularly.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    It seems that every thread that promotes it is by someone who then tries to sell it to you. I've even had people highjack protein threads saying 'body by vi helps you loose weight'. First off, I was not asking to loose weight, I'm 5'7 and 120 lbs...I just want protein...and those shakes have far less compared to whey isolate...which is what I was asking for...shesh. A friend of mine just made a post on facebook about getting it so I logged in search of threads to show her. Unfortunately there are so many people who try and sell it.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I just don't get how that is teaching anyone to eat properly. As soon as they stop using them they will be back to square one.
  • NinjaChickie
    NinjaChickie Posts: 118 Member
    here's my opinion (& rant) :grumble:

    Its for people who are too lazy to be bothered learning about real nutrition and healthy eating. They're looking for that magic solution. If they did some research on actual food, they would find they can eat WAY more of that than 2 shakes a day with a 'proper meal' for dinner..... here's an idea: how about having a proper meal for EVERY meal.

    I tried the slimfast 2 shake a day diet about 5 years ago. I was always hungry, even right after drinking the shake, but I foolishly thought that it would work, it had worked for thousands of other people so it had to work for me too, hunger was just something I had to learn to live with... now i know better and think WTF??? really.... that's no way to live. :noway: Besides, it did not work, no weight lost, no inches lost, actually i think i gained weight and I ended over eating once or twice a week to compensate.

    What happens if they cannot afford these shakes any more, or by some miracle they all disappear overnight. All the weight that was lost, will start coming back because they don't know how to create a nutritious meal out of regular foods. Go read some books, heck even Google would be better than ignorance.

    I'm not saying I'm perfect, or know everything. I still do use Carnation Instant Breakfast shake occasionally, but its more for convenience when I sleep late, its my backup plan :wink: I am a lot more satisfied with chewing my foods.

    Again, just my opinions & rant. Not asking anyone else to agree with me, just letting it out of my system!. :glasses:
  • kristynkayte
    kristynkayte Posts: 69 Member
    I do another shake program and I can tell's NOT for lazy people as one poster said. I work out daily. Yes I have a shake for breakfast and lunch. Because that is quick and easy for me. I also snack on many fruits and veggies throughout the day and eat a lot of protein. I have a colorful dinner and am happy with the program. I do NOT try and sell it to anyone on here...just use the site to track my food and exercise. Everyone loses differently. These programs are not a quick fix and if you go into the program knowing that you will meet your goal. I've lost 9 lbs in 3 weeks and am happy with that. It works for me. As well as eating right and exercising. So's not for lazy people and people who don't want to eat right at every meal. We are eating right...that's what's working for us.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    What ninja said. I have whey powder because its quick and easy. Im to busy to always be cooking chicken breasts. Its the lazy thing to do I know and The powder isnt magic.

    To the previous poster that says the shakes arent for lazy people its for quick and easy...Thats like saying Im not tired Im falling asleep. I dont think she ment sedentary...I think she meant they didnt want to put effort into making something for themselves
    If you want to have a shake go ahead, but stop telling people thats why you are losing weight.
  • carlyhahn
    carlyhahn Posts: 4
    I have to say I do not agree. I have been using the Body BY Vi Shakes since january and have lost over 65 pound. I have learned to eat properly and also work out everyday. It is NOT a weight loss product but a Nutritional Shake. It will help you lose weight but it also helps you build lean muscle.

    The important thing that I have learn when it come to protein is this:

    Whey protein may say 24-54 g on the package but HOW MUCH OF IT is ACTUALLY getting absorbed into your cells?

    Body By Vi ingredients have a Trisorb type of protein that has been proven to absorb every ounce of protein you ingest.

    Regular Whey protein does not!! Do a google search!! I research all this information before I started the Body By Vi Challenge.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I have to say I do not agree. I have been using the Body BY Vi Shakes since january and have lost over 65 pound. I have learned to eat properly and also work out everyday. It is NOT a weight loss product but a Nutritional Shake. It will help you lose weight but it also helps you build lean muscle.

    The important thing that I have learn when it come to protein is this:

    Whey protein may say 24-54 g on the package but HOW MUCH OF IT is ACTUALLY getting absorbed into your cells?

    Body By Vi ingredients have a Trisorb type of protein that has been proven to absorb every ounce of protein you ingest.

    Regular Whey protein does not!! Do a google search!! I research all this information before I started the Body By Vi Challenge.
    Trisorb protein lol. Because that exists in nature and isnt a patented name. Ive heard this speal before but every time I ask for scientific studies that prove this I get none and have not been able to find any. Proof?

    Also, if it was nutritional there would be food in it instead of processes.
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Whey protein may say 24-54 g on the package but HOW MUCH OF IT is ACTUALLY getting absorbed into your cells?

    Body By Vi ingredients have a Trisorb type of protein that has been proven to absorb every ounce of protein you ingest.

    Regular Whey protein does not!! Do a google search!! I research all this information before I started the Body By Vi Challenge.

    Wow... :ohwell:
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    I :heart: THIS THREAD!!

    MLM's are scams. (Like I've said in 19 threads just today I think). Amway, Cutco, Body By Vi, Shakeology, Herbalife.. all scams designed to rob good people of their money with pushy sales tactics and lies.

    And if you see ANYONE promoting any of them on this site please report them. You'll be doing other people a favor by keeping them from getting suckered.

    They prey on those trying to lose weight. It's disgusting. With their magic drinks. Piss off already!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I have to say I do not agree. I have been using the Body BY Vi Shakes since january and have lost over 65 pound. I have learned to eat properly and also work out everyday. It is NOT a weight loss product but a Nutritional Shake. It will help you lose weight but it also helps you build lean muscle.

    The important thing that I have learn when it come to protein is this:

    Whey protein may say 24-54 g on the package but HOW MUCH OF IT is ACTUALLY getting absorbed into your cells?

    Body By Vi ingredients have a Trisorb type of protein that has been proven to absorb every ounce of protein you ingest.

    Regular Whey protein does not!! Do a google search!! I research all this information before I started the Body By Vi Challenge.

    This is joke right?
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    I have to say I do not agree. I have been using the Body BY Vi Shakes since january and have lost over 65 pound. I have learned to eat properly and also work out everyday. It is NOT a weight loss product but a Nutritional Shake. It will help you lose weight but it also helps you build lean muscle.

    The important thing that I have learn when it come to protein is this:

    Whey protein may say 24-54 g on the package but HOW MUCH OF IT is ACTUALLY getting absorbed into your cells?

    Body By Vi ingredients have a Trisorb type of protein that has been proven to absorb every ounce of protein you ingest.

    Regular Whey protein does not!! Do a google search!! I research all this information before I started the Body By Vi Challenge.

    ^See? Scam artist spouting nonsense to try and take your money. Avoid these people like the plague.

    The only loss you'll see will be in your bank account.
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
    I have to say I do not agree. I have been using the Body BY Vi Shakes since january and have lost over 65 pound. I have learned to eat properly and also work out everyday. It is NOT a weight loss product but a Nutritional Shake. It will help you lose weight but it also helps you build lean muscle.

    The important thing that I have learn when it come to protein is this:

    Whey protein may say 24-54 g on the package but HOW MUCH OF IT is ACTUALLY getting absorbed into your cells?

    Body By Vi ingredients have a Trisorb type of protein that has been proven to absorb every ounce of protein you ingest.

    Regular Whey protein does not!! Do a google search!! I research all this information before I started the Body By Vi Challenge.

    WTF Get out! 3 Friends and every post about the **** to sell ........Die marketing crap!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Scam... or cult?! :noway:
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    I have to say I do not agree. I have been using the Body BY Vi Shakes since january and have lost over 65 pound. I have learned to eat properly and also work out everyday. It is NOT a weight loss product but a Nutritional Shake. It will help you lose weight but it also helps you build lean muscle.

    The important thing that I have learn when it come to protein is this:

    Whey protein may say 24-54 g on the package but HOW MUCH OF IT is ACTUALLY getting absorbed into your cells?

    Body By Vi ingredients have a Trisorb type of protein that has been proven to absorb every ounce of protein you ingest.

    Regular Whey protein does not!! Do a google search!! I research all this information before I started the Body By Vi Challenge.

    WTF Get out! 3 Friends and every post about the **** to sell ........Die marketing crap!

    Personally I like the photoshopped weightloss pics. A real nice touch.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Isn't it also soy protein? All GMO and will give men great boobies! Who wouldn't want that?!