Does anyone eat whatever they want just within calories?



  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    No way! I've changed the way I eat completely. I'm so much more conscious of what I put into my body now, and I want to make the best choices. That's not to say I don't eat chocolate occasionally, but that's a treat, not something I eat every day.

    You're losing weight, but there's more to being healthy than weight loss.
  • superrjo
    superrjo Posts: 112 Member
    i do, i wont scald myself if i eat badly aslong as im within, although i do try to eat healthy. cant help the cravings sometimes though ! healthier stuff is usually lower cal as well, which means if i eat better i can eat more, which is also an incentive :)

    i was also brought up on healthy food so its the kind of thing im used to eating anyway
  • Yes. If I'm craving sweets, I'll have sweets and make sure to work out and maybe have a lighter meal. But I've also cut out a lot of the bad food too. I never use real butter anymore (which is an accomplishment in the south), full fat cheese, fry anything, drink real soda, etc. I basically do eat whatever I want (ice cream, chickfila, vodka, whatever) just smaller portions. I add it to my diary and make room for the higher calories. It's worked for me, I've lost 51 pounds!
  • jayrey72
    jayrey72 Posts: 11 Member
    If you consume a lot of sodium, your body will retain water. Even if you consume lower calories.

    There's lots of people in the normal weight range that have heart attacks and strokes. My uncle is a cardiologist, and he sees it all the time. What's the point of losing weight, feeling better, and looking good on the outside. But having a ticking time bomb on the inside?

    Key is balance - like a lot of people here are saying. Treat yourself, but just don't go crazy. The human brain has only a finite amount of willpower (which is directly related to glucose level). If you have a piece of chocolate (as opposed to the whole bar), you will satisfy a craving and your willpower is appeased.
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    I use to be lenient on the, "Whatever fits" but that simply doesn't work for me. Calorie isn't of total equality for me anyway. I can't eat a King-Size (nor do I anyway) Chocolate bar, simply because it, "fits". It will put me over on sugar and if I continued to indulge, I know I will gain. BUT, you can "fit some in" in better quantities. So instead of me eating like a nice semi-large slab of Almond Bark, I have just a piece or two of smaller proportions, it fits, and it's not such a dent on my sugar and such.

    But that's me, some people can go to town on McDonalds as their post workouts or KFC, but I prefer to not have those as they don't give me the energy I need, and make me sick. Do I NEVER have them? No, but I make sure I still enjoy food and life in better proportions.
  • slindsey137
    slindsey137 Posts: 214 Member
    I didnt go cold turkey, because I know from experience that I will just binge later. But I do try to make more healthy substitutions, fruit instead of candy, whole grains instead of white, ect. I have a really great dessert for our bbq tomorrow, Im going to halve some peaches, grill them and put a little country vanilla icecream in the center where the stone was. I cant wait!
  • i try to eat healty stuff and stay away from some foods thats are high in calories but when im maitaining im just going to eat what i want and stay in my calories amount. this is a good question.
  • Susan923
    Susan923 Posts: 61
    Oh my goodness no!! If I had my way I would eat pizza and ice cream everyday but unfortunately I would then starve the rest of the day. With only eating @1800 calories if I didn't eat "real" food I would be hungry all day. I need quantity in my day which mean that i need quality to be able to eat 5 meals a day.
    I def allow myself some goodness every few days but for the rest of the time I eat clean. :-)
  • slindsey130
    slindsey130 Posts: 8 Member
    It's a good start. As you become accustomed to eating less you may feel inclined to make better choices. It's baby steps, celebrate the fact that you have made a change for the better! You may need some vitamins.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    It depends on your goals but yes you can lose by eating whatever you want as long as it's within your calories. I have been doing this when I started losing and now I try and make better choices.
  • Cyndieann
    Cyndieann Posts: 152 Member
    Good for weight loss, bad for health & feeling hungry throughout the day.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I do.

    I tend not to eat certain foods, just because they eat up my allowance, or just have smaller portions to fit it in. I make healthier choices where I can (for E.G - natural peanut butter and jam > traditional), but I still eat, roughly, what I want.

    And I still lose weight :)
  • I find that most nutrient dense foods are low in calories so I try to stick with that. I would splurge occasionally if I'm really craving for something or when the temptation is really hard to resist.
  • I try to stay well away from the limit. I tend watch my fat intake much closer than my calories
  • sumeetn
    sumeetn Posts: 56
    yes i do :-)
  • sumeetn
    sumeetn Posts: 56
    oops just reposted :blushing:
  • kazhowe
    kazhowe Posts: 340 Member
    I know I would probably lose more faster if I didn't do this but I eat whatever I want just stay under my calories is that ok? Does anyone else do this? I feel like if I don't eat what I want I give up early and easier.

    Hi :smile: in response ......

    While you can of course do this - after all you are your own person and we have the privilege of freedom of choice - you need to ask yourself what your ultimate aim is ... do you just want to be thinner or do you want to learn how to lose weight in a healthy way and therefore stand more of a chance of living a better quality of life by nourishing your body in the best way you can? ... as I said - each individuals choice ..... I know what my choice is :wink:
  • Hi, I started out eating anything i wanted but staying within the calories. I found i can have most things i want so long I stay within certain amount of carbs. the carbs allowed are to many for me. my weight loss slows if it eat too many carbs even within the recommended allowance. Keep playing around with your meals so you can see what works for you. Good luck with your goals! :smile:
  • Jaloth
    Jaloth Posts: 28
    Yes, I find if I can not have something I want it all the more!! I try to find a healthier version of what I am eating!!!! I am bad for coke so I have found that by drinking the small cans and drinking water at the same time helps!!!!