What was your "Gotta Change my Life "moment ?



  • Lwillis1234
    Lwillis1234 Posts: 990 Member
    When i got pregnant and almost reached 300lbs
  • Shaunky68
    Shaunky68 Posts: 28

    A year ago I was well under way to destroy my body, and doing a good job at it. I knew something was wrong with me by Thanksgiving when I spent most of my day in bed with no energy, extremely thirsty, other things were going wrong as well.

    My daily caloric intake a year ago was about 5,400 calories, and NO exercise to burn them off. Drinking too didn't help, late night food binges, and no more clothes that fit comfortably. I did see a 30 lb. weight loss by December but that wasn't done the right way but as a result of my problems. I was 280 lbs. last summer, now close to 230 lbs.

    I'm now on medicine for my sugar and have it under control. I'm almost down to a target weight of 230 and my sugar is great, blood pressure is great, I dropped my cholesterol 100 points since last July, and I'm exercising more and more.

    I used to look at myself in a full mirror and be shocked at what I saw because I didn't feel like the person in the mirror but I knew my problems were real and had to do something about them. I also kinda wanted to date girls again and that had passed me by in recent years. Still would be nice. :wink:
  • StrawberrySuzyQ
    StrawberrySuzyQ Posts: 107 Member
    When I had strangers started being rude to me in public. People def treat heavier people different.

    People don't believe it but this does happen! My husband had always been overweight except maybe his senior year in high school. I was always embarrassed for him when we would go out because he had picked up weight steadily from the day we got married. He was 350 when we married and 9 years later he was at his highest at 640 lbs. He had gastric bypass (on the recommendation of his bariatric doctor who knew of nothing else to help him) Nov of 2004. He had gotten back down to 280 within 5 years. I noticed a HUGE difference in attention he was getting. Instead of being the "butt" of the fat guy jokes, people who would have never given him a second glance except to MAKE that joke were now being all friendly and flirty with him. (No longer embarrassed now annoyed and jealous. :brokenheart: )

    But, yeah, you are absolutely right, people are downright rude to heavier people, and sometimes I don't think they even realize that they are. :grumble:
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    Last year I went to a theme park last year the restraints were so tight... i almost didnt fit

    however - it was an older ride - and smaller seats. but I love coasters... it scared me that I would be one of those people that they would have to tell me "your to big to ride"

    this was my second motivation moment i was 270 and barely fit on coasters at 6 flags so back to the gym and hard work got me back down to 240
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    When I had strangers started being rude to me in public. People def treat heavier people different.

    People don't believe it but this does happen! My husband had always been overweight except maybe his senior year in high school. I was always embarrassed for him when we would go out because he had picked up weight steadily from the day we got married. He was 350 when we married and 9 years later he was at his highest at 640 lbs. He had gastric bypass (on the recommendation of his bariatric doctor who knew of nothing else to help him) Nov of 2004. He had gotten back down to 280 within 5 years. I noticed a HUGE difference in attention he was getting. Instead of being the "butt" of the fat guy jokes, people who would have never given him a second glance except to MAKE that joke were now being all friendly and flirty with him. (No longer embarrassed now annoyed and jealous. :brokenheart: )

    But, yeah, you are absolutely right, people are downright rude to heavier people, and sometimes I don't think they even realize that they are. :grumble:

    Oh they realize it. I remember just going out and if a woman looked at me, I would just say "hi". Not hitting on her or even close to her and I swear 6 out of 10 times they would say "ugh, or omg or gross yoour fat". I also had alot of problems with hipsters being rude because in my area, they are judgmental and rude. Maybe it was the area I lived in but its messed up how people think they can say anything they want to people and be mean. I miss the good old days when you could fight back or feed them a fist.
  • mmurelli
    mmurelli Posts: 26
    on 4-9-12 i was at my doctors office and as i was walking out the door i thought i would jump on the scale, it's been forever since i weighed myself. i've always been heavy but i was shocked to see 255. my first thought was i'm gonna hit 300 if i don't do something now. i immediately changed my eating patterns, i used to eat no breakfast, a 4 course lunch and no dinner. i starved myself to 255. i started walking after work in the neighborhood. i figured that wouldn't be enough or be reasonable in the winter so within a week i joined a gym. a week later i hired a personal trainer, she's great. i never worked out in my life but now i work out 5 days a week. this is a life style change, i cannot go back to the way i've always been. i have a long way to go, but i am determined. i've averaged a weight loss of 2 lbs a week but recently it's slowed down.
  • Two different moments:

    Trying on a dress that just 5 months earlier had fit like a dream, and having it be too tight to even zipper. My mom told me, as she tried to zipper it up unsuccessfully, "you must have gained weight then". I. Wanted. To. Die.

    Second moment was in Target, trying to find a cute swimsuit. I didn't have high expectations, but the sight in the mirror was more horrifying than I thought it would be. I KNEW something had to give.
  • Santa14
    Santa14 Posts: 14
    Getting smoked on a PT test by a younger kid when I was supposed to be the strong one. And seeing how everyone below me was in better shape, just the pure competitions drove me change my ways. Also I am a very nice guy and when i have take some ladies on dates they have fun with my personality, but when I ask to become more serious they just want to be "friends" and I know that putting in more pt might help convince them/ Personality and Health!
  • I've been big my entire life, both height and weight. Standing in at 6'4, being heavier than normal really wasn't that big of a deal until my last year of highschool when i got my license and first year of college. Forget the freshman 15, i did the freshman 50. I found myself eating out with friends almost every night and i watched myself quickly approach 300 pounds. When i stood on the scale one morning and saw i weighed 301, that was the day i began. It was time to end the way i was living and see what it's like to be skinny- I'm 18 years old and have never not been overweight/obese my entire life- I'm extremely curious to see how i'll look skinny. Its been 18 days and i've lost 15 pounds so far and i feel great. its amazing once you start counting calories how you realize how many you were eating prior. I've cut my calorie intake by more than half.
  • Like others, a lot of moments have come, gone, come back and I was still not doing anything. I've had back issues as a result of 3 different car accidents in 4 years, each one taking a toll on my back, and taking longer to heal. However, it was when I was looking in the mirror and I'm just rounder, and feeling fat. Last week, when reading a book that was talking about change, the concept of setting a timer for a set amount of time to do something that I have been putting off really caught my attention. So, I set my timer for 10 minutes to walk in one direction then, when it went off, turn around. I have many reasons to lose weight, but the biggest one is for me, my health, my sense of self, and the fact that soon I'll be 50, I don't want to live life like I have been as of late.

    First the 20 minute exercise, and 2nd the food shift is starting. More veggies and fruits, letting go of the evening munching, increasing the water, all of the things I've heard (and told others!!!) for years.

    Thanks for the encouraging stories. All the best for continued weight loss/forward movement for us all!
  • WildAngelJoy
    WildAngelJoy Posts: 140 Member
    I gained 30 lbs. in 2008 after having cellulitis in my feet and legs...I was bedridden for 2 months and for over a year could barely stand let alone do walking/exercise. I didn't overeat, I even discussed diet with my doctor, I was just so sedentary that the pounds came on. I hated the way I looked, especially in pictures, the way I felt and people actually were commenting how much weight I'd gained (I found that rather rude, I would never say that to anyone!!).

    I managed to lose 18 lbs. then got sick again. I held my weight until earlier this year, I got pneumonia and put on Prednisone for my asthma...10 lbs. came back on. When I got better, I realized that on my impending birthday (this last May), I would be 2 years younger than my Mom when she passed away. Her death was directly related to being overweight, sedentary and having been a smoker. She died way too young!! I wanted to honor her and live a longer, healthier life. A friend and my doctor told me about MFP and I joined a few months ago. I love it and have learned so much, made changes to my diet and am exercsing over 30 minutes daily....not to mention meeting many wonderful, motivational friends :)
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Many of us hit a moment in life when we say:" Enough is enough I can't take this anymore. I have to take control and change what is before me. " If you dare to share your "AHA" Moment please feel free to here .

    Your story may help someone else and in sharing you may be able to forgive yourself for having neglected your self for too long. But realize in that same moment you opened you eyes and heart to decide to give your self the gift of health.

    I will start by sharing mine. On June 1, 2012 I went in for a annual check up. Feeling good about myself because I had been doing so much gardening, landscaping, and working hard despite a bad knee injury the end of April. Walking on my own for two weeks without crutches or a walker. I was "PROUD" .

    Well I weighed in and was elated I was 296 pounds I hadn't weighed under 300 in 6 years. WOW . I had them reweigh. Same result. Mu DR congratulated me on dropping weight he had never seen me under 300 to 325. I exclaimed again I still can't believe it. Wanting to make me feel better he said where their are two witnesses go get on the other scale down the hall and confirm it to yourself.

    I went down got on the scale and it wouldn't weigh me it maxed at 350. Very confused I went back to the room and told him what was happening. He said you didn't do something wrong let's try again. We went back to that scale it wouldn't weigh we went to the first scale it said 296. Then he took me to the Dr's office down the hall and it couldn't weigh again.

    As you can imagine JOY to utter DEFEAT in minutes. He sent me to the hospital then for blood work and also to be weighed on their scale that can weigh to 500 lbs. I recorded 370 pounds. 370 Pounds I was broken as a person. I apologized to my husband. Cried and realized how much I really didn't want to accept being over 300 even definately not 370.

    My Dr then told me about my fitness pal and I promised to try. My husband and son decided to try to. My husband has to lose 40 lbs and my 26 year old son weighed in at 431 he wants his life to take control too. He had recently lost 15 pounds after starting a new job and had been weighing himself on a pallet scale at work.

    These are life learned manors that we must all change. God willing we will achieve this. My first grandchild is due on Sept 14 and I really want to be around to watch him grow up.

    47 years old and a lifetime of being overweight and I have finally hit my "Awakening". 6 pounds down so far. Many to go but I am on my way!!! For all of us just beginning may God give you strength and may next year we all report on miraculous results. .

    You are very brave for sharing your story. It made me sad and inspired at the same time. I'm so glad that you have decided to make this change in your life because you are WORTH IT and now is the time! You have the chance to be in the best shape of your life at 50. You can do it. Never, ever give up.
  • Thank you you are right I am worth it. The results are showing. I am thankful for MFP. They take the excuses of it's too hard to count calories out of the way. My husband and I went out to dinner last night at a nice restaurant. We tried a Talapia Fish dinner with Asparagus and brown rice and salad with a house special vinaigrette dressing. When we told them to bring an extra plate we were going to share the meal I told her we were watching our weight. I was shocked when they brought the meal on two plates already divided and the plates both nicely garnished. I thanked them for that consideration. These were some new foods for us and the flavors were wonderful. Our bill was affordable and we realized so many times in the past when we have gone out we probably did eat two portions as in america a full plate usually means just that. When we put in the calories after we got home we were amazed how few calories that wonderful meal was. Don't be afraid to ask to split a meal people want you to suceed. This restaurant will see us again.
  • joannaorgovan
    joannaorgovan Posts: 71 Member
    Mine was February of 2011 when I saw my wedding photos. I said to myself "who's that fat a&$?!". I knew I had gained weight since I met my husband (was a size 8 when we met and my wedding dress was a size 16) but I didn't realize how big I had gotten until I saw those pics. I figured I was around 200 pounds or so. I started eating better and when the spring came started walking and doing Pilates. I joined the Biggest Loser contest at work right before Thanksgiving of 2011. I discovered MFP this February and started using it. It's helped me so much in reaching my goals! Now I'm a size 8, down 50+ pounds and have tons of energy compared to where I used to be!!
  • i really did not hit a moment of "i have to change this", i was allready at a platue in my life, but due to some heavy drinking years have a bit of a beer gut to me.

    i knew dieting was not for me and loathed the gym's as they seemed over priced, but lacked the motivation to do anything about it.

    then a freind introduced me to this site and it showed me a nice tracking system and that i could do it in small stages and then once again platue out, this i liked as a paln and so i reknewed the thought to myself and thought i could work with it.

    i have started off ok, but due to persoanl events in my life have not given me the kick start to my plan i would have liked, but i do however still plan to continue and will see what comes of this.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    At the soccer world cup in south africa in June 2010.

    when my 'fat' friends started to mock me. ironic thing is, they were considerably more overweight than me, yet they didn't see this and relentlessly mocked me to the point I just walked away from them. their teasing and jokes were merciless and extremely cruel.

    Now, it's nice giving those people a big,fat,juicy s**t burger with all the trimmings to eat a year later and watch them eat it, too. no more fat jokes. they are cruel. they were stunned, and I am not the sort of person to make a big deal out of this, but i bombarded them with every single fat joke and remark i could muster up...nothing against fat people..but everything against my FRIENDS. and i will continue to mock them until they understand what humiliation means so next time they will be more considerate about who they dish it out to. it's the only language these people understand.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Bloody oath! But u know what? When you get where you want to b I bet u don't. I bet walking into the room n cing their jaws drop will b satisfaction enuff. N know, in that moment, I am whoopin and cheering u on!
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Oops just re read your post n u've already done it....should wear my glasses wen I'm making bets lol
  • NYAngel1089
    NYAngel1089 Posts: 593 Member
    I have had several moments. The first was after Christmas 2010. I hated the way I looked. My mom and I had begun WW. I had lost 10lbs and felt great! I knew it wasnt enough but I was feeling good. I went to my family reunion that August 2011 feeling good in my one piece dress like bathing suit and next to my cousins who were all in bikinis and small two pieces. I felt awful and gave up. I gained 5 lbs back. Then Christmas Eve 2011 my boyfriend proposed!!! My cousin took a video of it, and though I was super happy, I was disgusted by how I looked. I began January 3rd 2012 back on WW. My mom was "doing" it with me but not really. I ended up giving up again. Telling myself "If you dont like it, dont look!! My fiance loves me for me no matter what!" And he does, he always tells me I am beautiful. As the warm weather came in April, a co worker, who I always saw as larger than me, asked me where I buy my clothes because "we are on the same page." I of course told her because I am nice, but I went home and decided enough is enough. I couldnt do it on my own though. In the middle of May a friend I went to high school with and I began working out together and we both signed up for MFP. May 14- June 9th I have lost 6lbs. I am finally on the right track. My fiance has been eating better and exercising too, though he has lost more weight than me, but guys seems to lost it faster anyway. I know I still have a long way to go. I am 166 now and would like to be around 135. I have 2 years until my wedding and I promised my self by summer 2013 I WILL be in a bikini or a small 2 piece, what ever, havnt worn one since elementary school!!!
  • verodzrosas
    verodzrosas Posts: 84 Member
    I came to study in Spain and it really didn't fit me so I got really depressed and was staring to make some really bad decisions food wise. So after a lot of debating with my boyfriend because also i had some really bad intestinal problems we decided I should get on a vegetarian diet and that's were it all began. And honestly it has been great for me because having daily goals helps me keep focused and i used to study in a school where they made us write down everyday goals so this is like getting me back on track I love it!