feel like $#!t



  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Get one of these and wear it when your brother comes over...


    I agree, there is no need to let other people's ideas about your food choices bring you down. There will always be people who eat differently than you. Remind yourself that you are doing it for you, not anyone else, and keep on your own path. I know you can do it!
  • candymycandy
    candymycandy Posts: 11 Member
    Everyone has their own way of dieting/changing lifestyle. I'd love to be on of those people that could cut out all bad food completely, but I still love my treats and they keep me going. So you have to do whatever works for you. You'll never change your brother, so just change how you react to what he says as others have suggested. Ultimately it will be you that's succeeded and you'll be able to tell him where to go!! All the best :)
  • bbrat333
    bbrat333 Posts: 158 Member
    I agree with everyone else. You have to do it your way or it won't work. If you deprive yourself of treats once in a while you will end up giving up. I have made sure not to deprive myself of anything I want this time, just enjoying them in proper proportions. Where I used to over fill my plate or eat something with enough calories for my whole day I check to make sure it is only one portion I am eating and that the calories fit w/in my daily limit. As long as my criteria is met I don't have any guilt and it doesn't feel so much like a diet, yet I still get the results I need.

    So you shouldn't feel bad about having a burger once in a while & you should actually be proud that you have the control not to get the big greasy double quarter pounder with cheese & bacon.

    So if he can not be supportive (although he probably thinks he is helping by discouraging you from eating "bad foods" so I would not be too mad at him) then just let him know that his opinions are not needed and that you can handle your food decisions on your own (and know that you have plenty of support here).
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    Tell him to go and rail himself. Girl, do it for you and only you and tell him to keep his opinons to himself.
  • etay888
    etay888 Posts: 17
    Your brother may need a reality check. It is difficult to change years of behavior and it doesn't happen overnight. The fact that you are willing to start the process is amazing in and of itself. Focus on you and all the little changes you are making will add up. This week- you cut back on your normal burger order, next week- drink more water, next month- cut back on sugary desserts. It all adds up in the end and then he will understand. Just hang in there!
  • TanyaCurtis
    TanyaCurtis Posts: 630
    Ummmmm lol well he obviously doesn't know what he's talking about... How is eating more of something just the same as eating less of it? U lose weight when u eat less, weather it's healthy or unhealthy. But healthy definitely makes u feel and look better (: Just tell him U gotta start somewhere's
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    That being said, my new response to my family is "it's my body, not yours, so shove off". Sometimes they forget that I have lost an entire person and they are cruel. The last time my youngest sister made a comment about my diet, I looked at her and said "Ironic that you are criticising me when you seem to have found much of the weight that I have lost". Yes, it was mean, but I was sick of it.

    Remember this is your journey, not his...tell him to kiss off or try to help him understand, but don't let it derail you.

    ^^^ Totally with iddreams on this one. Sometimes brothers are just pigs. Don't let him get to you. Chances are, someday he'll be in the same boat and then his "bigger hearted" and more mature sister can help him out in ways that he didn't help her. Everybody here on MFP has your back!
  • kaybeau
    kaybeau Posts: 198 Member
    i too have one of these! born to wind you up I'm afraid you will just have to show him by being the skinny minnie you want to be
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    Get one of these and wear it when your brother comes over...


    Wear the shirt next time you go out with him. Order what makes YOU feel good about yourself. Tell him that when you get to your goal weight not only is he going to have to eat his words as well as the double everything he's eating but also follow it with crow for dessert.!
  • Laurakbg
    Laurakbg Posts: 66
    Who cares? Are you doing it for him or for you? Don't let anyone break you. Suck it up and keep going strong.

  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    Portion control is a really important step toward healthier eating. You don't just wake up one day and suddenly have the healthiest diet in the world, it's something you need to work towards achieving by transitioning from the diet that made you heavy to the diet that will slim you down.

    Your brother's words may have hurt, but take it as his way of worrying about you. He wants you to eat healthier, he wants to challenge you to stop eating the burgers and fries. What he might not understand is that you need to take this journey one step at a time, take it at a pace that is right for you.

    You've already lost a good amount of weight to be assured that what you're doing is working and you should take pride in your efforts and keep up the good work!

    Keep your head up, you're doing the right thing. Just think of how proud and impressed your brother will be as you continue to lose weight :)