Anybody else trying to get rid of their c-section tummy?



  • choochoobell
    choochoobell Posts: 147 Member
    Any hope for me? I had one 24 years ago and was cut vertical. Looks like I'm sporting a butt in the front!
  • Taniarazo
    Taniarazo Posts: 2
    I have had my c-section tummy for 18years... of course several surgeries after that also. It is very hard to lose it. But still trying
  • eln2008
    eln2008 Posts: 20 Member
    Yes it's a big flap! It looks horrible in pants, especially from the side. My c-section was 29 months ago and it is still perfectly positioned. LOL.
  • MsTaurus30
    MsTaurus30 Posts: 55
    My first and only c-section was 7 long years ago and i'm still looking like i'm bout a few months pregnant smh ...Feel free to add me for support and return the support as well because it's needed thanks! :)
  • Yes! Yes! Yes! I had 2 C's and have a kangaroo pouch also and it's driving me insane. I just wish it disappear Feel free to add me so we can support one other on this journey :)
  • cesilyg
    cesilyg Posts: 6
    Yes my baby is 5 months old and I am trying so hard. I am getting so frustrated I am determined to get rid of it hopefully before he is one in january
  • amber_mama
    amber_mama Posts: 3 Member
    Yep this thread is for me! I had my second c-section (neither of which was planned) 11 weeks ago and had a son, I also have a daughter that is 2. I am 33 years old and I got right into shape after my daughter, ran a half marathon last May but this time I'm feeling sluggish. I don;t know if it si because I have two and so much busier and more frustrated not able to get stuff done around the house or what but I am dragging! I want to lose 15 pounds so bad!!! I know join the club right?
  • (((WAVING)))...Me, me, me Yep! I had mine 13 years ago and I have lost 24 pounds since I started this April.
    Now, that I'm loosing weight I really can see this doughtnut roll!!! LAWD HELP ME! LOL
  • wakie27
    wakie27 Posts: 26
    Me too! I had one nearly 3 years ago (she'll actually be 3 on Thursday!!) and my second one was almost 17 months ago. Just started on this weight loss journey, so lots of friends/support from other momma's in the same sitatuion would be great!!
  • I've had 2 sections. One was 16yrs ago...the other 2.5yrs ago. ;) it goes away...with lots of hard work
  • Oh...I have 5 kids ;) I bought 2 bikinis this summer...for the first time in 18yrs.
  • just4u_cara
    just4u_cara Posts: 100 Member
    C section with tubal was 7 years ago, gall bladder came out 2 years ago, and hysterectomy last fall. My abdomen is nothing but scars!

    I fear my next surgery will be a tummy tuck of some sort. My goal is to drop 103 lbs and I'm sure to have a saggy belly afterwards. Not sure even JM30DS (or the equivalent) will help!

  • erogers85
    erogers85 Posts: 32
    I had three c-sections in a little under three years! My youngest is 16 months and while I've got my abs back in pretty good shape, the skin on my stomach is grotesque! I've lost thirty lbs in the last 5 months and the skin looks even worse now. My stomach looks fine in clothes but I can't imagine wearing a bathing suit in public!
  • kooky_kiz
    kooky_kiz Posts: 22 Member
    i had 3 natural births before my c-section nearly 5 months ago and i thought my tummy was more pooch-y after the naturals than the c-section.
  • lilylight
    lilylight Posts: 128 Member
    I have a "hysterectomy tummy" from 11 years ago... maybe it's the same thing?! It was a vertical incision about 8 inches long. That's always where my weight was concentrated anyway, but it's never been the same. I'm doing Pilates now, but I'm way behind the rest of the class in terms of abdominal exercises -- those muscles just really burn with much exertion. I would love to be friends with anyone who wants to share tips, etc. on getting rid of belly bulge!
  • lucywantstoloseit
    lucywantstoloseit Posts: 25 Member
    Yay lots of c-section tummy mummys! Hi everyone! Is anyone finding anything is helping to budge it at all?

  • sweetpea7441
    sweetpea7441 Posts: 149 Member
    Me, had mine nearly a year ago and its not pretty.. :-(
  • mrswattie
    mrswattie Posts: 16
    I had one a year ago. i've recently started doing a mixture of 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30 because they're an all round good workout and include ab exercises. I find lying on your back and rasing your legs together from the ground to 90 degrees and back down again really works out that lower tummy area. Still too early to tell if it's going to make a difference but here's hoping!
  • I'm in this club too, unfortunately! lol Love my kids, but don't love the saggy skin that came afterwards. I've had all 3 kids c-section and I gained a lot of weight with my first one - 45+ lbs. - & he was a big baby. That seemed to stretch everything out in my stomach area with the overhang, the saggy skin, I've got it all :(

    I haven't lost weight much since I joined MFP. I did lose a lot after my 2nd one and I came back down after my 3rd (and last one), but the weight has slowly come back on, along with a bigger looking stomach area. That's when I knew I needed to do something about it, so I found MFP!

    I've been working out for a good month, almost daily. It's become a good part of my routine & I like the stress relief that it gives me. BUT, my stomach area is awful! I have the pouch & I'm very small on top, so that makes having any sort of belly fat just seem that much worse! I've been running for the most part, with a little eliptical and stationary bike added in. I have been try to incorporate some ab exercises into my workouts - I like the exercise ball, but if that's not available, then I settle for crunches. I also do the reverse crunches that someone else mentioned. Not sure if it's helping either?? I've seen subtle changes in my shoulders, chest, even my face has thinned out, and my legs have never been much of a problem, but it's the stomach that doesn't seem to shrink, no matter what I'm doing.

    Feel free to add me as a friend too!
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    Any hope for me? I had one 24 years ago and was cut vertical. Looks like I'm sporting a butt in the front!
    This is me exactly. The zipper look sure isn't pretty!