Weigh yourself everyday



  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I am in maintenance and I still weigh myself every day. I've learned a lot about my body and what is likes and doesn't like by weighing everyday. I've learned that energy drinks make me retain water (I still drink them, but I know my weight will go up when I do) and I know asparagus is a good way to help reduce that water weight. I've learned my normal fluctuations which helps prevent "freak outs" when the scale goes up. There's a lot to be learned by weighing everyday.

    BTW, I've been maintaining in my normal range since Sept 2010, so something is working for me.
  • Laurenn7147
    Laurenn7147 Posts: 1 Member
    While I do weigh myself daily, sometimes several times a day just to satisfy my curiosity, I can see how a person can easily become obsessed with weight loss which can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food which can lead to eating disorders. As many others have said, it's important to realize that your weight is going to fluctuate, especially around menstruation and ovulation.
  • kmozymoz
    kmozymoz Posts: 187
    I thinking weighing everyday motivates me more because I work harder through the day so I have something to look forward to in the morning.

    I totally agree with this.
  • susiesweets
    Just because you have 5,000 posts of pure spam and crap does not mean your opinion is worth more than anyone elses on here :)

    WOW! Seriously people we are all here with the same basic goal in mind.... to become more fit, and for most of us that means less weight to carry around with us every day. Can't we just chill and let everyone have an opinion? I've heard the studies done both ways ... I think John Tesh is a once a week weigh in guy after doing his "research" - sometimes I think he's just reading the cards they give him as advertisements but W/E. If not then there are TONS of studies out there that contradict one another ... believe me I've been dieting since 1989 when I started growing boobs and having hair sprouting out in peculiar places.

    Can we stop with the attacking of others who are in the same boat as us? It can only be harmful. Yes Some people weigh in once a week and it works best for them. Others like myself weigh in every day because it works for us. I can fluctuate 10 lbs a week but I KNOW that about myself and accept it. Daily weigh-ins help me get my butt on the exercise train and ride it with all the bumps and bruises that come with it. Feeling a little less community going on than finger pointing at the moment sorry :explode:
  • Mamasutra
    Mamasutra Posts: 9
    I weigh every morning and, sometimes out of curiosity, at other times throughout the day just to see how eating or drinking different things affects my weight. Because everyone's metabolism and nutritional needs are not the same, this helps me to figure out which foods make me (personally) gain. I've discovered that pasta is the worst! I stay away from all things white: flour, sugar, etc. I now know what fluctuations are normal and don't worry so much about it. I guess I'm a little scale obsessed right now but, it helps me stay on track. I'm not concerned because I was thin all my life until the last few years so, it's a big adjustment for me to count calories and watch my weight.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    I weigh myself like 3+ times a day!!!
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    I weigh myself every morning...regardless of the number on the scale, it helps me remember what my goal is for the rest of the day! :) It's something I never did before when I was pigging out....If part of my "lifestyle change" means becoming aware of what goes on with my body then I would say those who do weigh every day are going to have an upper hand....

    I take measurements as well and of course I check out how my clothes fit, but for people who have been overweight all their life to see new numbers, it's like a burst of awesomeness first thing in the morning OR a reminder to attack the goals with unending fury! Well...atleast that's what works for me....
    this is me ^^^ personal choice tho. I never get disheartened just motivated.
  • SilkyHotspur
    SilkyHotspur Posts: 233 Member
    I need to make sure i'm on track with workouts, water, food, so....i weigh every morning...just habit is all. I think if I went a week, the not knowing would destroy me. It's not as if I lose a couple of lbs and then freak out and shove food down my throat, i just like to keep a mental log of the trend and a shake if needed...or not.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Definitely going to step on the scal every morning from now on haha

    If thats what works for you, do it! But I cant say that people who only weigh themselves once a week are DOOOOOMED. :happy:
  • jodazary
    jodazary Posts: 144 Member
    no i totally agree if i weigh every day and i gained a pound i know to cut back its easier to lose a pound than it is to lose 10
  • greatthursday
    I did weigh myself every morning but I am away from my scale for a few months as I work away from my apartment. So I weigh myself on my parents' scale once a week or so...It hasn't been any different though I do miss seeing how the number fluctuated.

    I weigh myself every day because it gives me some satisfaction to see the way the numbers start hovering at lower and lower values. Used to be in the middle of the day, or in the evening, if I was between 148-150 I was in good shape; then it was 145-147, now I am down to 143 lbs in the evening (roughly), so it serves as solid proof that the weight is gone! :)
  • Alex729
    Alex729 Posts: 103 Member
    no i totally agree if i weigh every day and i gained a pound i know to cut back its easier to lose a pound than it is to lose 10

    This has always been my problem though. I could be doing everything correctly and still "gain" 1 lb. the next day. I would drive myself crazy trying to hurry and do something different to "lose" that pound. Enough times of this and I would get frustrated and give up. This time, I'm trying to keep my weigh-ins weekly just so I can fee less crazy about the fluctuations! LOL

    I do wish I had the sanity to weigh daily though. I'm a bit jealous of those of you that can.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    What study? For the people on this thread who are saying 'a formal study means more than your anecdotal evidence' I'd normally agree with you, but what study? This is some words put forward by a poster with no sources.

    I weigh weekly. I can't handle the daily flucations, it depresses the hell out of me. So I weigh once a week and am doing pretty damn good with it if I do say so myself. Once I get closer to goal I'll see if I can handle the daily weigh ins, but am not changing anything now.
  • minxonastick
    Since most studies are more complex (and sometimes open-ended) than an extracted fact, I like to track down a link or two to assess the whole.

    I think this is the one you are talking about:


    Daily weighing as a behavior doesn't say much about how healthy the person is who is constantly weighing themselves, so healthy responses to weight gain and unhealthy responses can still result in higher weight loss. The fact that our weight can fluctuate on a daily basis, causing despair and starvation behaviors in some, suggests it's a YMMV situation, particularly when it relates to emotional health. The article cited above does tip its hat to my concern, as a person who is in recovery for an ED, where constant weighing was problematic:

    "t's not an effective tactic for everyone. For some people, for example those with some eating disorders, stepping on the scale can result in an unhealthy fixation on the numbers that appear. As well, because weight can fluctuate from day to day, daily weigh-ins may reveal temporary weight gains that would go unnoticed for a dieter who weighs himself or herself on a weekly basis, something that may be discouraging for some."

    FACT: In a study of 3,000 dieters, those who weighed themselves daily lost an average of 12 pounds, compared to a 6-pound loss for dieters who did weekly weigh-ins. Dieters who didn't weigh themselves at all gained four pounds.

    I dont know if it's actually true or not, I read it online and found it to be very interesting. Definitely going to step on the scal every morning from now on haha
  • veganpoler
    veganpoler Posts: 50 Member
    I like weighing daily - it keeps me more motivated and accountable, plus I just don't have the willpower to wait a whole week between weigh-ins!
  • WishfulShrinking331
    WishfulShrinking331 Posts: 244 Member
    I weigh everyday, sometimes throughout the day. I know I can be obsessive about it, but if I see a number I am not happy with I will make sure to watch my food intake for the day. Also I feel like I don't want to miss a good weigh-in lol
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    bump to read later
  • fitandyoga
    fitandyoga Posts: 27
    Every single day I weigh myself! If you are worried about fluctuations, YOU NEED TO WEIGH YOURSELF AT ONE TIME EVERYDAY! And the best time is in the morning when you have not eaten anything at all yet!

    It frustrates me how people say that your weight fluctuates if you weigh yourself everyday so it makes you panic. No. You just need to weigh yourself at the same exact time as the day before. And in order to avoid situations where the food weighs on you just do it in the morning before you eat.
  • flobeedoodle
    flobeedoodle Posts: 176 Member
    i weigh in every day... sometimes more than once. :)

    I love watching my weight fluctuate... I "lose" about 0.2 to 0.4 lbs between when I got to sleep and when I wake up, and then, uhm, about another 2 or 3 pounds of, uhm, "water" weight right after I get up.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i weigh in every day... sometimes more than once. :)

    I love watching my weight fluctuate... I "lose" about 0.2 to 0.4 lbs between when I got to sleep and when I wake up, and then, uhm, about another 2 or 3 pounds of, uhm, "water" weight right after I get up.

    my favorite is to weigh myself pre- and post- poo. it's kind of an obsession.