What's for breakfast?!

What kind of breakfasts do you guys have to stay fuller during the day and eat less in the afternoon evening??? Of course the healthier the better! Please share guys!


  • LisaBeateith2012
    LisaBeateith2012 Posts: 346 Member
    I am the one in the black T-Shirt! :smile: Beans on wholemeal toast. :happy:
  • PShep17
    PShep17 Posts: 221 Member
  • Oatmeal!
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    well today's breakfast is not exactly ideal, but it gives me a little protein, some carbs, fiber, etc. so i'm good with that.

    baked alexia organic yukon gold french fries (not as bad as regular fries, they're lower in calories & fat), seedless watermelon chunks, and Lemon Snapple with Chia seed gel (makes it like bubble tea)
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I normally eat Strawberry Oatmeal, and have a cup of coffee with it.

    Today I had Yoplait Coconut Greek Yogurt 2X Protein, and a cup of coffee :wink:

    I like scrambled eggs for breakfast as well!
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    I try and have a good sized breakfast, I tend to overeat and pig out if I don't have a big breakfast. You can take a few things away or replace a few ingredients to make it your own.

    Warburtons Square Wrap
    3 Whole Eggs
    2 Turkey Sausage

    I lightly fried the veggies in spray oil, so it has little to no calories. Put the sausage under the grill. Once the sausage is almost cooked, start with the eggs. You can cook the eggs anyway you want. I prefer to scramble them, but today I fry-scrambled them. They tend to not wobble and fall about if they are fried compared to scrambled lol.

    Put all of the ingredients on one half of the wrap and just fold over the over half. You could use pita if you wanted to, but the square wraps are pretty good as they are only like 160 calories. I also use them when making a pizza.
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    I alternate between these two:

    Whole wheat lo carb wrap with laughing cow cheese smeared on it. Layer it with one slice turkey bacon, eggbeater omelete with sauteed mushrooms, red bell peppers and spinach.

    Slice of Ezekial toast with laughing cow cheese spread on it. With a Oikos blueberry on the bottom yogurt

  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    oatmeal w/ protein powder and fruit. It's my go-to breakfast or quick meal.
  • Lately I have been usually eating Special K's Protein Plus cereal, with half a cup of frozen blueberrys, with almond milk... it seems to keep me full for awhile. ...or I will make some scrambled eggbeaters, with some turkey sausage patties from Kroger that I now love, yum. Oh ya and I also love Thomas' Light english muffins, with a tbsp of peanut butter.
  • brun73
    brun73 Posts: 40 Member
    I'll have a yogurt now(yoplait light fat free either Boston cream pie or red velvet cake) and then I eat a jar of apple cinnamon overnight oat meal at work at around 11:00 then I good till about 1 or 2 for lunch
  • jessrect
    jessrect Posts: 21 Member
    2 packets of Kashi Go Lean oatmeal, a serving of sliced almonds, and a serving of all natural added fiber blueberry preserves. :)
  • tony2009
    tony2009 Posts: 201 Member
    Rice Bitz cereal with Skim milk, a half cup of fat-free yogurt and some coffee!
  • normally i have 2 eggs, toast and some strawberries
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    During the week when at work I usually have Rice Chex or Rice Krispies or some other gluten free cereal with almond milk. If I am at home I like to try and have something hot like eggs, gluten free waffles or pancakes. I use sugar free syrup on them so they aren't too bad for me.
  • 2 eggs scrambled or fried, 3 pieces of turkey bacon, healthy life english muffin and one 4oz container of Stoneyfield organic caramel greek yogurt.
  • marjen002
    marjen002 Posts: 112
    Eggs! Always work best for me...usually w/ toast or another carb.
  • ebonijo2
    ebonijo2 Posts: 73
    Oatmeail w/ fruits
  • Miss_Chanelle
    Miss_Chanelle Posts: 87 Member
    I eat oats every morning at 8am and it can keep me going till 2pm, and im not even that hungry, just make sure they are low GI oats
  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    Greek yogurt and a protein muffin that I made.
  • gaily_68
    gaily_68 Posts: 11 Member
    My 2 most common: #1-- 2 eggs (usually scrambled), 2 slices of fresh tomatoes & a piece of fruit (1/2 grapefruit usually). #2--Medium size banana & 2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter (no sugar added--Smuckers is a good brand). #2 is my stand-by when I oversleep or am in a hurry. You would be surprised how filling that peanut butter can be! I actually stay full longer with my quick breakfast than with the eggs.