Do you wear a watch?



  • foxbat2828
    foxbat2828 Posts: 391 Member
    Good points about clocks everywhere. Except, it seems for me, when I actually want to know the time, there's no clock, and my cell phone is in my laptop bag at my desk, and I'm far away from it.

    I think I prompted this because I am finding that I am carrying my cell less, leaving it in the car or just leaving it at home. It's a burden and distracting. So, without a cell, often, I need to know the time.

    Interesting. Seems to be pretty split down the middle. Age doesn't appear to have much to do with it.

    I know what you mean about the cell phone. Since I'm no longer in consulting, I won't carry one. ust something else for me to forget and have to go back to get/find. I also don't carry any kind of iPhone, Blackberry, or organizer either ... too much connectivity. As an IT person, I spend so much time connected and a slave to the clock and technology at work, that I try as much as possible to disconnect when I'm not having to be connected.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    No watch, just the cell.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I've done sports all my life so I've never worn a watch. Plus I hate than lines on my arms.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Over 30....I have to, it's the only thing I wear to bed.....
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I wear a cheap waterproof one everyday. I have the tan lines to prove it lol. My work clothes don't have pockets and neither do my exercise clothes, so I usually keep my cell phone in my purse, but I freak if I don't know the time. Plus I have to administer medications at work, so it's usually helpful to know the time, so I don't kill anyone lol
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    No watch.... way over 30....never late.
  • JoeGa
    JoeGa Posts: 25
    yep. almost always, except when exercising (unless it's a G-Shock for long walks). Didn't for a long time, then started back a couple years ago when I could finally afford to start a collection. Own about 50 ( moderate priced ones ;-)) ) ...usually wear a different one every day!
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I love watches. I have dozens of them. I wear them as an accessory, though. I don't typically look at them for the time.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I've done sports all my life so I've never worn a watch. Plus I hate than lines on my arms.
  • ErinNichole76
    ErinNichole76 Posts: 52 Member
    I own a very nice watch it was one of the few things I scrimped and saved for on my own as a teenager. Unfortunately right now my wrists are too fat for the band and the band is not one that can be adjusted without spending more than the original price of the watch and the battery is dead. Once my wrist shrinks a little more I'll get the battery replaced and wear it again.
    I keep one of my two cell phones on me at most times. I cannot sit still in a room if I cannot see a clock. Nearly every room in my home has at least one giant display clock and there is one in my office as well as the one at the bottom of the monitor. I'm usually fairly good at knowing what time it is or how long something has taken but there is something about the tick tick tick of the clock that keeps me sane.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'm well past 30 and never wear a watch
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    I have been wearing a watch every day of my life since I was sixteen years old. I feel naked without one.
  • Ohmydaze
    Ohmydaze Posts: 403 Member
    Nope. I don't have one.

    I'd like one though. I use my phone to tell the time mostly.
  • phillieschic
    phillieschic Posts: 615
    I'm 39.
    I wear my Citizen EcoDrive (pink face) every day.

    I don't use it for telling time though. It's a piece of jewelry to me. It's a fashion statement. :bigsmile:
  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member
    Yup, I would full naked w/ out one
    I have one that si all silver and another black leather bands....depend son my utfit and mood
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    >30 and yes, I wear a watch.
  • tamsinwhitfield
    tamsinwhitfield Posts: 135 Member
    I don't know if I just speak for myself here, but I think a lot of women wear a watch more as a fashion statement than an actual time-keeping aid. I have a Chanel J12 for days when I'm feeling fancy (not the diamond encrusted one, sadly!), and a Michael Kors rose gold / white chronograph for day-to-day (which is actually my favourite, and goes with ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING).

    Oh, yeah, and I'm under 30 (just).
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I had a couple nice ones I'd wear sometimes if they went with an outfit (never for the actual functional purpose), but last time I moved they both somehow disappeared :cry:

    I have my eye on a Michael Kors rose gold one now, soooo prettttyyyyyy....trying to make up reasons why my bf should get it for me now since my bday and Christmas aren't until December...
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I don't know if I just speak for myself here, but I think a lot of women wear a watch more as a fashion statement than an actual time-keeping aid. I have a Chanel J12 for days when I'm feeling fancy (not the diamond encrusted one, sadly!), and a Michael Kors rose gold / white chronograph for day-to-day (which is actually my favourite, and goes with ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING).

    Oh, yeah, and I'm under 30 (just).

    I'm coveting your watches. Pretty sure that MK rose gold one is the exact one I want!
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    I am over 30, but I do not wear a watch. I don't like digital watches, prefer analog, but the past several watches I've worn, they just stopped working. Put in brand new batteries, they're good for a few days, then they start slowing down again.