5'0-5'1 girls! Come together!



  • julesw734
    julesw734 Posts: 100
    I am basically 4'11 1/2 and 150 pounds.. my goal weight is 117..
  • carolinenorthrup
    carolinenorthrup Posts: 34 Member
    5'0" CW 133, GW 126. Good luck with yours!
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    I am 5'0 : ) 37 yrs

    SW 161lb
    CW 145.8lb
    GW 115 ish will see how I feel as I get closer to it.

    Feel free to add me, but as you can see from my ticker I may be short but I do eat, I am finally after years of struggling with my weight doing this the sensible, sustainable way. so it may take me longer to get there but once I'm there thats where I am staying :happy:
  • Corinnagibbs
    Corinnagibbs Posts: 1 Member
    I just turned 40 and have three children. My weight right now is 125 and I would LOVE to be 110. I have been doing Insanity and just started Turbo Fire. I also run a couple of times a week and lift weights. BUT I do not lose weight!!! AGH!!
  • Hey! I'm 5'2" but that counts, right!? Haha, my goal is 115! I'm currently 135.
  • CarolineSuzanneSmith
    CarolineSuzanneSmith Posts: 127 Member
    I'm 5'0, started this thing at 189, and am currently at 146. My "goal" is around 130, but I'll see how I feel when I get there :)
  • binariiangel
    binariiangel Posts: 146 Member
    I'm 24 and I just found out the other day that I am shorter then I thought lol. I'm 5'1 and I thought I was more along the lines of 5'3-5'4 :( BUT oh well.
    My starting weight was 286
    Current weight is: 246.8
    Goal weight is: 129-122
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    I prefer to call myself a woman versus girl :) But I am also 5'1- my initial goal is 120, then at that point I'm going to re-evaluate my body fat% and everything and then probably shoot for 110-115, however, I'll would rather be heavier with muscle than just thin.

    Currently at 128lbs, started at 141lbs.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I'm 4'10.5"

    Highest weight = 170
    Current weight = 148.5
    Goal weight = 100ish
  • dahvishont02
    dahvishont02 Posts: 50 Member
    I am 5'1'' and my current weight is 190 lbs. My goal is 135 lbs. at that point I will see if I need to drop more.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 749 Member
    I'm 5'1 and my goal weight is 40kgs.

    I don't know what that is in lbs?

    My current weight is 46kgs and my BF is currently 20%

    I ice skate and if I want to do the jumps it's important to have a low body weight as well as good musculature.

    That is 102 lbs. :)
  • fattofit20
    fattofit20 Posts: 86
    I'm 5 ft. 1 inch, 51 years old. I am currently at 130 pounds and would like to get down to 115. Not sure if that'll ever happen again but I'm going to try!
    LIAERIC Posts: 1
    i am 4'10 and I am 124 lbs. My goal is 105 lbs.
  • Hikaru37
    Hikaru37 Posts: 177 Member

    SW 140
    CW 130 (I was 126 but last weigh in wasn't kind D:)
    GW 112
  • anjsdav
    anjsdav Posts: 34 Member
    Hi. 4"11 (just under the topic's height range specified) & 37 years old. sw: 171. cw 162. gw keeps evolving - currently its 140. Working my BMI down from obese (32.7) to overweight (28.3). I have to first be able to believe I can do this when I never believed I could back when I was around 100 high school / 125 college / 135 wedding / 150 hysterectomy & graduation weight / 160 post adoption / 170 - 10 yrs later...enough is enough! I've never went backwards successfully...its darn time to figure this thing out! If you are with me, hit me up.
  • Giggle78
    Giggle78 Posts: 16 Member
    I am 5 foot and the goal is 115 pounds.

    Starting weight 132
    Current weight 131

    AND I CAN'T SEEM TO LOOOOOOOSE ANY WEIGHT. I am on week 10 of P90X with Insanity on the cardio days and for some reason nothing is happening. I have tried 1200 cals I have tried 1900 cals I have gone back down to 1200 cals. Clearly I have very sticky fat. :smile:
  • collectsfrogs
    collectsfrogs Posts: 34 Member
    Hello, I am 5', 30 years old, and my current weight is 191, my goal at the moment is 125.
  • Classyandra
    Classyandra Posts: 74 Member
    5'1"(almost) here :) cw 132 GW 115! Feel free to add me! I carry my weight in my stomach so I know 115 is a good weight for me. anything higher and I get asked if I'm preggo! grrrr
  • MeganRhea_x
    MeganRhea_x Posts: 57 Member
    I'm 5ft on a good day.. my goal has always been 120 for whatever reason, but I really think it'll depend on how I feel. I work out and plan to get fit and not just skinny so if I have some muscle and feel good about myself but weigh more than 120 I'll be okay with that.. Or if I get to 120 and still aren't satisfied then I will go from there!
  • Alymclement
    Alymclement Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 5'1 and weigh 157 but i'd kill to see 120 or 115!!!! Its so hard being short lol :)