Diet pills??!! ADVICE NEEDED!!!



  • saustin201
    saustin201 Posts: 270 Member
    I am really sorry people are being so rude to you. Some people think they know everything. The truth is pills didn't work for them and in general they don't work. I took one for a few weeks to curb my appetite so my body could get used to the 1400 calories per day I was eating. Then I weened myself off them and I have no problem only eating 1400 calories. I did lose about 15 pounds but that was due to my lower appetite and walking, not the pills.

    It's probably best to take a multivitamin and then a B-complex vitamin for extra energy and walk your butt off. Literally.

    Some people on here are incredibly rude. Some are very nice and supportive. Seek these people out and ignore the rude ones.

    Good luck and congratulations on getting married.
  • tmos512
    tmos512 Posts: 119 Member
    Ally works and it is safe. It will curb your appetite as well. I lost 20 pounds with it a couple of years ago. As long as you don't eat a ton of fat you won't poop yourself.

    I love the fact that there is a pill that makes you poop if you cheat on your diet. What motivation to be good!

    Seriously, it helps you with your food choices if you have trouble in that area. I know someone who did it and it worked. Only a couple of accidents and you figure out what's bad for you.
  • AmericanExpat
    AmericanExpat Posts: 158 Member
    ***considering adding butter to my popcorn*****

    ****share with the rest of us***** :drinker:
  • happythermia
    happythermia Posts: 374
    Well, you have more than enough time to do it on your own. I lost 24lbs in 3 months. All I did was calorie control and exercise. The jitters and mood swings really aren't worth it.

    P.S... CONGRATS!!! :flowerforyou:

    Agreed with all of this! You can do it!!! :D
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    Diet pills can't make a calorie deficit, save your money and go on a high healthy fat high protein and minimal carb diet with one high carb day a week about a month before your wedding. For now, strenuous exercise and some willpower with a diet that you can stick to, you've plenty of time until your wedding :)

    Good luck :D

  • kmoore02
    kmoore02 Posts: 167 Member
    I do not know of any pills that will help you but have you ever heard of HCG drops?? You have to follow a really strict diet but its a 23 day plan and I know ppl who have done it and lost anywhere from 1-2 pounds a day... but its really hard to be that strict with yourself and its not that healthy for you to lose so much so fast so be careful.

    HCG is a sensitive topic lately and threads about it are closing. i'm thinking steer clear of that stuff.

    Yea, I haven't heard anything good about HCG. Even the FDA is cracking down on their claims and issuing warnings.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    The only diet pill that really works is the amphetamine Phentermine. It is RX only though so good luck finding a dr to prescribe it. It's similar to legal cocaine. And if you've ever tried the illegal stuff, you know why it works so well :tongue:

    Edit: I've also heard that Alli works, but there is a good chance you will poop your pants.

    I had a coworker use phentermine with out exercise or strict diet and she lost about 18lbs in two months, but she did lower her caloric intake and stop eating fried chicken.

    I talked to my doctor about it and it he was all for it! He had no problem with the drug but wanted it to be accompanied with a lifestyle change. He gave me a script for it and I only took half a pill and started using MFP and I was already doing the C25k (about week 5 when I got the script). As you can see, in about 35 days I've lost 20 lbs and I'm faithful to MFP. I thought I would give a try since I was doing everything else and not depending on the pill. Btw, its cheaper to get the script than to buy otc pills. My script was $15 at Costco for 30 day supply (60 days actually because I take half the pill).

    I've heard it can be a great kick starter to a lifestyle change! I mentioned it to my dr and she looked at me like I suggested she saw off my head. Mind you I was 245 pounds at 5'4" and starting the exercise and calorie counting. She won't do it :brokenheart:

    I am glad that you've had such success with it though! And your coworker, although without changes the weight will probably come back.
  • RoseCathy
    RoseCathy Posts: 9
    One of the purpose of this site is to help you not only with your calorie count, but to help you change your eating habits. It shows ypu where your calories are coming from; making you more informed. Diet pills may be a quick fix, but when you quit, you may gain your weight back.

    I have tried diet pills in the past, and they really messed with my metabolism in a way that was not fun.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    I need to loose weight fast, but I'm having problems with my metabolism and losing weight is taking for ever and I need to lose atleast 15 pnds by August and 20-25pnd by Sept! Why? Because I get married in Sept & get some pictures taken in August for the wedding and I want to b happy and comfortable. So, I'm considering to add Diet pills to help me out! Anyone out there has had quick and good results from any? I need help?! Advice!!

    There is no quick fix to weight loss. You need to decide if this is something you want and make a lifetime commitment. Diet pills don't work. Eating healthy and exercising works. If you're not willing to commit yourself, then you'll never lose the weight. The healthy way to lose weight is 1-2lbs lost per week. And this is probably one of the nicer responses you'll get to your question.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Diet Pills? IMO - Not worth it.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    Why are people rude for expressing their concern about using pills?

    maybe we want to prevent something awful from happening to her.'

    I took that ephedra stuff 10 years ago...made my heart pound and people told me i was acting nuts.

    thank god they took it off the shelves.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    didnt read the question or any responses.


  • ronegang
    ronegang Posts: 2
    About a month ago I started taking Phentermine. It boosts the metabolism but you still have to control what you eat and workout. When I was researching this I found some people that feel "wired" on it but I haven't felt like that. I do feel more "awake" but not jittery. I have lost about 9 lbs since starting this. I joined TOPS in February and have lost a total of 16lbs and feel a lot better.
  • MissAlexxMarie
    Set mfp up to lose 2 pounds a week and follow the pills needed and, if you're diligent, you'll meet your goal.

    That is not true! I was diligent with my work out, diet, etc and I set my calories to a certain amount and I didn't even see a weight loss...oh wait yes I did - I lost a pound by the time it told me I would reach my goal. It doesn't always work!
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    I have tried the acai berry and b-12 in addition to a lower calorie diet and working out. I have had success with it I look at it more like vitamins than diet pills. Good Luck and Congrats on the wedding.

    Acai is not a diet pill and has only been proven to assist in staving cancer. B12 is a vitamin and key source for energy (it's the main ingredient in Energy Drinks). "lower calorie diet and working out" is what's working for you
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    I do not know of any pills that will help you but have you ever heard of HCG drops?? You have to follow a really strict diet but its a 23 day plan and I know ppl who have done it and lost anywhere from 1-2 pounds a day... but its really hard to be that strict with yourself and its not that healthy for you to lose so much so fast so be careful.

    HCG has been shown to not have any effect on weight loss with the drops themselves. They used to have injections which were pulled from the market for being a fraud. You can lose weight by eating 500 calories a day (which is what this "plan" allows). You lose muscle, strength and end up skinny fat... and usually looking tired, weak, not healthy.

    As others have said, diet pills don't work. Some may work a bit temporarily however you'd get the best results by plain old diet and exercise.

    The weight didn't come on quickly. You can't expect to lose it quickly. As much as fast weight loss is great and we would all it can't happen healthy.

    Depending on how close you are to your goal weight you may be able to lose 2lbs per week. However, if you are within ish pounds of it you should be aiming to lose no more than one lb a week. You want to retain your muscles and your strength which can't always be done with pills and crash diets.

    You're future husband loves you and doesn' t care how you look. I recently got married and wanted to be much lower in weight than I was. It's not what you think about that day... weight doesn't cross your mind.
  • cathy3457
    cathy3457 Posts: 24 Member
    Diet pills did nothing but give me a giant headache. I agree with what others have written - change your settings to 2 pounds per week and I would do 2 30min workouts a day if possible. I find if I do 2 30min sessions instead of one hour it doesn't feel so boring to me. Good luck and congrats on the wedding!
  • Jordant107
    Jordant107 Posts: 218 Member
    I personally had a lot of success with MuscleTech's Hodroxycut Hardcore. I took them for about 12 weeks and lost 10kg in this time. I've always been a big eater, and giving up food has always been hard for me, but when taking the pills as directed (and drinking a heap of water) I found that I wasn't hungry and was able to maintain a calorie deficit. I was doing minimal exercise while taking the pills- only walking 3km each day- because I was carrying an injury, and I lost it all in a fantastic way!!
    The only downside is that I did lose a significant amount of muscle mass, and it took me an additional 2 months or so to get back to full strength (I put on 5kg of muscle in this time by following a strict exercise routine).
    Good luck with it though- don't worry about what others say about taking pills!! My advice for staying safe with them, though, would be to take as directed (don't overdose or anything stupid), and don't take them for the rest of your life- get to where you want to be at and then maintain with a sensible diet and exercise!!
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Set mfp up to lose 2 pounds a week and follow the pills needed and, if you're diligent, you'll meet your goal.

    That is not true! I was diligent with my work out, diet, etc and I set my calories to a certain amount and I didn't even see a weight loss...oh wait yes I did - I lost a pound by the time it told me I would reach my goal. It doesn't always work!

    I'd love to see that 100% honest it up, I can show you where your problem persists.
  • SingerJennXXXX
    I hear great things about Alli...but make sure you bring an extra pair of pants wherever you go. :huh: