Diet pills??!! ADVICE NEEDED!!!



  • grayprae
    grayprae Posts: 109 Member

    I think I will go with what my Doctor has told me since you know he went to medical school, and since he dose not rely on some website that will say whatever he wants. I am not starving myself it is called a low calorie diet . I am very health, but I don't expect you to know that since you have no idea who I am.
  • Seattlema
    Seattlema Posts: 51 Member
    Set mfp up to lose 2 pounds a week and follow the pills needed and, if you're diligent, you'll meet your goal.

    Yep this! It's working for me and I'm down 8 pounds and this is the start of my 4th week on MFP. Please no diet pills. Also it may help if you looked at this as a lifestyle change verses a diet.

    Congrats and good luck to you.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Have you tried tracking your calories? I used to think I had a slow metabolism, but then I plugged my food into MFP and realized I was eating more calories than I thought. Once I started tracking everything and walking every night, I started losing about two pounds per week. Your goal is definitely attainable without diet pills.

    Now, if you really want to take them, I'm not going to judge, but I will caution you that OTC diet pills are basically super-caffeine that will give you the shakes and make your heartbeat all crazy. Please do not use these. You don't want to risk your long-term health.

    Talk to your doctor. If they feel phentermine will work for you, they might prescribe it, but it's not meant for long-term usage. Most doctors prescribe it for the first several weeks, until you and your body get used to eating fewer calories and exercising more.

    Good luck, and I hope you have a lovely time at your wedding. Congratulations!
  • becca_47
    becca_47 Posts: 1
    I've been in your shoes. I was 5'4 and 236 when I married my husband 7 months ago. He loved me for me and my wedding pictures were beautiful!! Don't add more stress to YOUR day because of a number. He loves you for you and that's what important :)

    Besides, I have tried tons of pills and they don't work...although I do love Visalus Shakes ( They are healthy, taste great and supplement the reduced calorie diet used here. They curb my appetite better than anything I have tried :) If you do anything else, that's what I'd recommend!
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member

    I think I will go with what my Doctor has told me since you know he went to medical school, and since he dose not rely on some website that will say whatever he wants. I am not starving myself it is called a low calorie diet . I am very health, but I don't expect you to know that since you have no idea who I am.
    You're right, I dont know who you are or what complication you live with. But NEWS FLASH! A 900 Calorie diet is not a traditional healthy diet. Nor are the pills you take that do NOTHING for you. For the Extremely OBESE, that diet will work to shed pounds. because otherwise, youre just a french fry away from a heart-attack. Just know, it's not a lifestyle you are leading, it's a drastic attempt to correct that which you chose NOT to a healthy lifestyle.
  • ShrinkingShawna
    ShrinkingShawna Posts: 186 Member
    If you work out 6 days a week, and eat healthy, you'll lose weight. You don't need pills. You can lose 2 lbs a week (or more) simply by INCREASING the number of times you eat a day. I eat 5 times.

    Like someone else said, set your MFP to lose 2 lbs a week, stay under the recommended calories.

    Don't eat processed food (if it comes in a box, you probably shouldn't eat it.) Eat produce (fresh lean meat, vegetables, beans, nuts, fruit, etc.). Shop the outter perimeter of the grocery store. Almost everything in the isles (other than water) is junk.

    Stay away from pasta unless it's whole wheat pasta, and even then don't eat more than 1/2 a cup.

    If it has any of the following items in the FIRST FIVE ingredients, don't eat it:

    Brown sugar, dextrose, corn sweetener, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, glucose, honey, maltose, lactose, malt syrup, molasses, raw sugar, sucrose, or fruit juice concentrates.

    Don't eat within 2-3 hours of bedtime.

    EAT BREAKFAST!! Your metabolism doesn't start working until you eat something.

    Hope this helps, and congrats!
  • Just a warning... people will bash anyone who even mention diet pills on this site... this site is full of a bunch of a-holes that think it's their way or the highway. Sorry in advance for all the people who are going to make you feel like crap :/

    EDIT: No, I haven't came across any that have worked. Eating less and exercising more is definitely key! There isn't going to be a magic pill that will get you results like a bit of hard work will ;)

    You haven't come across any that work BECAUSE THEY DON'T.

    Basically what I meant. Hence the "there isn't going to be a magic pill...". Thanks for the input tho.
  • Just a warning... people will bash anyone who even mention diet pills on this site... this site is full of a bunch of a-holes that think it's their way or the highway. Sorry in advance for all the people who are going to make you feel like crap :/

    Pot? I think I just met kettle...:flowerforyou:

    ETA: whoops, hit post too soon.
    OP, congrats on the upcoming wedding and while I understand the desire to look "perfect" for the big day (or for the pics beforehand) but any quick fix you find will be just that...a quick fix. Start moving more, eating less, and lift heavy TODAY and I think you'll be amazed at what you can do before August.

    No gimmicks, no pills, just hard work.

    Thought I should steer clear of the forums... for this exact reason. Sorry I shouldn't have used the term "a-hole" when describing people on here that choose to bash people instead of giving them advice, but honestly don't have another word for it. It's become really hateful on here and it can get pretty ugly. I was just trying to give her a heads up before people gave her a hard time. Guess I was too late tho.

  • mmurelli
    mmurelli Posts: 26
    bath salts!

    the problem with bath salts is when you eat someones face off you'll gain weight!!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Just a warning... people will bash anyone who even mention diet pills on this site... this site is full of a bunch of a-holes that think it's their way or the highway. Sorry in advance for all the people who are going to make you feel like crap :/

    Pot? I think I just met kettle...:flowerforyou:

    ETA: whoops, hit post too soon.
    OP, congrats on the upcoming wedding and while I understand the desire to look "perfect" for the big day (or for the pics beforehand) but any quick fix you find will be just that...a quick fix. Start moving more, eating less, and lift heavy TODAY and I think you'll be amazed at what you can do before August.

    No gimmicks, no pills, just hard work.

    Thought I should steer clear of the forums... for this exact reason. Sorry I shouldn't have used the term "a-hole" when describing people on here that choose to bash people instead of giving them advice, but honestly don't have another word for it. It's become really hateful on here and it can get pretty ugly. I was just trying to give her a heads up before people gave her a hard time. Guess I was too late tho.


    Actually, everyone has been quite pleasant to the OP. It's when people get pissy at posters that don't answer in the way that they want to hear that brings on the trolls.

    Whew! That was a horribly constructed sentence!