Who still have chocolate (or anykindof sweets) daily?



  • kierstin1976
    kierstin1976 Posts: 123 Member
    Everyday I have a Smart Ones or Weight Watchers dessert.
  • ndblades
    ndblades Posts: 233 Member
    I usually have a small bit --(hersheys kiss, mini-candy bar, or my favorit snack -- a s'more... I am not denying myself anything, just going in moderation on my favorit indulgences,,,, and guess what, I didn't think I could do it either - but I am! I am only 2 months into MFP, so if I hti a plateu, that might be the first thing I cut back on.
  • missymuffet459
    Me me me!!!! Of course, in moderation- blah blah blah!

    I eat Fiber One with 1-2 servings of chocolate chips. It makes the cereal so much easier to eat and it is like my own little granola. I actually like to eat it as a treat sometimes!

    If I need an M&M fix, I will opt for the pretzel ones (150 cals). Reese's cups are like my go-to comfort food.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Almost... I just polished off a payday bar :tongue:
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    I am trying to eat as clean as possible, so I'm cutting out most of the candy and chocolates, I had gone really off base, eating a pack of skittles every couple days and ice cream, cookies, etc.

    Now I will have something once or twice a week max and fit it into my calories. :) I have an awful sweet tooth so if I just tried to fit all the sugar and junk that I was eating into my diet it would be all I was eating. :P
  • tubbs_nomore
    Amen Sister!!! I dont deprive myself of anything...I put full fat sour cream on my baked potato....cream in my coffee....and eat desserts if I want, I just fit it into my day. I'm still on track...and exercising more to earn my food...it all balances out in the end, and I can fit into any situation, and not be deprived. I figure for the 10 calories I'll save on the "low fat" version, its just not worth it...I'd rather take a longer walk, or work out 15 min. more and have the real deal.... Bon Appetite!!! {:o)
  • techcommdood
    techcommdood Posts: 37 Member
    I've learned from years of battling with weight that I can't deprive myself of anything. If I do, I go nuts and eat everything else instead. So if I truly crave something, I eat it. And no, I don't do chocolate daily. I crave spicy food more. And I love beer - it's one thing I won't cut out of my diet (I try new brews weekly if not daily). Instead I monitor my intake and exercise whenever/however I can.
  • tubbs_nomore
    Amen Sister!!! I dont deprive myself of anything...I put full fat sour cream on my baked potato....cream in my coffee....and eat desserts if I want, I just fit it into my day. I'm still on track...and exercising more to earn my food...it all balances out in the end, and I can fit into any situation, and not be deprived. I figure for the 10 calories I'll save on the "low fat" version, its just not worth it...I'd rather take a longer walk, or work out 15 min. more and have the real deal.... Bon Appetite!!! {:o)

    Sorry, this was in reply to strunkm4
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I used to eat a lot of candy bars. I cut them completely from my life. I make healthier choices now instead. I eat things like Fiber One bars or strawberries with a tablespoon or 2 of the new Philadelphia Indulgence cream cheese that has a touch of chocolate in it. These choices are a lot lower in calories and it makes me feel good knowing I am not putting any junk in my body that contributed to my weight gain in the past.

    OMG! That Philly Indulgence chocolate cream cheese is awesome! But one serving is over 100 cals, so I had to stop buying it. I have chocolate and sweets (cookies, kettle corn, ice cream) every single day. It's not a "gateway drug" for me, so I can have just a little and feel satisfied. My current favorite treat is Hershey's Special Dark w/ Almonds nuggets. Two pieces will satisfy me and are only 90 calories. :)
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 450 Member
    I kill some 85% and high dark chocolate. Every night. anything less (percentage wise) and you are getting a lot of sugar.

    I eat a very low carb diet, so it's nominal in the big picture. If you are eating lots of breads and pasta and rice, you prob don't need to be chowing down on chocolate since your carb intake is already adequate... or even high.
  • lunarescape
    lunarescape Posts: 51 Member

    As long as you eat a serving, and not the whole damn bag, and it fits into your calories, you will be fine and won't gain weight.

    Currently have a whole thing of Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream in the Freezer.. and I'm chipping away at it, day by day.. one serving at a time!

    Definitely. ^ I want to eat like this for a long time, so if I deprive myself of what I truly love (sweets) then I'll be miserable and I'll go back to my old habits.
  • LizHowerton
    LizHowerton Posts: 329 Member
    I know myself. I can't have sweets everyday. I will just lose portion control.

    I have gone out for frozen yogurt and a smoothie. But that works for me, as it is a "special" treat / trip and not sitting around my house calling my name:)
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    I eat weight watchers ice creams, skinny cow ice creams, snackwell's cookies & fudge drizzled caramel corn, so i fit in these things. SOMETIMES i splurge and get the "real thing" but on a daily basis - i go for the "fake"...it does the trick and honestly i can't tell the difference. i LOVE chocolate.
  • smileylittleorange
    smileylittleorange Posts: 45 Member
    I have treats and snacks still (got lindt dark choc in the fridge x 2 squares waiting for me) but there are some foods I just have to give up. E.g Peanut Butter is my trigger food - I simply can not leave that jar alone. anything buttery is what I adore really - v bad so I just don't eat them at the moment.
  • Squidgrok
    Squidgrok Posts: 84 Member
    Since MFP I'm eating a lot less sweets than I used to. I used to tend to stay up at night and raid the fridge but now I'm trying to cut it down. I have some hershey nuggets and kisses in a jar and I allow myself just 1 whenever I get a huge craving that I can't sleep off. I usually tend to have the calories for such indulgences but eventually I'm going to wean myself on to a higher cocoa content. I just wish I could find quality dark chocolate in small sizes that are wrapped like hershey kisses. I think the dark choc kisses still are too sugary. And know I will have weak control over a bar!
  • kristina1709
    kristina1709 Posts: 119 Member
    I do! I sometimes by the Skinny Cow chocolates. But I do always have Fiber One Chewy bars and brownies in my pantry. :) I eat one daily.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I have 1 dove dark chocolate with almonds as a reward for remembering my afternoon vitamins. I seriously helps me remember to take them!