Thoughts on Soda.



  • erikkasusann
    erikkasusann Posts: 104
    My granny called it sodie, and she was smarter than everyone.
    Whatever you call it, it's obviously not the healthiest thing to consume, but neither is bacon & you can bet I'll never give that up entirely. I mostly drink water, but every now & then (maybe once a month or so), if I am craving a soda, I have one.
    Everything in moderation is my motto!
  • Ryathur
    Ryathur Posts: 16
    Pop is a treat for me. I drink a bit on some mornings, to help pick me up a bit when I am sleepy (though no more than half a can), and sometimes I'll have a single can as a snack. I used to drink it constantly, so restricting myself to about two or so cans a week is an improvement. It made me appreciate the taste of pop more.

    Some people indulge on alcohol. Some indulge on cookies/sweets. I indulge on pop. I don't really see what is so bad about having it once in a while.

    I don't like diet pop. Artificial sweeteners just taste bad to me.
  • cattracy0829
    cattracy0829 Posts: 177 Member
    :wink: I still drink one every day...helps keep my sanity
  • kb_CG_wife
    kb_CG_wife Posts: 181 Member
    It's not soda, it's pop. Y'all must be from the south. We drink our iced tea un-sweetened up here and put oil in our engines, not ole. I haven't been drinking very much pop lately. I used to like coke, but not pepsi.

    whatever Ill call it what I want to and you call it what you want too.

    I'm from Ohio, where it's "pop". "Pop" sounds stupid, so it's soda in my house. :)
  • Camden1987
    It's not soda, it's pop. Y'all must be from the south. We drink our iced tea un-sweetened up here and put oil in our engines, not ole. I haven't been drinking very much pop lately. I used to like coke, but not pepsi.

    FALSE.. Im from up north as well and we say soda.. "Yall" is a down south thing as well.. We still say yall even up north
  • missattitude57
    On the rare occasion when I want to have a pop, I'd rather have one regular than six diet. I had a doctor tell me once that that was better anyways as there are so many unnatural additives and chemicals in diet pop. I say drink on! but don't forget to log them!
  • SweetDorothySweat
    SweetDorothySweat Posts: 114 Member
    Most dark sodas (not rootbeer) have an ingredient called phosphoric acid in them, it causes you to cramp up while exercising. This is why I avoid THOSE sodas if I am going to cheat and have one.
  • hungergames324
    hungergames324 Posts: 240 Member
    It's not soda, it's pop. Y'all must be from the south. We drink our iced tea un-sweetened up here and put oil in our engines, not ole. I haven't been drinking very much pop lately. I used to like coke, but not pepsi.

    I call it soda, and I am not from the south :smile:
  • Lesley2901
    Lesley2901 Posts: 372 Member
    The soda/pop debate made me smile. I'm originally from the east of Scotland and even though I moved to the west 16 years ago I still find it strange that some people here call it 'ginger'.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    It's not soda, it's pop. Y'all must be from the south. We drink our iced tea un-sweetened up here and put oil in our engines, not ole. I haven't been drinking very much pop lately. I used to like coke, but not pepsi.

    Born and raised in Mississippi and moved to Georgia six years ago. I don't hear anybody calling it pop around here, so you must be right. :)

    As far as drinking regular soda, go ahead! :) No problem with a can or even two a day -- just balance out the calories in your actual meals. Plus, you might want to occasionally watch your sugar intake, especially if you or your family runs the risk of diabetes, high blood sugar, etc. Other than that though, it's all up to you. I don't personally drink regular soda, but every now and then I'll have a caloric drink.
  • stuntpilot51
    stuntpilot51 Posts: 53 Member
    My thoughts on soda pop is probably biased as I worked for Coca-Cola for 22 years as a fountain service rep.

    I spent the majority of my day taste testing pop as I was fixing dispensers for various restaurants.

    If you listen to a few who have posted here I should really be dead but fortunately I'm alive and well.

    As I type this I have a fountain machine in my basement which has both Coke and Cherry Coke available anytime I wish but unfortunately my diet has curtailed my drinking to about 1-2 a week instead of 6-8 a day. In fact I worked for Coke when they made the transition to HFCS from pure sugar and also when they made the drastic mistake of changing coke to taste like pepsi before they reversed course and went back to Coca-Cola Classic. The abuse we took was never ending.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    am I the only one on MFP who drinks reg. soda.

    I cant. I was drinking some diet soda for awhile, then I discovered Mexican Coke....and its like the Coke I remember from when I was a kid. So I would buy a bottle a week...then 2....then 4....then 5. You get the idea. And I know that contributed to my weight gain.

    I now only drink an occasional diet Ginger maybe 2 a week, if that. I drink skim milk with meals instead.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I quit fizzy drinks cold turkey and after about 2 weeks it just tasted like crap. I was never a fan of the carbonation anyway, but the AWFUL flavours masked with heaps of sugar/sweetener are blech.
  • Laurelje
    Laurelje Posts: 167 Member
    I only drink soda with hard liquor...!
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    I don't drink either one. Coke is what we use to unclog feeding tubes at the hospital. Regular soda has High Fructose Corn Syrup which I try like heck not to ingest. I avoid artificial sweetners so diet soda out for me to. If I have a real craving for a Coke I do regular because HFCS lesser of 2 evils
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    My granny called it sodie, and she was smarter than everyone.
    Whatever you call it, it's obviously not the healthiest thing to consume, but neither is bacon & you can bet I'll never give that up entirely. I mostly drink water, but every now & then (maybe once a month or so), if I am craving a soda, I have one.
    Everything in moderation is my motto!

    Mmm bacon. My diet soda usually has some Captain in it so that makes it like regular soda right?
  • rmac18
    rmac18 Posts: 185 Member
    I gave up all soft drinks 14 months ago. It's not just the calories but the sodium and the impact of the sweeteners. I'm not a doctor or a scientist and I don't play either on TV but I did lose over 100 pounds and I think quitting soft drinks was something that helped me do that along with eating better and exercising more. I will say that it is a tough addiction to break and it is an addiction in my mind. Water, tea and coffee are what I drink for the most part.
  • yogamom16
    yogamom16 Posts: 114
    I'm from NY originally and we call it soda. I live in the south now and everyone here calls it coke. Anyway, I dont drink it. Dont like it, never have.
  • NYCHealthyMe
    I like unsweetned iced teas. This organic place next to my building sells a range of them. My favorite is the Ginger/Tulsi (Holy Basil). O calories, 0 everything. The only problem is that it's 3.50 per bottle!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    never touch it

    but if you are gonna drink it reg is better than the artificial sweetener in diet.