3rd month Heavy Lifting/Cardio results (Pics)



  • LiftBigtoGetFit
    LiftBigtoGetFit Posts: 3,399 Member
    great work, I have been doing stronglifts 5x5 for 3 weeks now. i was able to convince my wife to try it out after showing her your post. she is doing her 2nd day later today. keep up the great work and don't forget to update MFP with your continued progress, it really does help motivate and encourage. :)
  • missy_1975
    missy_1975 Posts: 244 Member
    As one apple to another - wow! I started lifting weights with a trainer about 6 weeks ago, and I love it. I'm seeing great definition in my arms and legs, and I think I mighta seen the outline of an ab muscle recently! :tongue: I agree it's really hard for us apple shaped gals to get the kind of shape you're showing, so well done and thank you for being a great inspiration. I'll be thinking of your waist and stomach every time my trainer makes me cry :laugh:
  • nursegnet
    nursegnet Posts: 155 Member
    Great job! You look great! Awesome post!
  • ajhr
    ajhr Posts: 92 Member
    Phenomenal results! Well done!
  • kaytyl2
    kaytyl2 Posts: 142 Member
    Wow well done you look great!
  • jamalabz
    jamalabz Posts: 2 Member
    Wow , well done on your journey and fantasic results.

    I will be showing this post to my girlfriend tonight and anyone else i recommend lifting to.

    When recommending lifting i always seem to get the same responses especally from women, these of course being the worry that if they start weight lifting they will become bulky,muscular and unfemimine.

    Its a shame lifting has so many stigmas and preconceptions attached to it as the health benifits and results speak for themself.

    Again a big well done and thank you for your inspirational post.
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    Awesome! I've been thinking about upping my calories and starting heavy lifting and you just gave me the motivation to stop umming and aaahing over it and just do it! :)
  • Cmonnowguys
    Cmonnowguys Posts: 361 Member
    As one apple to another - wow! I started lifting weights with a trainer about 6 weeks ago, and I love it. I'm seeing great definition in my arms and legs, and I think I mighta seen the outline of an ab muscle recently! :tongue: I agree it's really hard for us apple shaped gals to get the kind of shape you're showing, so well done and thank you for being a great inspiration. I'll be thinking of your waist and stomach every time my trainer makes me cry :laugh:

    I love this! Yea, sometimes its hard when you have broader shoulders and narrower hips to feel feminine, especially when you're overweight and the proportions are more exaggerated. Building up that nice layer of muscle though, is what helps balance put those curves and even out the playing field a little more between the bottom and top. I know I might not naturally have the most "enthusiastic" butt out there, but it looks 10x better now that I have some muscle padding to help! ;)

    I'm so glad you're getting results too. Remind yourself of little things like the lean muscle that's coming through in your arms and legs, or abs like you mentioned, and use that to keep going!
  • Cmonnowguys
    Cmonnowguys Posts: 361 Member
    Wow , well done on your journey and fantasic results.

    I will be showing this post to my girlfriend tonight and anyone else i recommend lifting to.

    When recommending lifting i always seem to get the same responses especally from women, these of course being the worry that if they start weight lifting they will become bulky,muscular and unfemimine.

    Its a shame lifting has so many stigmas and preconceptions attached to it as the health benifits and results speak for themself.

    Again a big well done and thank you for your inspirational post.

    So true! That's exactly why I'm honest when people ask me what I'm doing to lose weight and get fit. Many of my friends were skeptical when I started, but physical proof of results can sway anyone. When ppl ask, I tell them all about how I dead lift and eat 2000 calories a day and don't burn myself out with cardio 7x a week, and instead do it moderately. I want them to understand that the key for a woman to get in shape does not automatically equal 1200 calories and 3 hrs of running a day.

    There are so many ways out there to get results, but this way really is what has worked best for me and I want more people to try and see if it can be their solution too. I hope your girlfriend gives a a try for even just a month and gets great results!
  • momswanson
    momswanson Posts: 76 Member
    Awesome job! You look great!
  • carolinenorthrup
    carolinenorthrup Posts: 34 Member
    Your post inspired me to get up and do my workout for the day - thank you! And thanks for those links!
  • Michelled1919
    Michelled1919 Posts: 39 Member
    You look fantastic!!!
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Very inspiring and thank you for giving us the info on how you have achieved what you have already - you look great and I bet it was all so worth it!
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member

    So true! That's exactly why I'm honest when people ask me what I'm doing to lose weight and get fit. Many of my friends were skeptical when I started, but physical proof of results can sway anyone. When ppl ask, I tell them all about how I dead lift and eat 2000 calories a day and don't burn myself out with cardio 7x a week, and instead do it moderately. I want them to understand that the key for a woman to get in shape does not automatically equal 1200 calories and 3 hrs of running a day.

    There are so many ways out there to get results, but this way really is what has worked best for me and I want more people to try and see if it can be their solution too. I hope your girlfriend gives a a try for even just a month and gets great results!

    ^^^ love this!!! your results are amazing chica!! i'm on week 2 of SL and LOVEEEE it. i already see changes in my arms and i LOVE how it makes me FEEL so much stronger.

    i took pics when i started, hopefully my month-to-month progress looks even half as good as yours!!
  • Gumbie7
    Gumbie7 Posts: 45 Member
    amazing! thanks for the motivation:)
  • allisshiney
    allisshiney Posts: 107 Member
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    You look awesome :) I just started lifting weights at the gym and ... ok this is TMI, I know, and I'm sorry, but last night I was sitting on the couch with my boyfriend and he said "You're looking good. When we were having sex just now, I couldn't help looking at you and thinking 'damn, my girlfriend looks good!'" Lol. He was definitely skeptical of my lifting weights. I think he thought it was a stupid idea. But it's only been like 3 weeks and I can already tell it's making changes to my body. I love it.
  • Cmonnowguys
    Cmonnowguys Posts: 361 Member
    You look awesome :) I just started lifting weights at the gym and ... ok this is TMI, I know, and I'm sorry, but last night I was sitting on the couch with my boyfriend and he said "You're looking good. When we were having sex just now, I couldn't help looking at you and thinking 'damn, my girlfriend looks good!'" Lol. He was definitely skeptical of my lifting weights. I think he thought it was a stupid idea. But it's only been like 3 weeks and I can already tell it's making changes to my body. I love it.

    Ahahahahah, great NSV!

    In my goals on my page it says "To look good not only in clothes, but out of them."

    Lifting does things for your body that no amount of hours on an elliptical could do! ;)
  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223
    Wow! Your progress is AMAZING!!
  • cckellympls
    cckellympls Posts: 39 Member
    You rock!!!! My hero!!!

    I heard this and i think you are proof that it is pretty much true: one pound of muscle looks about like one stick of butter. One pound of fat looks like 4 sticks of butter. They weigh the same but muscle takes up less space. You look much lighter than your actual weight and have most likely lost several inches. Besides being healthy isn't that our goal... to be smaller?!

    Thank for the updates and being a great inspiration to many!!!
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