Spouse Not Understanding My Lifestyle Change

Does anyone else struggle with this? My husband is very supportive of my losing weight and is losing weight himself but we're doing it in very different ways. He hasn't changed what he eats just eats less while I try to eat low carb low calorie and healthy foods because I want to be healthy, not just thin. As a result there are constant treats in our home, like the cheesecake he decided to make yesterday that is currently screaming my name. My willpower is usually strong and I can resist but sometimes it's just so hard. He always tells me to just have the treats in moderation and doesn't understand when I try to explain that while an occasional treat is okay I can't have one everyday. He's not mean about it but he's always tempting me and I'm out of ways to explain without offending him. Any suggestions for how to get him to understand I'm trying to permanently change my way of eating?


  • Wow that's a tough one.
    I think you just have to be up front and honest with him.
    You need to tell him that while you understand his side he has to understand yours.
    Just sit him down and explain it all.
    Write it out as well, men like to see things on paper it makes it easier for them.
    Sounds weird but they do. They love lists too so if you can put it in list form even better.
    Good luck - h x
  • LoriJ1782
    LoriJ1782 Posts: 41 Member
    Wow that's a tough one.
    I think you just have to be up front and honest with him.
    You need to tell him that while you understand his side he has to understand yours.
    Just sit him down and explain it all.
    Write it out as well, men like to see things on paper it makes it easier for them.
    Sounds weird but they do. They love lists too so if you can put it in list form even better.
    Good luck - h x

    This is great advice! He LOVES lists so that could actually work!
  • Wpbarr
    Wpbarr Posts: 142 Member
    Yah, this is familiar. I emptied the kitchen and pantry of junk food and put it where it belongs, in the garbage. Huge fight. Maybe you should just toss the cake in the trash and suggest that next time, he just make cheese tarts and take the rest to work.

    We are men, and often pretty clueless. Be crystal clear and direct. Trust me, it's very much appreciated.
  • tomhancock
    tomhancock Posts: 100 Member
    Don't just throw it away, that will tick him off.

    Men are problem solvers, it is our nature. He probably just believes if he can lose weight eating smaller amounts of the same stuff, it will work for you. You need to make sure he understands that will not work for you and explain why.

    Then ask him to help you come up with a way you can both lose weight.
  • jmac1686
    jmac1686 Posts: 25
    My two best friends and I are losing weight together. All three of us are doing different programs which has led to clashes of who is more correct and who has the right motives/health goals.

    I am on a medical weight loss program which is more extreme and you lose more rapidly. I am in for fast loss as well as kicking my food addiction and adapting an overall healthy lifestyle.

    My one friend is in it for slow and steady with an overhaul on her eating and becoming active/healthy. (She has become a health nut and not the fun kind)

    My other friend is on the same plan as the other friend but in it just to lose weight and then wants to eat what she wants and be what I call "skinny fat".

    So it can be hard when all hanging out. I am sorry you are being tempted :( Stay strong and maybe tell your husband the making a cheesecake is not good anyway you see it.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I'm still trying to believe my eyes..........a man made cheesecake? Awesome! :smile:
  • CEHayes73
    CEHayes73 Posts: 221 Member
    Are there other reasons he might be trying to sabotage you? My husband was not very supportive, but it turned out that he was scared that if I got fit and healthy, and looked better, I wouldn't want to be with him anymore. There ended up being far more to it than that, but you might want to consider it, and try to assure him that this is something you're doing for your health, etc. and not to be more attractive to other men. A little ego stroking can go a looong way. Good luck
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    @, stop making cheesecake" and then start with the funny retorts about cheesecake and his waistline for the next 4 weeks, non-stop. Lol.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Maybe I'm wrong, but here's my theory: He understands what you are trying to do (or how), but disagrees with it. He thinks his way is best & is trying to get you to do it his way. You must stand your ground & keep resisting. Hopefully, he will come around & stop tempting you. If not, keep standing your ground. Thing is, life is full of circumstances and people that will tempt you, so you must learn to be strong. Good luck!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    People have their preferences on what they eat and keep in the house. My wife loves coffee. I can't stand it. But I don't tell her to get rid of it because the smell of it even makes me cringe.
    Really unless you're going to live a life where you'll low carb till you're dead, then maybe it's not the lifestyle you want to do. People fail at weight loss because they don't know how to moderate foods they like to eat, IMO.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    I understand being upset that he will offer you these treats -- and you should definitely explain to him that it isn't helpful, and upsets you.

    However, I think it's a bit selfish of you to assume he will give up foods he loves just because you are.
  • LoriJ1782
    LoriJ1782 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm still trying to believe my eyes..........a man made cheesecake? Awesome! :smile:

    Haha, he loves to cook and bake! Which is awesome but results in all kinds of treats I can't eat!

    Thank you all for the advice! What I'm getting the most of is that I need to be direct and honest. I don't want to offend him so I have to be careful how I word it. But I need to be direct so there's no misunderstanding. I really appreciate the responses, thanks so much!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Maybe you should just toss the cake in the trash and suggest that next time, he just make cheese tarts and take the rest to work.
    This is ridiculous. It's his house too and he has every right to make food he wants without worrying about it being thrown away. All she has to do is NOT EAT IT.
  • LoriJ1782
    LoriJ1782 Posts: 41 Member
    I understand being upset that he will offer you these treats -- and you should definitely explain to him that it isn't helpful, and upsets you.

    However, I think it's a bit selfish of you to assume he will give up foods he loves just because you are.

    I don't expect him to give up foods he likes, I would just like to see a little less of them and want him to stop teasing me and trying to get me to eat them.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Well, you can have everything in moderation and still get healthy and fit instead of thin. A piece of cheesecake is a great treat. The whole cake, not so much. I am eating now the way I plan on eating forever, not a diet. That sounds like what your husband is doing. Having willpower to deprive yourself of things you enjoy isn't necessary. You are, of course, free to choose whatever way you want to do this, but don't expect him to do it your way. He shouldn't have to stop eating foods because you want to stop eating them.
  • jerzypeach
    jerzypeach Posts: 176 Member
    Cut the cheesecake or any other goodies he likes to make into single servings and freeze them individually. That way....he can have it when he feels like it.....but it's not always staring you in the face since it's safely out of sight in the freezer.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Since when can't we have a treat everyday? I never signed up for that....
  • LoriJ1782
    LoriJ1782 Posts: 41 Member
    Cut the cheesecake or any other goodies he likes to make into single servings and freeze them individually. That way....he can have it when he feels like it.....but it's not always staring you in the face since it's safely out of sight in the freezer.

    This is a great suggestion! Thank you!
  • mlewon
    mlewon Posts: 343 Member
    My mom and dad have the EXACT same problem. I don't know how, but my mom has just learned to look past it all and focus on her own weight loss. It's really inspiring to see someone have that much willpower.
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    Part of the solution is going to have to be sheer willpower to say no to the treats, or to only take tiny servings that fit into your daily calorie goal. I have to do this; my husband is supportive of me, but he is one of those beanpole-people who struggles to keep his weight up. Even at his heaviest, he doesn't make it out of the "underweight" section of the BMI chart! So there is no way that I can ban tempting treats from the house. I've just had to train myself to ignore the chips and cookies that are on the same pantry shelf as my Wasa crispbreads.

    But you and your husband have the same goal - to lose weight - and if he loves to cook and bake, you should use that to your advantage! Challenge him to make healthier versions of the treats he loves. Go to the library and check out cookbooks with low cal/low carb recipes. Get him a subscription to "Cooking Light" or another magazine that focuses on healthy recipes. Trying new foods and new recipes can be a fun adventure for you both!

    And I certainly can't imagine him being offended if you tell him that the things he makes are SOOOO delicious, you have trouble limiting yourself to tiny portions!

    Edited to add: I just saw the response that your husband is teasing you. That is NOT cool, and is really a different issue altogether; it's an issue of respect, not just diet choices. I have no idea what your relationship dynamics are like, but I hope you can work it out so he stops hurting your feelings when he pushes food on you.