Frame Size Wrist Calculator



  • MENichols5
    MENichols5 Posts: 176 Member
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    hey this is good!! I apparently have a large frame at 5ft 3" wrist 6.3"...and it means my goal weight that I've set for myself is spot on!!
    The really nice thing is that currently I'm 148lbs and thats just 1 lb over what they say is my highest suggested weight! :)
    A very happy girlie I am!
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    I remember a long while back my Mom telling me that a person can measure their frame size by their wrist...interesting!
  • DalexD
    DalexD Posts: 236 Member
    Bump!! I knew I had a large frame, but I was totally lost as to what weight I *should* be. Thanks for posting this!

    Height = 5"4'
    Frame size = Large
    Ideal weight = 134 - 152 lbs
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    This definitely verifies my ideal weight.

    112 lbs currently
    5.5 small frame size

    Ideal weight 111-124.

    I'd be fat if I weighed 124, but the other calculators have me even heavier on the upper end.

    I'm pretty lean at this point and 112 is my goal weight which is where I currently am. Shooting for 110 for the beach in 2 1/2 weeks hoping to get those 6 pack abs. :)
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member
    Very interesting! I always knew I was 'big boned' as years back when I was the recommended ideal weight I looked gaunt.

    Height = 5'7"
    Frame = Large
    Ideal weight = 143-163

    Current goal = 154
  • stellaskies
    stellaskies Posts: 161 Member
    Frame Size Medium
    Ideal Weight 127 lbs - 141 lbs

    LOL no. I'd be horrified if I weighed 141.
  • auntkk28
    auntkk28 Posts: 55 Member
    I don't know about this calculator, I'm 5'1" and my wrist is 6" so it put me at a large frame with a goal between 125-140. I'm currently at 138 and carry most of my fat in my middle so my goal is at least 127, I know still within this range but I've always considered myself medium framed, I saw on another website a simpler test for your frame. Wrap your middle finger and thumb around the widest part of your wrist (where the bone protrudes). If they overlap your small framed, if they just touch (me) you're medium framed, if they don't touch you're large framed:wink:
  • lenibells
    lenibells Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for this one, I came out large framed which in some respects is true, but I also currently weigh the lowest suggested at 138 and i'm much heavier than looks healthy for me. I have a very large rib cage (but strangely small chested sadly!) and small hips and carry almost all of my weight around my waist, which happens to be as big as the largest part of my hips. I have very muscular legs too. At my current weight I don't feel womanly at all, and am still aiming for 128 as I have been there and somewhat confortable with that.

    I dont think its an official test in any way but I realised I was 'big boned' a while ago when I leaned my shoulder forward and compared my collarbone to the size of a friends once, either I only know tiny framed people or mine is a VERY big bone!
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    Height 5'5"
    Wrist Circumference 6.5"
    Frame Size Large
    Ideal Weight 137 lbs - 155 lbs

    I had always thought myself to be medium, but every time I read about the wrist measurement for frame size, I kept wondering. I actually measured last night and found that I actually do measure as "larger" framed. Shrug... I'm all ready within what they give as my ideal weight, and my goal is 140 right now, so I'm thinking that this is a pretty decent calculator, at least for some. :smile: Thanks!
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    I don't know about this calculator, I'm 5'1" and my wrist is 6" so it put me at a large frame with a goal between 125-140. I'm currently at 138 and carry most of my fat in my middle so my goal is at least 127, I know still within this range but I've always considered myself medium framed, I saw on another website a simpler test for your frame. Wrap your middle finger and thumb around the widest part of your wrist (where the bone protrudes). If they overlap your small framed, if they just touch (me) you're medium framed, if they don't touch you're large framed:wink:

    I've actually heard that for this test, you're supposed to use your index finger and NOT your middle finger.
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
  • KiwiKim25
    KiwiKim25 Posts: 61 Member
    Bump. :)
  • AllDayMzAmberJ
    AllDayMzAmberJ Posts: 46 Member
    Bump, so I can come back to this later
  • mandy_lee86
    mandy_lee86 Posts: 103 Member
    bump. pretty cool!!
  • BobsLittleBird
    BobsLittleBird Posts: 28 Member
  • hml1976
    hml1976 Posts: 64
    Cool calculator. I'm small framed, 5'3" with a goal weight of 111-124lbs. I'm currently 121 and a little chubby, trying to get to 116lbs so this works for me.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I think this is pretty accurate, much more so than BMI anyway. I've always known my frame was small. I'm 5'7 and currently weigh 129 lbs. This puts me at 123-136 lbs which is where I've always looked and felt my best.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    Interesting....all I have to say
  • SaraBelle0312
    SaraBelle0312 Posts: 328 Member
    Well it was exactly what I needed to hear.

    Height 5'4"
    weight: 185 lbs
    Wrist size: 6.25"
    What my weight SHOULD BE: 124-138 lbs

    I'm right on track... :) 50(ish) lbs to go!