
  • Skyecath
    Skyecath Posts: 33
    Hi everyone

    I've read all the posts and am enjoying hearing about everyone's lives. Happy Birthday Amanda for the pther day and anyone else who has a birthday and well done to everyone who has lost and is keeping up on the exercise.

    I'm not doing very well at all lately and have realised that I am eating more unplanned foods as the dentist appointment gets closer. (I'm a comfort eater) I've been getting tooth ache a fair bit so it's difficult to forget about it. I just wish the day would come and get it over and done with but at the same time the thought terrifies me.

    The ducklings and chicks are doing well. The photos are on my iPad and I can't work out how to post them from there so I will have to take some with my camera and post them on the computer.

    Cath x
  • Skyecath
    Skyecath Posts: 33
    Well I've tried with the photos but still can't do it. The photobucket thing didn't work, the files ended with .jpg not img

    Any other suggestions?
  • Skyecath
    Skyecath Posts: 33

    Nearly!! But it's cropped! Will have another go tomorrow.

    This is Winston about 4 days old
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: I'm back to teaching line dance again.....my friend who asked me to teach her class asked me again because her husband's health has taken a turn for the worse and the doctors say there's nothing more they can do for him except manage his pain. There are two of us who will share the responsibility of teaching her two classes a week until she is able to come back. For now I'll be teaching the beginning class on Fridays and one week of the Wednesday Intermediate class. I am so sad for them but glad that there is something I can do for her.

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, enjoy your much deserved get away with your hubby

    :flowerforyou: Rose, congrats on the good review on your job :bigsmile: and the raise:bigsmile: sometimes it's hard to tell which feels better, money or appreciation and praise

    :flowerforyou: Laura, I love it,too, when my hubby wants to go for a walk with me.....I treasure the time

    :sad: Kat, sorry about your migraine.....hope it's gone soon.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, the only yoga DVDs I know are the Rodney Yee.......as you know, I have an endless tolerance for repetition so I haven't needed anything else.

    :bigsmile: Cath, the partial picture of the chick is great........it takes awhile to learn how to post pictures but the effort is worth it.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: after dog walking, two line dance classes, 30 minutes of carrying rocks, and a walk with a friend, I'm ready to go to bed early.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member

    Happy Birthday, Amanda

    I know, with the time difference, it will be a day late by the time you see this.
  • sprota813
    sprota813 Posts: 3
    i made a chocolate cake and used sauerkraut instead of oil or applesauce. It was awesome. Everybody loved it even my teenagers. No one could guess the secret ingredient.
  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    Too tired to read what has been written today. I will catch up tomorrow. Husband had a root canal today and he doesn't tolerate the vicodin very well so we only swam for an hour. I was ready to stay another hour! I swam the entire time. I can't wait to go back and I am extremely happy that I did not get stuck in the pool or fall and break something! lol:) We are looking into joining a water aerobics class one day a week on top of the swimming (hopefully) 3 days a week. There are night classes at the Y (45 miles away from where we live). I really need to tone up after losing this weight cause I don't want to be too flabby. Being on disability, I can't afford plastic surgery!

    Hope everyone is doing well and ttyl!

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    We have made it to southern California, and tomorrow will arrive at Ojai to visit my husband's brother and wife for the weekemd before heading north. Tonight I spent a wonderful 3 hous visiting with a cousin that I had not seen in 48 years (and she doesn't remember that meeting). She brought me pictures of my dad when he was young, and wedding portraits of my grandmother. It was quite fun! Got to get to sleep now. I will try to happen by here occasionally. Mary
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: A belated Happy Birthday Amanda - hope you had a good one!

    :flowerforyou: It's our wedding anniversary today so hubby and I are going into town shortly, and we'll stop for a meal at lunchtime. I've just lost another lb too, so what's the betting that it goes back on. I'll have to look for something healthy :bigsmile: I'm looking forward to it, it's been a while since we went out for a meal, hope hubby doesn't fall asleep during it. :noway: :noway: He's taken his tablets, so should be okay.

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, I hope you find the leak before your ceiling crashes in on you! Sounds as if professional help is required! I think I'll be painting the bathroom ceiling this weekend so I'll be in all my old "painting" clothes yes I have some that I keep just for decorating so it doesn't matter if I get splashed with paint. :laugh: :laugh: I hope I can keep the paint on the ceiling and not on the bath/toilet/sink - painting ceilings is not my strong point, but hubby gets dizzy/sick if he looks up too much - (good excuse!)

    :smile: I'm pleased that I've lost llb as I've been eating all the wrong foods I've been good during the day but I don't know what comes over me on an evening, I just can't stop snacking :grumble: I feel encouraged now though and will NOT snack tonight.

    :smile: Well hubby is hovering, I'd better get ready, seems he wants to do a bit of shopping first .

    Have a good Thursday

    Viv x
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Thank you for my birthday wishes! Had a great day - cuddles with the twins and didn't even get rained on!

    Really busy, so will try to get back later.

    Ciao for now.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member

    Happy Anniversary, Viv
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Yea the *#)@# scale finally moved down I hope it continues. This will motivate to stay on track. Need more moving but that will come if I get back on track. I think of how much I could have lost had I not lost track. Starting over AGAIN!

    Keep up the good work ladies

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thankful it's Thursday,

    fitz- Sorry you are having back issues, take care of yourself:flowerforyou:

    Rose- glad Conner has his Grandma there to cuddle him:happy:

    Michele- my hubbys granny made all her grandchildren quilts when they married, we used ours until it all but fell apart:noway: I wish I still had it and someothers but now we just have to buy them because no one else in the family makes them:sad:

    Cath- sorry your tooth is giving you pain, I do understand the anxiety of heading to the dentist, but I'm sure that once he has taken care of your issue you will be feeling much better and will get away from the comfort eating:wink: Ahhh Winston is soooo cute:love:

    Barbie- so sorry to hear about the dance teachers hubby:cry: and glad that she has you to help her during this time.

    sprota- Sauerkraut:noway: in place of oil? Now that sounds interesting...how much did you use? Did you process it to a smoother consistancy?

    Trish- your swim sounds like it was just the thing you needed. Glad there were no problems getting in & out of the pool:drinker:

    Mary- thanks for checking in while on your driving vacation....it's always fun to connect with family that you haven't seen for a long time and seeing family members in pictures from long ago is always something I love:love: that's why I have boxes and filing cabinets FULL of family pictures:noway:

    VIV-:flowerforyou: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY:flowerforyou: How many years is that? How was your going out? Congrats on that #1 loss:drinker: too.

    Sherry- Congrats on the loss and seeing the scale move:drinker: I do understand the frustration just keep headed in a positive thought and actions will be rewarded.


    So yesterday hubby called me at work and suggested a bike ride when I got home and with the cloud cover the 90 degrees didn't feel hot at all:wink: It was a good bike ride and then I went and ruined it....hubby tooke me to KFC:sad: and I ate way over my calories and sodium:sad: So today I will be extra good and drink a LOT of water to flush it all out.

    I had best get back to the papers that are calling to me...I just wish they would stop yelling :blushing: I see and hear them I just don't want to acknowledge them:laugh:

    Everyone have a great day logging, moving and drinking:drinker:

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello Everyone...
    It's great to read your posts. It's been busy this week. Today feels like a catch up day. My knees are a little better and I have started back to the gym. Yesterday I even did the eliptical for a while. The scale is slowly moving downward so hopefully this pattern will keep going. It was so frustrating to see those numbers go up and to have my workouts hurt. I see such a strong connection in moving and keeping my body feeling good.

    Lots of good news happening on the board...birthdays and anniversaries...Happiness to everyone!!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Happy late birthday Amanda
    Happy anniversary Viv.

    Crazy at work no time for computer. Much need weekend date with DH. going down to Long Beach in Washington and enjoying the coast.
  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    i made a chocolate cake and used sauerkraut instead of oil or applesauce. It was awesome. Everybody loved it even my teenagers. No one could guess the secret ingredient.

    Did you do anything special with the kraut? Sounds intersting.
  • kateblue72
    kateblue72 Posts: 113
    Happy Thursday! Actually its my "Sunday", as work 24/7 as a Laboratory Technologist in a hospital lab, and I 'get' to work the next four days!:smile:

    Happy belated birthday Amanda, and Happy Anniversary Viv!

    Wow, I still can't believe how motivated mfp and 'talking to a computer can be. I actually rode my bike 9km round trip TO a fitness class today, so that I can add to some of the challenges I have signed up for! I then even managed to ride a few errands after class - YIKEs! What are you 'guys' doing to me .... whatever it is - THANKS!:flowerforyou:

    This is great, have a SUPER day all:drinker:
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :drinker: Evening All...........

    :heart: Viv ...Congratulations on your Anniversary !! I hope your day was sunny.

    Michele .... The Mystery Shopping is great. I registered on line with "Market Force" and have completed several assignments. Shopping ...for household goods mainly. Service ....eye tests for glasses, financial ie banking and Dining ...restaurants/hotel.
    You get a fee for going and an amount to cover your purchase. The restaurant ones are good as we can go out for a meal and at least get one paid for!! You have to complete an on line questionnaire for the company, giving views on standards and service etc.
    I've had one restaurant that was to put it mildly ....:noway: awful!! I stated as such on line and the restaurant disputed my findings!!
    I pointed out that as a Chef /Catering Manager and restaurant owner over the last 30 years :huh: I do surely know what standards should be achieved!!!

    :happy: News on the "Drip" front .....we got a "Roofer" in yesterday afternoon and thankfully he discovered what could have been the cause. We had vent tiles put in the roof for air con in the bedroom. The top of the tile was cracked and letting in water round the vent pipe. A second tile for the other loft bedroom was in the same state!! I do marvel at these professionals ! ...He just got on the roof (Bungalow) and walked up it! Lifted rows of the roof tiles to see if the under felts were good etc. Luckily we had some spare roof tiles (no vents) and he just took out the vents and put them in. A return visit needed to re - do the felts under the new tiles is planned.
    So..........I've been sitting here tonight ....the rain is Hammering down as I post!!! .....not a drip sound !!! Onlyi n the conservatory ...but we 've lived with that for ages!! :bigsmile: Those drips are caught in a strategically placed receptacle for the cats to drink!!

    :yawn: I'm posting this having been to bed when DH went to work and then got up again...before he came home. I was sooooo tired and achy! DIY...itis maybe!! I'd better get going tomorrow and the weekend ....the papering stage has been reached!!
    :heart: I was woken up by the phone ...a little voice on the other end sang "Happy Birthday to Grandad"!!! ''cept Grandad was at work!!
    :bigsmile: I did say I'd sing it for him ...and I have!!

    I've got trousers to take up this weekend too. One of my new purchases ....... they're soooo long .....mind you for my weight
    I SHOULD be about 6' 4" tall methinks!!

    Off to bed for real now ....hopefully the ceiling will be intact tomorrow morning. I'm getting paranoid now and have noticed new bumps and bits on it! They were probably there before! It's like one of those "Magic" pictures the more you stare the more things appear!!!

    Wellies definitely needed for us tomorrow ...or a boat. It's raining cats and dogs outside!
    A bit too wet for those lovely Ducks!!

    :flowerforyou: Jackie
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hello Lovelies!!!!

    Back from the wonderful Carlsbad beach! Love it there and wish I could own a home right there on the beach, but I just don't have millions of $$$$$ to buy one hahahahaha! So I will enjoy my Surf Motel and the lovely beach every now and then :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Migraine only lasted a day/night and we really had a good time with DS and DD was there with her BF and then they spent today with us on the beach and went to a late lunch and they went off camping and we came home :bigsmile: to a denial from our HOA of our desired exterior paint color :explode: grr back to the stress of real life :explode:

    But now Im off to yoga :love: ahhhhhh

    Hope you all have a nice evening!

    Kat :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good evening everyone!

    Haven't been able to do my water aerobics because my knee is very screwed up but at least did my range of motions exercises today. I'll be getting a knee brace in a few days so hopefully that will help til I get in with orthopedic doc next month.
    Because my exercise and mobility is about nil right now, I am faithfully tracking everything I eat!

    I love reading all of your posts and your stories give me the strength and determination to stick with it and not just feel sorry for myself!
