Shedding for the Wedding?



  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    How's everyone's week going? I haven't been cooking at home as much as I had hoped, but I cooked at home last night and it was delicious! My fiance and I made a home made pizza on wheat crust with pesto, chicken, mozzarella cheese, onion and peppers and then I made Swiss Chart with Parmesan Cheese as our side. I've been getting a lot of veggies in this farm share that I did at work and this was the first big new recipe I tried. It was delicious!

    Out to dinner for a friend's bday tonight - Mexican, yikes! Hoping to check out the menu in advance and pick something mildly healthy. Then tomorrow night we are going to have tilapia and roasted kohlrabi (also from the farm share). Tomorrow night we are also going to plan our meals for next week and I'll do a big shop on Sunday for healthy meals and snacks (something I haven't been able to do for a few weeks). Hopefully that will help us eat healthier all week long!

    On the up side I worked out every day this week so far (Mon-Thurs) so I am proud of myself for that! Hoping to see some movement on the scale soon to match my efforts :)

    How's everyone else doing this week??
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I've worked out every day this week, too. I'm a bit more tired daily than I was last week, though. Perhaps that is due to TOM.

    Tomorrow is a rest day and I can't wait. haha! But then Saturday we are celebrating my birthday so we're going out to breakfast and to dinner so I've gotta be extra careful. I've already planned out my meals. Just gotta burn about 600cals.....
  • kbc525
    kbc525 Posts: 149
    I'll join.. we were supposed to get married in September but I got a new teaching position - and can't take off unless there is a assigned vacation ---

    so December it is... holidays in St. Lucia.. and a bikini and a little white sundress.

    I've got about 10 to be at my goal weight.. then I'll re-evaluate.
  • FordGal40
    FordGal40 Posts: 58
    I am getting married 10/6/12. I've been trying to lose weight since the beginning of this year but I have had a lot of ups & downs. Now I NEED to lose some weight because at my first dress fitting there was a small gap in the back in between where the zipper stops and the corset top half starts. I hated hearing the words "We can let it out a little here." I am hoping to lose some weight, at least around my mid-section so that I do not have to pay for the alterations on my beautiful dress.

    Any other brides with this issue? Let's try to do this together!
  • Hopefully you guys can give me some advice! My wedding is 9/8/12, but my wedding dress fitting is 7/24/12. I was trying a low carb diet from March till near the end of May where I lost 13 pounds, but I stayed sick most of the time. I went on a cruise with my family and gained like 7 pounds of it back. So I decided to start counting my calories and working out 2 weeks ago. I have been staying right on with my calories but I have only lost 2.4 pounds my first week and nothing this week. I know it is probably just a plateau but I feel like over the past year I have lost and gained the same weight constantly and cant seem to get any lower. Does anyone have any advice???? I need to lose at least ten pounds before my wedding dress fitting. I eat 1200 calories a day which is the minimum and what the lifestyle pal tells me to eat.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    Hopefully you guys can give me some advice! My wedding is 9/8/12, but my wedding dress fitting is 7/24/12. I was trying a low carb diet from March till near the end of May where I lost 13 pounds, but I stayed sick most of the time. I went on a cruise with my family and gained like 7 pounds of it back. So I decided to start counting my calories and working out 2 weeks ago. I have been staying right on with my calories but I have only lost 2.4 pounds my first week and nothing this week. I know it is probably just a plateau but I feel like over the past year I have lost and gained the same weight constantly and cant seem to get any lower. Does anyone have any advice???? I need to lose at least ten pounds before my wedding dress fitting. I eat 1200 calories a day which is the minimum and what the lifestyle pal tells me to eat.

    Do you take your measurements as well? Sometimes the scale doesn't show a difference but measurements do. For example, at my official weigh in I'd only lost 0.2lbs but I lost half an inch around my stomach and half an inch around my bust. So there was still progress!

    Also, 2.4lbs in one week is steep for a healthy weightloss. They only recommend 1-2lbs per week to lose weight healthfully. Try finding out what your BMR is and eat that amount, it'll likely be higher than the 1200 you're currently eating and maybe that is what your body needs.
  • When I did the math with the MyFitness App in told me to take in 1200 calories a day, and obviously more if I am working out. I know 2.4 in one week is good, I think I am frustrated because my weight keeps going back and forth for the past few months no matter what diet I am on. I do need to start measuring myself, as it is not so much the weight as the inches I am losing to fit in my dress. I just didnt know if anyone had any tips of what to do during a plateau..Thanks for your reply :smile:
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    I've worked out every day this week, too. I'm a bit more tired daily than I was last week, though. Perhaps that is due to TOM.

    Tomorrow is a rest day and I can't wait. haha! But then Saturday we are celebrating my birthday so we're going out to breakfast and to dinner so I've gotta be extra careful. I've already planned out my meals. Just gotta burn about 600cals.....

    Sounds like you are on the right track with planning ahead! Getting used to a new exercise routine will definitely make you tired at first but your body will adjust and you'll get used to it. Good luck this week - enjoy it and don't be too hard yourself. Hopefully you can find time for a workout :)
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    When I did the math with the MyFitness App in told me to take in 1200 calories a day, and obviously more if I am working out. I know 2.4 in one week is good, I think I am frustrated because my weight keeps going back and forth for the past few months no matter what diet I am on. I do need to start measuring myself, as it is not so much the weight as the inches I am losing to fit in my dress. I just didnt know if anyone had any tips of what to do during a plateau..Thanks for your reply :smile:

    I think Dee's suggestion might be right on. MFP seems to be a bit low on what it suggests you eat and depending on how much you weigh if you have it set to one pound per week that might be too aggressive. If you aren't eating enough your body will go into starvation mode and this would stall weight loss. Check out this site to calc your BMR (basic metabolic rate):

    You should never eat below this number. Then you can do some more calcs to figure out how many cals you should eat every day. This means if you are exercising you are going to need to eat some of those cals back so that your NET intake is near (or at) your BMR. This has helped a lot of people on here come back from a plateau. I have just started so no results yet but I'm hoping it will help me break out of my 3 week plateau as well!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I'll join.. we were supposed to get married in September but I got a new teaching position - and can't take off unless there is a assigned vacation ---

    so December it is... holidays in St. Lucia.. and a bikini and a little white sundress.

    I've got about 10 to be at my goal weight.. then I'll re-evaluate.

    I got engaged in St. Lucia!!!!!!!!!
    It is my favorite place in the world. He proposed in a hammock hanging over the water...
    Soooooooo romantic!
  • 5099peperk
    5099peperk Posts: 15 Member
    I'm getting married on 8/4/12, and am looking to maintain after losing what I wanted. I'll be here for support if you'd like!

    I am also getting married on 8/4/12!!! Would love some support to get the weight off and keep it off!
  • Sheilav330
    Sheilav330 Posts: 57
    Congratulations! I too i am getting married in oct 12 and also struggling with weight does not come off easy due to hormonal imbalance and many other problems but i do have to get really serious if i want to look great in the dress :) i just have to keep the carbs in check and stay active i have a hard time staying active because i am the type that gets easily bored i used to be a workout freak i even got addicted to i can't stand it!! lol but have to do it
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Maybe we should partner up!!!! Find your buddy who is getting married in the same month as you or find your buddy who has roughly the same amount to lose!!!! And then hold each other accountable.

    Wedding date: May 17, 2013
    Weight to lose: 22lbs
    GOAL DATE: March 17, 2013 (this is my birthday and roughly the date that I'll need final fitting by)
    Weeks left until goal date: 39 weeks

    Looking for my twin...
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Here's an online counter that makes it easy to figure out how many weeks / days there are between now and your goal date.
  • cazzamartinek
    cazzamartinek Posts: 123 Member
    Hi im getting married in 7 weeks !! have been reading all your posts and this sounds a great group :smile: i only have a few more pounds to go and need some support to do it , i feel like this is the last push before the big day i have my next fiting in 3 weeks and im so excited :heart:
    i would love if you guys could support me an i will help support you this is such an exciting time for us all :love:
  • I'm getting married march 9, 2013 and have about 30 lbs to lose! I need some support and motivation. I'm so glad I found this group! Feel free to add me. :) I've been doing the 30 ds and want to find another cardio video to do with it. I also eat about 1400 a day.
  • mego07
    mego07 Posts: 234 Member
    1st off congratulations to everyone who is getting married! I am not getting married myself, but i am wanting to shed some weight for my brothers wedding. I won't be in the actual wedding, but will be in a lot of the family wedding photos and whatnot. He is getting married September 1st, 2012 and I want to go from 130 to 115-119. It has been a struggle since i've joined the site and i have had many ups and downs. I realized how quick the summer is going and need to get back on track. Lets get motivated ladies!

    I am redoing my 30DS and getting back into eating better plus swimming for additional cardio. Feel free to add me!
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    Great idea on finding twins!

    Wedding date: September 15, 2012
    Weight to lose: 5lbs (already lost 13!)
    GOAL DATE: August 27, 2012 (around the time I'll need to get my final fitting)
    Weeks left until goal date: 10 weeks!!!!

    Looks like I have to lose 1/2 pound a week! My goals are to increase my exercise and intake of healthy foods to meet my calorie goals. I am also going to start the 6 week 6 pack to prepare for the honeymoon :)

    Any twins out there??
  • cazzamartinek
    cazzamartinek Posts: 123 Member
    Was planning on a quiet nite away from the on computer but have just thought of a question !! :huh: can anyone tell me what clean eating is i have seen it mentioned on a couple of posts and it sounds like what i could do with before the wedding to lose the last few pounds :smile: :smile:
  • ClaireSD35
    ClaireSD35 Posts: 38
    I'm getting married in August 2013. The proposal was what I needed to turn on that switch in my head to serious! My weight was tumbling out of control and with a BMI of almost morbidly obese it was definitely a change. Having now lost 44lbs and almost in the 'overweight' BMI I feel quite proud of myself. Just another 44lbs to go before my wedding day. :O)