Biggest Loser is back :D



  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I don't think it has anything to do with stress. I think it has everything to do with the people in her group.
    (this doesn't mean I dismiss stress, I just think there are similar stress levels for all the people on this show, and 1/2 an hour of raised cortisol levels doesn't ruin a week of workouts).

    I watch this show with a very critical eye. And I notice things about it many people don't. I don't get caught up in the drama simply because...well... EVERYONE has a story, theirs might be sad, true, but it's the same all over, so I kind of tune it out.

    What I do see is her group has a lot of "non-athletes". By that I mean, people who never have trained their muscles to do anything but walk. Notice who the big losers always are on this show (not just this year, but in years past), in the beginning it's always the people who were once athletes. Why? My theory is there's 3 reasons for it. 1) their muscles already have experienced the processes that the show is asking of them to a degree, while it might be dormant, these muscles do remember. 2) mentally, athletes know inherently that they can push harder than they think they can, it may be subconscious, or it may be overt, but people who were once athletes push harder out of the gate. and 3) These people probably gained fat later in their life, which means less compression in the fat cells, which less density of the fat cells, which means faster burning of fat stores.

    does this mean they'll always have bigger losses? NOPE, about 1/2 way through, the numbers start to even out, and when those numbers even out the real challenge begins.

    Watch the show closely, notice Daniel in particular, he's never been an athlete, and when you watch him perform challenges, even though he's about the same weight and height as Allen, he's much slower, and less effective in them. It's because he never used his muscles like Allen has, he might be just as strong, but the flexibility isn't there, the ease of movement. This doesn't mean Daniel can't get there, it just means he has a way to go to train his muscles to move fluidly, quickly, and adaptively. There's a lot to be said for the concept of fast twitch muscles. They take a long time to build, but they are THE biggest factor in being able to perform higher intensity activities (along with core). And high intensity is one of the keys to forcing dynamic body changes.

    Thanks for that insight. I've always maintained that it's more difficult for those of us who have been overweight forever than for those who have been thin & gained later in life. (Just an untrained observation.)
    Now you've explained it.
    Thank you.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I'm getting tired of Shay saying she needs to be there.......they all are there for a reason.

    I'm tired of Liz acting like a ***** too.

    I am not rooting for them and cheering on Rudy and Danny.

    Daniel should of went home last week, not Abby. That kid got too many breaks as it is.
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    I'm not into the show as much now as I was when it first started. I do record it and then watch it either later that night or the next day. Now I find myself fast forwarding thru a lot of the "garbage" and getting right down to the weigh in. The weigh ins and the challenges are my favorite parts :bigsmile:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I'm getting tired of Shay saying she needs to be there.......they all are there for a reason.

    I'm tired of Liz acting like a ***** too.

    I am not rooting for them and cheering on Rudy and Danny.

    Daniel should of went home last week, not Abby. That kid got too many breaks as it is.

    I like them both a lot too. :smile:
  • Shelley130
    I'm also team Danny. First time I haven't been rooting for a girl to win... :smile:
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Yeah I think I am rooting for Danny the most guy wise. And Shay for the girls. I really like Amanda and Rebecca but Amanda disappointed me last week with her little break down. But I am sure I would do the same if Jillian was yelling in my face with cameras also in my face.
  • SlimSasha
    SlimSasha Posts: 54 Member
    Thank goodness Tracy went home...she was making me not want to watch the show because of her crazyness and all her FAKE crying..but i must say she looked GREAT running that mile at the end...i was happy for her for a min..and then i see her on Leno...why is she on there..i have not seen any other kicked off players on there..i know they have the kicked off people from the week b4 on the today show on tue. She just REALLY bugged me once again on Leno... I am all for Rudy,Rebecca, and Danny..I was sad to see Abby go home..what a STRONG women she is=)
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I'm so glad she's gone! For a minute there, I was afraid that Shay as going to fall below the yellow line.

    Tracey did look really good at the end though! Really healthy and muscular!
  • mrmrslongoria
    I love this show
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    As soon as I saw the commercial that the one going home last night would be on Leno I knew it would be Tracey. Who else would go on Leno to talk about it?
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    I love the show too...totally addicted. I do have to say, remember that it is a reality show...the producers edit and "shape" the show for drama and effect. We dont always see whats really going on behind the scenes. Like the Liz thing...She was ticked off one week and they really played up her talking trash and now lots of people dont like her.

    That being said, I'm glad that V2 (Tracey...aka "Vicky2"...I re-named her after the season with Vicky and Heba) is gone. One more of those ugly fake crying scenes and I might not have tuned back in!!! But I was majorly impressed with how great she looks now. I think she's a contender for the at home winner.

    This show really helps me by inspiring me with their successes....all drama and nuttiness aside, it has been a really big help for me and my son too.

    Ya'll have a great day!
  • Shelley130
    I felt bad when they showed Tracey's kids. I'm sure the girl is in middle school, can you imagine what the other kids are saying about her mom?
    She did look great at the end though :smile:

    Anyone else getting a little tired of Rebecca's "happy dance"? It's is every segment!!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I felt bad when they showed Tracey's kids. I'm sure the girl is in middle school, can you imagine what the other kids are saying about her mom?
    She did look great at the end though :smile:

    Anyone else getting a little tired of Rebecca's "happy dance"? It's is every segment!!

    :laugh: I told my hubs that Rebecca's ''happy dance'' was the reason she would win the final part of the challenge. :laugh: She does that ALL the time - what's 200 times in a row?! :tongue: I adore her though, so she can happy dance all she wants. lol

    I also felt bad for Tracey's kids -- whether or not it was actually Tracey being that crazy or the shows editing to make her the villan, her kids will still take the heat at school for it. :ohwell: She did do very well for herself in the end - I started about 10lbs lighter than her and want to lose about 10lbs less than she has - it was great to see her before/after with such similar weights to mine. :smile:
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I wanted Liz to go home. Tracey annoys me but Liz is just a *****.

    Rebecca can stop dancing now.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Thank goodness Tracy went home...she was making me not want to watch the show because of her crazyness and all her FAKE crying..but i must say she looked GREAT running that mile at the end...i was happy for her for a min..and then i see her on Leno...why is she on there..i have not seen any other kicked off players on there..i know they have the kicked off people from the week b4 on the today show on tue. She just REALLY bugged me once again on Leno... I am all for Rudy,Rebecca, and Danny..I was sad to see Abby go home..what a STRONG women she is=)

    I saw Abby on Ellen yesterday, she was amazing - such a huge inspiration, a very strong woman, it is so good to see what a positive impact TBL has had on her life.

    I actually didn't get to watch last night, I was so bummed. Turned on NBC at 7:00 and they had preempted it with the KU Jayhawks Basketball - How dare they!! Really glad to read everyones recaps and hear that Tracy went home!!!!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I'm so glad she's gone! For a minute there, I was afraid that Shay as going to fall below the yellow line.

    Tracey did look really good at the end though! Really healthy and muscular!

    I can't believe she's training for a marathon! :noway: That takes a lot of dedication. :noway:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    As soon as I saw the commercial that the one going home last night would be on Leno I knew it would be Tracey. Who else would go on Leno to talk about it?

    I thought the same thing - but I fell asleep before she came on :sad:
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member

    Anyone else getting a little tired of Rebecca's "happy dance"? It's is every segment!!
    OMG yes! Last night I was like she needs to stop that stupid little dance!!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Ahhhhh Rebecca, dance all you want. Burn off those extra calories. :laugh:

    She's my top lady for winning this year (pink team )

    Even though I hated tracey like all of you, I agree, she looked great after losing ~ 80lbs.
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    Finally, Tracy took the crazy train home!!!!
    At least she knew it was her antics that sent her home and not her lack of working out.