Do you have a crazy....



  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    i have this absolute phobia of our government.
    i fear that they will start chipping away at our rights and freedoms and use terrorism and drugs as justification.
    but my worst fear is that people won't notice or care and just accept it.

    oh wait.

    Well I had thought that my big fear was great huge hairy scuttley eight legged spidery things, but now you mention it....

    sorry. forgot to mention it's extremely contagious.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I'm trypophobic. I won't explain it without getting the willies, you can google it.

    oh God I thought i was alone with this one......... :sick: :explode: :sad:

    What was that??? ='( My tummy is upset now.
  • brett1117
    brett1117 Posts: 208
    1. HATE big spiders!! 2. Don't like to fly but I will( need a few beers before I get on a plane) 3. I'll be able to retire in 7.5 years 4. Peanut butter CRAZY! LOVE it! 5. Have NEVER experimented with drugs or cigarettes(never taken a puff of a cigarette or joint)....OH and 6. I have to peel my apples!! too many people fondle fruit and who knows where there hands have been
  • bethmakesmusic
    bethmakesmusic Posts: 164 Member
    Miranda_mom: I totally feel you on the bird fear. They are evil and I am convinced that they are all secretly waiting for an opportunity to peck my eyes out!!!! THEY FREAK ME OUT!!!!

    I also have an issue with slugs. My husband had to walk to the garage first if its damp out, to tell me where the slugs are. :) Basically I'm a nut job.
  • I've taken a bullet when I was in the military, but nothing scares me more than a friggin spider! I'm helpless in their presence.

    this made me LOL
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    :sad: I have a major fear that I am going to get locked in somewhere and not be able to get out. I never lock car doors. I had a friend of mine disable the feature on my car that automatically locks the doors when you put it in drive. I don't like to have the doors locked when I am in the house. We never lock our bedroom door or the bathroom door. At work I will wait until I am the only one in the bathroom and hold the stall door closed instead of turning the lock when I need to pee. When I was in college we were playing hide and seek one night (highly intoxicated). I told my friend I was going to hide in the trunk of my car and asked her to come get me in a few minutes. She forgot me! About 30 minutes had passed from the time I closed the trunk to the time she remembered and came back with several other friends and opened the trunk. That is when the freak outs about locks started. I know it was my own stupid fault for getting in the trunk and that it is highly unlikely I will get locked in somewhere, but I can't shake the fear.

    Im the opposite. I grew up with a city family so I was taught to lock my car doors especialy when Im driving alone. And my house is like Fort Knox. Im afraid of the little entrepeneurs' in my neighborhood customers breaking in :-\
  • Ohmydaze
    Ohmydaze Posts: 403 Member
    I don't if you have all seen Kindergarten cop but there is a part when Arnold looks out the window and see the psycho crazy dude right outside his window in the rain with a gun. Basically that is my fear since I saw that. I literally can't walk past windows in the dark or the rain. I run past or close the blinds with my eyes closed. Weird.

    Oh my god, this.

    I have this hideous fear of faces at windows.. My 13 year old neighbor thinks it's funny to peep through the window after she knocks.. freaks me the hell out.

    Edit - Emetopobia..

    That's a phobia? Wow. I think I have that. I discovered how NOT to be sick when I was pretty young, and whenever I'm nauseous now i get all shaky and panicky, and scream at people until I can get some water. I haven't puked since I was about 9. I struggle when people puke on TV, I hate when people puke around me, I have to leave if someone thinks they're going to be sick. A teacher made me keep a sick girl company on a bus ride home once.. that was horrible. I feel really selfish and guilty about it, but I could never be the friend that cleans up puke on a night out. I don't go to parties where I know people will be drinking until they vomit.. The biggest thing is, I wanted to be a paramedic or doctor. I felt like it was my "calling" y'know? But I realized I would have to deal with people vomiting, likely ON me. And I just couldn't cope with that, so I changed all my A level choices, and no longer plan to be a med student.

    How sad. :frown:
  • comogirl
    comogirl Posts: 154 Member
    Worms, I'm absolutely petrified of them
    Yay! We both have the same phobia. I knew I wasn't the only one!
  • comogirl
    comogirl Posts: 154 Member
    I love thunderstorms and tornado's in fact I go outside during a tornado warning just to catch a glimpse of one.

    I live in tornado alley and as I type thunderstorms are approaching. :happy:

    My phobia would be dancing! You couldn't drag me kicking and screaming onto a dance floor.

    I enjoyed the one about static shocks, as an electrician I've been hit so many times it actually feels good now, except when I get one from a neutral on a flourescent ballast, now that's painful especially if it's 277 volts.
    We must be neighbors so to speak. I am a Missouri girl. Tornado alley as well. Which state are you in?
  • alabamawhirley
    alabamawhirley Posts: 14 Member
    Rats and ocassionally mice.

    Even if they're just on TV I feel physically sick. I think it's because when I was about 8 my brother put his pet rat in his pocket and started stroking my face with it's tail.
  • shady1987dre
    shady1987dre Posts: 186 Member
    Im afraid of monkeys throwing poop at me.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Crazy & irrational... nah, mostly just the typical phobias... heights, small spaces, someone breaking into the house to get me, dying in an accident, cancer, public speaking... dying and there being nothing after.
  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    sharks, spiders (but that is because of being bitten by a AZ brown recluse spider), dentists (after going to a Dr who made me feel like I was Duston Hoffman's character in "Marathon Man")
  • JoeyTajzai
    JoeyTajzai Posts: 1,198 Member
    Rollercoasters =(
  • CoCoBean14
    CoCoBean14 Posts: 107 Member
    Absolutely: I have a fear of stunningly beautiful women. I love looking at them, I just can't bring myself to talk and flirt with them. I know, I should, but I can't.

    aww :) there are women who find that endearing
  • kikiboniki
    kikiboniki Posts: 398 Member
    It's not really a fear.. its more like an idiosyncrasy.. I hate touching paper when my fingertips are dry. its like nails on a chalkboard. i am a teacher and I have to use the cashier fingertip moisturizer or I can't pass out papers without cringing.
  • jasonfndr
    jasonfndr Posts: 39
    Would have to say mine is the sirens on dams. When they blow their sirens right before they open it up I start to panic.
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    I'm trypophobic. I won't explain it without getting the willies, you can google it.

    I have NIGHTMARES about the stuff that a google image search provided for that!! I have for several years, now! I hate it. Seeing stuff like that makes me feel like I'm gonna be sick at any moment...I always thought I was just weird. I guess I'm not the only one!
  • Akijade
    Akijade Posts: 210 Member
    Bees and Wasps. I am absolutely terrified of them.
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    :sad: I have a major fear that I am going to get locked in somewhere and not be able to get out. I never lock car doors. I had a friend of mine disable the feature on my car that automatically locks the doors when you put it in drive. I don't like to have the doors locked when I am in the house. We never lock our bedroom door or the bathroom door. At work I will wait until I am the only one in the bathroom and hold the stall door closed instead of turning the lock when I need to pee. When I was in college we were playing hide and seek one night (highly intoxicated). I told my friend I was going to hide in the trunk of my car and asked her to come get me in a few minutes. She forgot me! About 30 minutes had passed from the time I closed the trunk to the time she remembered and came back with several other friends and opened the trunk. That is when the freak outs about locks started. I know it was my own stupid fault for getting in the trunk and that it is highly unlikely I will get locked in somewhere, but I can't shake the fear.

    I really don't think it was a good idea to publicly say that you never lock your house while you’re there.... Or your car! You have a lot more serious things to worry about then being locked in! Now you have to worry about creeps coming in your house or opening up your car door and doing who knows what to you! ..... Bad bad idea!! :noway: