Short/petite people with under 20 to lose-question!



  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    Yup same here! !!!!

    I started @ 143 I am down to 132 & want to get to 120 or so. Kinda stuck where I am though. I always get the ''you're so little'' ''you are going to disappear''

    A couple of pounds makes a big difference on a small frame.
  • I'm so happy I found this thread! I am 5'1 and 100 pounds. Although that sounds small, I am what some people call skinny fat. I look small but I have no muscle definition and am ridiculously out of shape. And I have such an odd body that I think I would look better at 95 so that's what I'm working on - that 5 pound loss and toning. Because I wholeheartedly agree that yes, every single pound does make a huge difference!

    Skinny fat, yes! Nobody has ever known what I meant when I say that! Its like they can't fathom someone being small......but still not in shape
  • littlelaurie14
    littlelaurie14 Posts: 224 Member
    I'm so with you guys...
    I'm 5' 3" and down to 120 (after having a baby)
    I have that darn mommy pudge sticking around.. :grumble: A small amount of fat certainly makes a difference on shorties!
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    My colleagues didn't scoff but they were bewildered and curious. They didn't see why I needed to count calories nor understand why I ate what I ate -- until they saw the fat melt off, the muscles develop, and the strength grow. They have since stopped asking those questions. Instead, they now ask if my food diary for the day allows me to have some ice cream because they're going to get some for a midday snack. :laugh:
  • Totally with everyone else on this thread. I'm 5'3"ish and just under 120 right now, trying to get closer to 115. Mostly I'd like to tone up and look more in proportion - I naturally have the legs of a not-so-small person!

    I get most of the comments at work - if I bring a salad for lunch or mention that I went for a run that morning, I get all the "But you're so small! You don't have to eat like that/work out!" Uhh how do you know? Trust me, I was flirting with 130 toward the end of college and it was not pretty! A few pounds can really make a difference when you don't have a lot of surface area on which to put it.

    If anyone wants to friend me, feel free! I tend to feel a little out of place on here because of my goals, so it was nice to find this thread :)
  • gaj87
    gaj87 Posts: 53 Member
    Let me come at this from a different angle. Let me start by saying I am 4' 10.5". SW - 186, GW - 115, CW - 120.56.

    I work with a lady who is "skinny". When we would go out to eat, she would debate what food was the best to eat and not eat "cake" or very little. I would think to myself, "you are skinny, you can eat what ever you want. Why are you thinking about it?" Part way through my weight-loss journey I had my ah ha moment (light bulb over head)....she is skinny because she thinks about what she eats. You would think that this would be something that everyone would just know, but I've always had it in my head that when I got "skinny" I could eat whatever I wanted. We all know that just is not true. When we get to our goal weights we will still need to eat healthy and exercise.

    Keep doing what you are doing and just know that your sister has not had her ah ha moment.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    I'm 5'4" and my legs are solid and heavy... but I do have belly fat that no one sees cause all my clothes are loose. I get told that Im small only because I think they want me to say the same back to them... :( some of these have bellies that really protrude and they wear tight outfits... :P some people just want you to look like them... :P
  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    Just keep doing what you are doing. Before I started back with MFP, people would say "your so skinny". Now people look at me and say "you look like you exercise and eat right". After a while your body shows what you are doing and the statements from people will change too. I didn't have much weight to lose when I started, but people always feel the need to question what you are doing, I guess it's curiosity. I'm proud of the changes I've made in my body, I'm 40 years old, mother of 2, almost 5'3", and my CW is 104. I have muscle definition, more endurance, and energy. But I also know I am so much healthier and happier. Just keep on your path, reach your goals and then set new ones.

    I can honestly say my body looks better now than it has in a long time. Don't let anyone keep you from what you want.
  • happypath101
    happypath101 Posts: 534
    Yup. This week a co-worker told me she didn't want me to get anorexic. Um. Ya. Not a problem. (I'm sitting at a healthy 138 and have never had a problem with being too thin.)
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I totally get this! I'm 5'4" and have reached my goal weight, but I'm still trying to tone up. When my mom sees that I'm still cutting out processed foods, etc, she gets all concerned that I'm "not eating enough" and "wasting away". Um, I eat 6 times a day and I eat PLENTY, haha! And my weight is in the middle of the healthy BMI range. So I really don't see why it's a concern!
  • lol. yea i know how that goes. i am short and small as well. i'm 5 foot 2. and always been pretty small. after having kids, i've had about 20 pounds to lose still. and every one around me laughs at me when i tell them i'm dieting. they always say that i'm small enough, why would i want to get smaller. it bugs me. but i can understand why heavier people with more weight to lose would think like that. they probably think i should just be thankful for being how small i already am. but every one is different and has different goals. don't let it bother you. whenever people say something like that, just let it brush off your shoulders, that's what i do. i don't overly care if people say stuff like that any more. i am gonna do what i wanna do. its my life, my body.
  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    Yes, I get the same comments. I'm 5'2" 113 lbs. I know what I want to look like and I'm not there yet so I ignore it.
  • I get this as well. At 5'2", 10 pounds is the difference between hour-glass and round (or pear depending where you pack on weight). Add in that we are short and 10 pounds looks like much more. I just ignore them. It does no good to explain or argue the point. Best of luck to you in your remaining weight loss...doesn't it feel great to go down pant sizes?!!:happy:
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I get this all the time. Although technically at a healthy weight, even for my shortness I am far from looking good LOL working on it though, and working on generally being healthier, its about feeling better to I think. Eating healthier and exercising I feel so much better. I have started lifting which is something that I would never have seen myself doing, but its great :D I'm just reaching the end of stage 1 of new rules of lifting and i'm gonna be honest it makes me feel a bit badass that I can deadlift 33kg when I only weigh about 43 :D
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Even on MFP, I've seen people say, "Why are you here if you are 130 lbs?" (It was never said to me, luckily.) 130 lbs for someone of my height is actually above a 25 BMI.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Do you guys ever get others that scoff at you for trying to lose weight when "technically" we are already smaller than most?

    All the time. I hate it if someone notices I'm eating carefully because I'm afraid they're going to make some remark about how I don't need to lose weight and think I am fishing for compliments.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I get this as well. At 5'2", 10 pounds is the difference between hour-glass and round (or pear depending where you pack on weight). Add in that we are short and 10 pounds looks like much more. I just ignore them. It does no good to explain or argue the point. Best of luck to you in your remaining weight loss...doesn't it feel great to go down pant sizes?!!:happy:

    Another short woman told me that a 5 pound gain for us is like a 10 pound gain for a tall person.
  • I get this all the time too! I find people think its a joke or that I'm just doing it for attention. but when you're 5' 1" like me even a couple of pounds can make a huge difference!
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    It is weird!
    People I meet now say why you would you use myfitnesspal, your so skinny!
    Because I used to weigh 264 pounds. (now 115)
    5 pounds is a size, down or up
  • DollyMiel
    DollyMiel Posts: 377 Member
    People are pretty weird like that. Big people are always going on about being discriminated against but they don't realize they do it to thinner people too. XP I've seen some of those comments on the forums here even, but for the most part, most people seem to understand that everyone's got their own goals and that shorter and/or smaller framed people lose weight in a different way than a tall, fatter person might. 5 pounds is a hell of a lot of difference when you're smaller! Just do your own thing. :D