The men who made us fat



  • shoobz
    shoobz Posts: 119
    The men who made me fat were Ben, Jerry and 8 seasons of Gregory House, MD.

    I blame only myself.

    And those guys there. But mostly myself.
  • sed1217
    sed1217 Posts: 228 Member
    I can think of a few men who contributed to my weight gain, but I mostly blame a certain Panda (express).

    J/K, no one held me down and made me eat!
  • lemasney
    lemasney Posts: 67 Member
    It was on BBC 2 on the 14.6.12 at 9pm
    It's not really pointing the finger.. The first episode is about the invention of high fructose corn syrup and other new foods eg. frozen foods, but it focuses more on the cultural changes in the world around food. Such as snacking and eating more pre-prepared food. Also about how there are a lot of us that have no idea about food and what is in it. There is also some science in it, about the physical and mental affects on the body. I think that it was pretty well rounded. (is not good at explaining it)

    relieved that this is what this thread is about. :)))
  • shoobz
    shoobz Posts: 119
    I just watched it, found it really interesting, it makes me angry that the big food corporations have no interest in giving people healthy food, it's all about profit, so they found substances to use eg. Corn syrup that is highly addictive and messes with the production of lectin in the body that tells you when you've had enough to eat. They put high amounts of sugar in "low fat healthy" foods, it's obscene

    OMG! Because there are just NO Other options...we should starve ourselves. time you go through the store, LOOK. There are plenty of healthy options. They make crap food because they can. YOU have the choice to either eat it or not. /facepalm

  • Danger2OneSelf
    Danger2OneSelf Posts: 883 Member

    My overeating and sitting my *kitten* on the couch is what made me fat. Since nobody held me down and shoved food into my mouth, I won't watch anything that points blame at anyone else.

    ^^Very Good Point!
  • skoshness
    skoshness Posts: 175
    I just watched it, found it really interesting, it makes me angry that the big food corporations have no interest in giving people healthy food, it's all about profit, so they found substances to use eg. Corn syrup that is highly addictive and messes with the production of lectin in the body that tells you when you've had enough to eat. They put high amounts of sugar in "low fat healthy" foods, it's obscene

    OMG! Because there are just NO Other options...we should starve ourselves. time you go through the store, LOOK. There are plenty of healthy options. They make crap food because they can. YOU have the choice to either eat it or not. /facepalm
    Did you watch the programme?
  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    Your explanation of it sounds very interesting! Thanks for telling us... hope they have it on BBCA if not now then in the future:)
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    My wife makes me chubby :bigsmile:

    More like "gives you a"... geez :grumble:
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    No one made anyone else fat....except Kevin Spacey in Seven, he over fed that one guy.....
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    The men that made us fat? I learned last night that it was these guys!

  • i urge any person wacthing theese kind of documentries to consider thier opion carefully.

    i make no excuises for the fact that they are evil and yes what they do is wrong, but as consumers all we have to do to stop it is not partake and they will look for things which appeal to us.

    sadley they found something that appealed to quick and easy side within us and thier profits sored, but we (as in people) allowed it to happen and did not care where are greater conveince came from.

    also if you take just one message from these documentries, take the message that large scale corparations are evil and only intrested in profit...because this is not uniqure to the food industry.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    My wife makes me chubby :bigsmile:

  • The title is just a little provocative. I somehow doubt it's really about shifting responsibility. It's like reading a news headline that isn't quite accurate even though the article is.
    But did you watch it?? If not, perhaps you should before commenting on the content.
  • Princess_Sameen
    Princess_Sameen Posts: 284 Member
    I saw that programme! the sociology and history was very interesting.
    Was amazing to see how politics affected the food industry! cant wait too see the second part!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I would say that ex made me fat for 9 months, but I lost 30lbs and only lasted 7. In other news, I still eat all of that crap on a smaller scale and have dropped almost 80lbs, so I will continue my campaign to say that tv and purported "news"-like documentaries are BS!
  • skoshness
    skoshness Posts: 175
    i urge any person wacthing theese kind of documentries to consider thier opion carefully.

    i make no excuises for the fact that they are evil and yes what they do is wrong, but as consumers all we have to do to stop it is not partake and they will look for things which appeal to us.

    sadley they found something that appealed to quick and easy side within us and thier profits sored, but we (as in people) allowed it to happen and did not care where are greater conveince came from.

    also if you take just one message from these documentries, take the message that large scale corparations are evil and only intrested in profit...because this is not uniqure to the food industry.
    I agree but people have to be informed about it so they can make better choices when it comes to eating
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    We put drug dealers and users in jail. Both are responsible. Same with food. Those that produce the crap and engineer it to be addicting and those that consume it without thinking contribute to the problem.
  • DangerSass
    DangerSass Posts: 124 Member
    I made myself fat and when I hated it so much I worked like a beast and made myself smoking.

    No one to blame but ourselves.
  • losermomof3
    losermomof3 Posts: 386 Member
  • skoshness
    skoshness Posts: 175
    We put drug dealers and users in jail. Both are responsible. Same with food. Those that produce the crap and engineer it to be addicting and those that consume it without thinking contribute to the problem.

    The difference being that most drug users know that drugs aren't good for them, a lot of people eatng low fat foods are conned into thinking it's good for them