huge rant!



  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    That is a very strange friend. Thats not a friend if shes doing that. I would tell her up front that your upset with her.
  • skinyZ
    skinyZ Posts: 89 Member
    I'd rather have no friends than have a friend like that.

  • willy79
    willy79 Posts: 11
    If u know ur getting used put a stop to it. Theres always ppl in this world that will climb all over you to get there own way and manipulate you. Trust me I know. I used to be a bodyguard and that world is full of spiteful, sneeky, greedy men. I'm in the UK. Bodyguard work used to pay £1000+ per week but I decided to stand my ground, grip the a**holes and work for far less. Beleive it or not I'm way happier now. Don't be so submissive to her, stand ur ground. She might not like it the first time but she'll see you mean it and odds are she'll also respect u more.
  • Krizzo87
    Krizzo87 Posts: 14,186 Member
    I noticed you said she's the one turning heads. Maybe this is why she doesn't want you to lose weight...she wants all the attention, and maybe she doesn't want to share the spotlight when you're fit and fabulous!!(You are already very beautiful, btw) ;) She doesn't seem like a very good friend, especially if that is, in fact, why she's doing this. She should care more about your health than having to share the attention!! Just my opinion...I hope things work out for ya!!! :)
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I try to see the GOOD in her but everyday it seems to fade. I did tell her all this and it ended up with a huge fight ...

    Honey, I had a best friend exactly like yours. She was my best friend for 9 years, someone I considered a sister. She was tall, blonde and blue eyed, and thinner than I was even though she was still chunky. She was outgoing, unafraid to flirt regardless of age or relationship status. She let her boyfriends hate me because of jokes she'd put me up to. The only guy she dated that tolerated me ended up a psycho. She envied my relationship with my mother, she envied my drawing talent and was constantly trying to copy my work and style.

    She would cut off a conversation with me with no warning to talk to 10 other people, mostly guys, and return to me hours later. I was always her shoulder, she was barely ever mine. I spent hundreds on her in gifts, driving her places, paying for concerts and events and food, and she'd return it with used stuff she got on eBay when she made more money than I did.

    Long story short, when I began dating and she wasn't at the time she tried to sabotage my relationship, she never wanted to hear my problems because I "had a man who could do the listening", and she still took up my time with her problems even though she wanted a man to fix them. The last two years I spent with her, if she was in my house or I was with her physically at a place after a few hours I was ready to kill her because she was so self-absorbed that personal property and time wasn't her problem. The last thing we ever did together was go to a concert of her favorite band. I ended up having an asthma attack because it was smoker-friendly (which I didn't know) and, this is the kicker, after the concert I had every band member that was out on the floor signing stuff looking for ME. Why? They wanted to see if I was OK and apologize about the venue. All she wanted to do was eye-hump a band member and make cutesy eyes at him, then she went and spilled coffee in the back seat of my car, didn't tell me, and I found out when I realized after I got home there was an empty Starbucks cup on the floor.

    I kicked her out of my life. The night I did she posted all over Facebook that she was going to get sloshed because of me. She, two years later, managed to grab another old friend and made her contact me and basically call me a heartless cow because I was no longer their friends.

    People like that are cancer. They're toxic. Their crap consumes your life more than your own problems do because they shove it right up your nose and into your brain. That's not a friend. A friend can be concerned about your relationship if there's visible problems, but they don't just demand you leave them because of their opinion. A friend doesn't want their SOs to hate you because it's funny, that's sadistic. I don't know what she was when you began being friends, but she's not a friend anymore. She's a cyst, a tumor, a clot in your arteries ready and willing to kill you and all you enjoy/love in your life at any moment.

    Please tell her to hit the pavement and keep going. You don't deserve that crap. I put up with one of her kind 9 years longer than I should have just because I deluded myself things could get better if we talked about her behavior, if I did more than what was necessary of me as a friend for her to show her what a friend really was. None of it worked. People that far into themselves and their twisted sense of humors and opinions can't be reached that way, they probably can't ever be reached and in the end what they give us is not worth us trying.
  • fitpilatesqueen
    Of course people like you, sometimes communicating is difficult.
    I don´t have friends that I hang around with or talk on the phone to every day.
    My friends are long distance friends.
    Ones I thought there must be something wrong with me and I blamed myself.
    It´s not you, you have been burnt and you are aware and you are causious and maybe people sens that. If you are shy this is even harder. I had a friend that was abusive and in the end I gave up, I didn´t care if I had no friend because no friend was better than she was and I wish I had taken that step sooner.
    Today I go to school every day and the people in my school are so much younger than I´m, they could almost be my children, they are that young so I´m not about to become their friend and I don´t expect them to accept me and that´s ok.
    I may not have close friends but I know alot of people, yeah ok, sometimes I even feel lonely but that doesn´t last long though.
    Stand up for yourself, push her a way a bit, maybe not all the way but keep a certein distance. I would recommend a seminar like self esteem seminar and go and attend to your hobbies, maybe you could find friends there.
    Your soul, your spirit, your well being is so worth much more than this.
    Good luck to you
  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I confronted her peacefully and ... not being ruuude and she listenes to it then argued a bit then asked if we can go to the mall to shop. Outta nowhere in the middle of the friggin mall she freaked out "crying" and saying sorry she was "trying to be a good friend!" Etc etc. People stared like im the bad guy. This is always the case with her
    She looks and acts innocent soo nobody believes my rant in person lol. Just saying this because some people said i should confront her; i have. Many many times. >_< i really do need a new friend huh..
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I would NOT call that a friend! She is an attention hog and probably wants you to fight with her boyfriend because she wants Drama. I know people like that. They are bad for you.. tell her, you wont fight with her boyfriend, you are going to lose weight, and you don't care what she says. (It'll feel good!)

    Even if just over the internet, there are people here for you =) You deserve to be healthy and happy, and you deserve to have support.
  • Jolene8992
    Jolene8992 Posts: 127 Member
    Sometimes it easier to blame others for our failures than ourselves. I should know. I'm the one who puts the food in my mouth. I'm the one who made myself a diabetic. I'm the only one to fix me. No éxcuses. You allow her to manipulate you.
  • skinyZ
    skinyZ Posts: 89 Member
    I confronted her peacefully and ... not being ruuude and she listenes to it then argued a bit then asked if we can go to the mall to shop. Outta nowhere in the middle of the friggin mall she freaked out "crying" and saying sorry she was "trying to be a good friend!" Etc etc. People stared like im the bad guy. This is always the case with her
    She looks and acts innocent soo nobody believes my rant in person lol. Just saying this because some people said i should confront her; i have. Many many times. >_< i really do need a new friend huh..

    :mad: god! know i said this already but...what a f-ing b****
  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
    @ jolene: yes, your right. I did allow her to manipulate me and probably do that with everyone because i want to hold onto the friendship. Sick of loosing people. Something i need to work on .
  • cdoyle1126
    Sweetie, you appear to be a very wise and insightful person. I know it can be hard to dump a friend - especially if they are your only friend in real life. However, maybe you can achieve two goals (finding new friends and losing weight) by joining a weight loss group like Weight Watchers, Diet Workshop, etc. Then the third goal - dumping your non-friend - will be easier.

    If there aren't any weight loss groups in your area that fit your schedule, perhaps your school or community offers some clubs or activities that might interest you. Again, meeting new people (away from your current friend) may increase your odds of making true friends. If nothing else, it will give you less time to spend with your current friend - that has to be a GOOD thing!

    I've always said that the sign of true love/friendship is doing the things that are best for those you love. Your current friend is doing the complete opposite of the best things for you.

    Wishing you all the best in your weight loss efforts and hoping your life is soon filled with fulfilling activities and caring friends!
  • ChubbyStudent25
    oh honey she needs to grow up! find someone new! that is not worth the headache

    I agree and I also think the OP needs to grow up as well.
  • willy79
    willy79 Posts: 11
    Darlin what u do is up to you. I don't know if u've seen it yet but she obviously had you worked out and has a pattern worked out how to do it. 1 U confront, 2 SHE backs down, 3 U relax again, 4 SHE crys, 5 U feel bad, 6 SHE manipulates again, 7 U get hacked off but stay quiet, 8 SHE plays her games, 9 U have had enough and back to step 1. You really need to sort this out in ur own head. Make a decision. Execute your decision and stick to it, for ur own benifit.
  • SavageRabidBeast
    SavageRabidBeast Posts: 481 Member
    this so called friend must have some self esteem issues of her own so she tries to drag you down to make herself feel better about herself. Personally, I would tell her to stop with the BS or the friendship isn't gonna last much longer. Friends should be there for each other and supporting each other. Myself, I don't give a rats *kitten* what people think of me or what I do with my life. If they have an issue I bid them farewell. Hope you have a great weekend and best of luck at reaching your goals and with your situation.
  • mzmarple
    mzmarple Posts: 12
    If she were a true friend, she would be supporting you, not trying to sabotage you. She's jealous, probably because she's afraid that you'll be successful, and she won't be "the pretty one" anymore. She's also very immature, and she shows that by trying to make you do things to get her bf to hate you. What's the purpose of that? So she can be more important.

    She's controlling, and will continue to try to demean you and make your life miserable. You should find new friends - she is not a good person to be around. It's time to stop making excuses for her. Your allowing her to act out is enabling her. She won't know that her antics are not acceptable until somebody tells her to stop. Be the mature person in this relationship - or drop her as a friend.
  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
    First... whats OP stand for?

    @willy : i never looked at it that way but thats exactly the pattern! I felt bad and would do whatever she wanted to "make it up to her" etc . Its going to be tough getting rid of her >_<
    @ savage: thank you. Yea i thought that maybe shes insecure but it seems IMPOSSIBLE. i swear its like walking with a hollywood star. Thats how much attention she gets
  • falcon367
    falcon367 Posts: 116
    Shut the front door.

    Seriously, put her on the other side of it and...shut the front door.
    ^^^ What he said ...
  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
    @mz : i agree. Its just so hard :(
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    @ jolene: yes, your right. I did allow her to manipulate me and probably do that with everyone because i want to hold onto the friendship. Sick of loosing people. Something i need to work on .

    Honey, new friends can always be made even though it takes time. Don't hold onto moldy garbage just because you can't find something better on the shelves. What you have isn't a friendship. What you have is basic emotional abuse. She messes with you and then makes it like she's the victim or that something that's a big deal really isn't just because she says so.

    Really, just tell her straight up you're done and walk away. Don't let her have the chance to say anything back. She's had her chance to talk and it's all been trash. Delete her number, block her online if you have contact that way, block her number if you have to, and just steer clear of places she frequents when you know she frequents them. Chances are she'll throw a major hissy fit, tell anyone that'll listen how awful you are (and if they know you, they should know better), and then she'll be over it. If she makes begging attempts I'd be surprised, but really considering what her view on this "friendship" is, it would be like taking a toy from a toddler. They get mad, they fuss, then they find something else to play with.