Starting 30 day shred today...JOIN ME?!



  • gcr2012
    gcr2012 Posts: 103 Member
    Am joining this thread a bit late - I am have completed 2 days, level 1 - and man, my legs are killing me!! But I can see it is kind of addicting - I woke up this morning wondering if I will do better today than yesterday.

    Feel free to add me for support - my vacation is exactly 30 days away and I really want to finish this!
  • gcr2012
    gcr2012 Posts: 103 Member
    Level 1 Day 3 morning workout finished. Finally the soreness is going away in my quads.

    Was wondering how the two-a-days were working for you? I usually jog 3-4 miles several days a week, so I was really surprised by how sore my quads are! Are you doing other cardio exercise as well, or just 30DS?
  • michellefinn133
    michellefinn133 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all, I started the 30 day shred on Wednesday so have just done day 4 on level 2. It's a killer, but I'm hoping it'll do something about my jelly belly and thighs! I finish it with a bright red head and unable to talk for 5 minutes so I think I'll wait a while before I even consider level 3!! Gonna have a look for her other dvds now. Feel really motivated about doing this, have been dieting for years, not much more weight to lose now, but just want to tone up, especially my thighs they are awful, I've got gym membership but can never be bothered to go (3 kids,so only time is evenings at the moment and I'm just not interested) whereas 20 minutes out of my life a day is do-able. Fingers crossed!!
  • mccollumse
    mccollumse Posts: 84 Member
    Going up steps hurts! I run three miles a few tines a week and thought this wouldn't be bad. Wrong!
  • gcr2012
    gcr2012 Posts: 103 Member
    Level 1 Day 3 finished. I no longer want to cry everytime I walk up the steps!
  • DebsterWebster
    DebsterWebster Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in! I've started it several times as well, and have yet to complete it! Thirty days is a perfect short term goal! :smile:
  • pauladick
    pauladick Posts: 61 Member
    hi all just finished day 5 and reay starting to love it xx hope u all doing well xx keep up the good work x:wink:
  • masumaj
    masumaj Posts: 153 Member
    started and just about finished with great results before i went on vacation back a week ago and want to start again i need all the motivation i can get to get a second round of great results......lost about 8 inches in the first round but my goal is to finish 30 days this time.
  • collectsfrogs
    collectsfrogs Posts: 34 Member
    L1D6 Complete!! I made it past the weekend and got right back to it this morning :drinker:
  • jenniprr
    jenniprr Posts: 119
    Hey everyone! I just got this DVD and want to start it but I am trying to figure out how to plan it into my current routine. I'm sorry if this has been answered elsewhere....

    - Do you do this routine in addition to your current workout plan? (I spin 3 times a week, hike or walk once or twice a week and strength train twice a week. Should I drop part of this routine for the duration of the DVD?)

    -Do you do this every day for 30 days or is there a rest day? Or, is it up to the user? (I have seen conflicting information about this)

    Thanks so much! :)
  • rubyeskimo
    rubyeskimo Posts: 18 Member
    I'm yet another one that has started and stopped this so many times! However I am determined to actually suceed this time. Have done Day 1 before coming to work today. Feel good for it! Feel free to add me!
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    A few of us started today so add me if you want I was up at 6am doing Level 1. You can do this and if you want someone who will really hold you to it I'm your woman.
    Jules xx
  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member
    Tonight is day 4 for me, welcome any 30DS friends! :)
  • pauladick
    pauladick Posts: 61 Member
    hi all x cannot believe i have just finished day 6 and addicted lol x hope all is giong well xx:tongue:
  • madwmn
    madwmn Posts: 6
    how do you pull it up on utube?
  • pauladick
    pauladick Posts: 61 Member
    sorry i have the dvd x
  • gcr2012
    gcr2012 Posts: 103 Member
    L1D4 finished. Took off yesterday, and it is getting easier. Marginally, but easier!
  • collectsfrogs
    collectsfrogs Posts: 34 Member
    L1D7 Complete!! Does anyone find it hard to complete circuit 1? I can go through circuits 2 and 3 but I can not for the life of me make it through circuit 1 without stopping a few times.
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    Hello all, I'm still waiting on my dvd to arrive from Amazon, but in the meantime I looked it up on Youtube and found level 1, so I gave it a go....So Level 1 days 1 complete

    Didn't find it too bad, but I'm sure I'll pay for it later :-)
  • mccollumse
    mccollumse Posts: 84 Member
    I agree that the first circuit on level one is the hardest. I feel like once I get past that I am over the hump!

    I did it 4 days in a row, but I had to take off yesterday. Felt like a knife had been stabbed thru my right thigh. I'll be back on it tonight though. 31 day (hopefully) shred for me.