anyone else with an eating disorder?

It would be nice to have some friends on here who understand this plight ...


  • missgx3
    missgx3 Posts: 10
    I keep telling myself I want to maintain my weight, but I'm so afraid of gaining weight because I used to be fat, even though I am 5'5.5 ft/in. tall and only weight about 100 pounds... I refuse to eat above 1000 calories a day almost every day (as I set myfitnesspal to) and I started at about 105 when I first joined this site, and lost more weight! I don't know what to do </3
  • anasbf
    anasbf Posts: 1
    yepp, my fitness pal helps me to stay in control of calories and stay realistic about gaing weight ect x
  • MouseFood
    MouseFood Posts: 169 Member
    I cam't seem to get control of it mroe than 2-3 days at a time right now.
  • missgx3
    missgx3 Posts: 10
    When I feel as though I'm doing well and eating normally I'll still fear I'm somehow gaining, then restrict myself more then I should, end up slipping up and going on a binge! Then I'll inevitably restrict myself all over again to compensate for whatever I may have gained from the binge! It's so frustrating, I just can't seem to kick the orderly-disorder though ;(
  • Danger2OneSelf
    Danger2OneSelf Posts: 883 Member
    Since this is a forum topic, I don't think most people will be reading, I will finally come out with it. I have been a purging bulimic since I was 12. It's been an on and off battle. Sometimes I'm on top other times the ED is beating the *kitten* out of me. It's an extremely tough game that's constantly being played inside your head. None will ever know the struggles of going through this unless you are going through this.

    I would be more open about my problems with bulimia, but there's so much stigma around the issue, especially for males. It's a load of crap that in today's society it isn't "acceptable" for males to have an ED. I never would have gotten help for fear of being judged and discredited. I was "fortunate" enough to get sick enough that I almost died from low bp and electrolyte in-balance a couple years ago. I was forced to go to a facility for males with eating disorders, for about 6 months and that's where my journey to recover began.

    It's a lifelong battle but it's completely possible to win the war. I feel for everyone that is going through it. I am here for anyone who needs to talk about their struggles, or their successes. It does get easier as you get further in recover. Best of luck to everyone :)
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Was severely anorexic when I was 18/21, dropping to 70Ibs at 5'11.
    Now I struggle with binge/purge issues, not everyday, but in cycles.
    I have always had body image issues, and tend to swing between not caring and simply forgetting the scale and exercise, and overdoing things by becoming obsessed with exercising, and eating healthy etc. I have had periods where I was relatively okay, quite long periods actually. But then there will be another year or two where I am totally consumed and trapped again. Sugar addiction is an issue for me, with sugary, wheat based things tending to be my binge foods, and I am in a situation where I hate being hungry, yet hate being full as well, so no win.

    I only add those who are eating 1200 calories and over and who are not striving to drop to a ridiculously low weight. I myself am trying to maintain at around 125/126 Ibs now. I am particularly needing support for my bulimic tendencies and to deal with the changes in weight I am experiencing from my different exercise regime and attempts to stop the binges.
  • missgx3
    missgx3 Posts: 10
    I have so many problems with it, it's madness! & yes! I've never come out about it, and I'm already the type of person that buys organic & eats healthy never-the-less, so nobody assumes, nor would I ever tell ANY soul I know, about my issues. People even defend me if/when someone tries to insult me by calling me anorexic as the skinny-equivalent to calling someone who's overweight fat, because they don't know that whoever the person is at the time, is absolutely right! I have trouble even admitting it to myself, and this is the first time I've ever come out about it, I'm actually really grateful for this post!
  • Ednos for 3 years. <3
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    we can be friends. I battled anorexia all through high school and part of college. I'm still trying to balance myself out with diet and fitness.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Binge Eating Disorder - addiction began at age 8 - recovery began 2yrs ago at age 28.

    For the past 2+ years I have been working very hard on both my physical & mental health.
  • missgx3
    missgx3 Posts: 10
    My problem is my OBSESSION at this point with balancing those out, I'm pretty positive I care way more than the average teenager about getting as much protein and fiber and as little fat and as few calories as possible - I think "eating disorders" really mean "too much damn order", I know I shouldn't care soo much, but at this point, I'd call that impossible!
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    Recovered bulimic.

    Happy to support anyone who actually wants to work on their own recovery.
  • I do. I'm seriously struggling right now
  • EDNOS over here. And OP, I've got mine set to 1000/day too, although I'm still what most people would consider to be slightly overweight.

    I just wanted to let you know I'm here for you. <3
  • mangledspoon
    mangledspoon Posts: 31 Member
    Hey girl. Mostly recovered anorexic here. I say that because Im not sure I'll ever be 100% normal...
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    My anorexia has been in control for 6 years and I watched my weight creep up because I was too terrified of relapsing. MFP helps me do this RIGHT. I NEVER eat below 1200 calories and I don't workout more than 60 minutes per day. The thing is, you can't just work to control the eating...control is what gets most of us to that point. It is a mental battle and I strongly recommend seeking professional help...use them like you use MFP...being open and honest about every victory and every slip up. It wasn't until I had counseling that I began to find alternative outlets for my control and I recovered.

    If anyone wants to add me for support, I would be more than happy BUT a fair warning, I will not turn away from slip ups. I want to help you get better. And only those truly trying to recover, please.
  • padmesarai
    padmesarai Posts: 16
    My struggle with weight started 5 years ago when I was at my heaviest: 210 pounds, I took around 15 laxatives per day after every meal, I exercised around 2 and half hours, at first it felt great and I lost 55 pounds but my health paid the prize, my liver wasn't functioning well, I got colitis and I still suffer from constipation because my stomag has a hard time working without the laxatives, I suffered the yo-yo effect and gained 19 pounds back, it has taken me a lot of prayers and therapy to be where I am now, I recommend that if anyone it's having a similar or worst situation than mines please seek God first, I'm the living proof of such and as well please get counseling, this is not something you can overcome from one day to the other nor you can face all by yourself.
    MyFitnessPal it is as well of excellent help specially when you're not eating enough, it gives you a reminder that balance is always the best choice.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    coe, only solution has been low-carb.
    no moderation for me, sadly.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I think the majority of the people here have some form of eating disorder. Eating too much and eating too little are both detrimental to your health.
  • sandyyy712
    sandyyy712 Posts: 94
    I am pretty sure I have one. I don't know which one...but I know that something is seriously wrong with my eating.

    I used to be a chubby/fat kid and recently I decided to lose weight. But the way I went about it was wrong (I was eating 1000 cal a day and working out 1-2 times daily) and now I'm completely obsessed with my weight and food and everything....I'm actually underweight and yet I still feel really fat. Because of the sport I'm in I should be eating around 3000 cal a day but sometimes I only eat 1500. A lot of people including my friends, parents and coaches have said things about it to me, but I have no idea how to stop it and I wish I had something I could tell you but I'm dealing with the same thing too :(