
foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
I feel totally comfortable posting this on here because I don't really have anyone to talk to outside of here.

I suffer from some pretty severe depression. I do not take medication, simply because I don't believe in it. Yesterday I was awake for about 5 hours of the whole day, and did nothing. I recently quit a really ****ty job with the worst micromanager. I have amazing skills and constantly feel underutilized. (p.s. I still work part time at two different jobs, but it is on call and the time between shifts is unbearable). I am engaged to a wonderful man. I have no friends, and it is not like I don't try. I just find people to be totally selfish and I hate putting in so much effort for people that can only talk about themselves, are sexist, racist, and overall to me boring. Although, I still put in effort because I hate being alone and I am a party girl at heart.

All of this impacts my health. I don't know why I get up in the morning so I don't even know why I exercise or eat healthy. I try, I really do.

Does anyone else have an issue like this? I am looking for tips at dealing with this and seeing a doctor is not an option (or a counsellor, I work in the mental health field and know way too many people at almost every agency in the surrounding area).

Thanks for reading, if you did!


  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    I'm sure there are volunteer group sessions around?

    Well to start off make yourself get up, and follow a good meal plan daily, also keep up the exercise it will make you feel better.

    Really too bad you're too stubborn to get professional help, you're playing with fire. good luck
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I'm sure there are volunteer group sessions around?

    Well to start off make yourself get up, and follow a good meal plan daily, also keep up the exercise it will make you feel better.

    Really too bad you're too stubborn to get professional help, you're playing with fire. good luck

    most professionals really don't know what they are doing anyway, i have worked with enough of the goofballs!
  • justanotherbrickinthewall
    I understand what you're going through- I've been diagnosed with depression myself. Although you said you don't believe in medication, I highly encourage you to try it. I'm on Prozac and my outlook on everything has just been so much brighter and happier. My tolerance towards everything has gone up and I've been a lot more carefree. My attitude has improved in every aspect.

    I'm sure there is a type of support group you could join though. Also, I know how I eat definitely changes my mood. The less processed food I eat, the better I feel. I found that doing yoga regularly helps a bunch too.
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    Hi Hun

    I have been in your shoes. Last August I walked out of a job I hated, i just had enough, the long hours, the horrible manager and it really made me feel down.
    I went to see my doctor as i wasnt sleeping well because of it and he diagnosed with me severe depression, I have since then been taking Citalopram 20mg a day.
    I feel much better and feel I am getting myself back and feeling better about myself.
    Ive also got a lovely new job that i enjoy and that has helped too.

    If you need someone to talk to feel free to add me.

    Love Stacey xxx
  • CharisSunny
    CharisSunny Posts: 276 Member
    I feel totally comfortable posting this on here because I don't really have anyone to talk to outside of here.

    I suffer from some pretty severe depression. I do not take medication, simply because I don't believe in it. Yesterday I was awake for about 5 hours of the whole day, and did nothing. I recently quit a really ****ty job with the worst micromanager. I have amazing skills and constantly feel underutilized. (p.s. I still work part time at two different jobs, but it is on call and the time between shifts is unbearable). I am engaged to a wonderful man. I have no friends, and it is not like I don't try. I just find people to be totally selfish and I hate putting in so much effort for people that can only talk about themselves, are sexist, racist, and overall to me boring. Although, I still put in effort because I hate being alone and I am a party girl at heart.

    All of this impacts my health. I don't know why I get up in the morning so I don't even know why I exercise or eat healthy. I try, I really do.

    Does anyone else have an issue like this? I am looking for tips at dealing with this and seeing a doctor is not an option (or a counsellor, I work in the mental health field and know way too many people at almost every agency in the surrounding area).

    Thanks for reading, if you did!

    I don't mean to sound cruel but maybe since you "don't believe in" medcation you haven't hit your lowest. I encourage you seek treatment before you do.
    I wouldn't wish those dark days and hopeless nights on anyone.
  • ericablu
    ericablu Posts: 12
    I don't *not* believe in medications for mental issues, but I was/am too anxious to see a doctor to get on any, so that's why I wasn't on them. I was taking 5http and st john's wort to help with depression and that helped a bit, but what really has helped was changing my diet - I'm not eating any rice/pasta/bread/sweets and I no longer take those supplements and I feel better than I have in years. I'd suggest trying that for a little while and maybe reconsidering medications if your depression is not mostly situational. Good luck. :)
  • CleanKim
    CleanKim Posts: 29 Member
    I completely understand! And don't let people get on you for not taking medication. Statistically anti-depressants do not work. I am going to message you with some info.
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    One good start would be to change your depressing ID name
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I don't understand why you "don't believe in" medication. I have many friends who suffer from depression and say the medication they take helps them live normal lives. Science can really help a lot of people who have their own chemical imbalances. Would you not take medicine if you had pneumonia? I suffer from allergies and take medicine every day so I can breathe. Depression is a disease, just like any other. If there are medical treatments out there for it, why wouldn't you at least try them out? What have you got to lose?
  • Turquoise2
    Please don't be offended by what I'm about to suggest. :mad: I've read the remarks and I agree with each and I see your point as well. Have you thought about prayer during these times? I'm not one to push religion and believe it gets pushed way to much on others, just a suggestion.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Whichever direction you choose...meds, Dr's, therapy, etc.
    Please make a choice.

    You definitely don't know me, but I care about all life.
    Hate to see it not lived to it's full potential.

    I have experienced severe depression in my family.
    They both took a turn for the worse.

    For yourself and anyone you care about.
    Do the right thing...please

    You can add me as a friend.
    I love to laugh, have fun on here cruising through the forums.
    Cracking myself up mostly.
    A little laughter couldn't hurt...right?

    Wish you the best in all you do!:flowerforyou: !:drinker: :flowerforyou:

  • gypsycoyote
    I have been diagnosed with chronic depression, and I refuse medication because I do not believe in the man-made crap. I am a big believer in "mind over matter", and have noticed some serious changes since I started just living. I have few friends - the most interaction I get is from my two kids and their father. I have those days as well, where I just don't wanna do anything. The house gets bad, and that just makes me even more depressed - I never seem to have the drive to clean the house, because seeing how dirty it is drives me back down into depression. I have to set my mind to everything I do; I have to tell myself "No more excuses, this stuff needs to get done."

    Positive affirmations seem to help with a lot of people who suffer depression - I always feel cheesy doing it, and I have heard that a lot of people feel that way at first, but showing yourself love can really pull you out of the depression. Pampering oneself also tends to help - take a hot bath with tons of bubbles, give yourself a pedicure.

    I've tried so many medications that I balk at the idea of putting more of those chemicals in my body. The best thing, in terms of 'professional' care, that I can suggest is look for a therapist. Not someone who just wants to dumb you up with medication, but someone who will just listen and talk you through your issues. I found that, aside from the mind over matter, that talking with someone helps. Express your dislike of medications, and really make sure they understand you do not want to take any - you just want to talk.

    I know you can be the best that you can, you just need to try. Love yourself, and that will lift your spirits higher. :D

    Peace, Love and Light.
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    I think everyone from time to time struggles with depression issues (some more than others). It seems like you really need to take a good look in the mirror and imagine where you want to be in life. Do you have a college degree? What are you ambitious about? Are you happy with your health and body?

    Once you fix yourself, then you can start dealing with social anxiety or anything else you suffer from. This is not an overnight solution and can take years to fix, but it'll be worth it. Medication should be the last resort in this case.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Let's see if I have this right?

    You don't believe in meds. You don't get out of bed. You don't believe counselors know what they are doing. You don't have friends because you don't like people. You hated your job, you are underemployed but it's not your fault.

    You are coming on our forums to basically complain about your life.

    No wonder you are depressed. Change your outlook.
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    Let's see if I have this right?

    You don't believe in meds. You don't get out of bed. You don't believe counselors know what they are doing. You don't have friends because you don't like people. You hated your job, you are underemployed but it's not your fault.

    You are coming on our forums to basically complain about your life.

    No wonder you are depressed. Change your outlook.

  • burnt_irish1
    burnt_irish1 Posts: 55 Member
    One good start would be to change your depressing ID name

    No need to be snarky. I don't have this problem but, like the OP, I work in mental health. Believe me, if you knew and saw what "we" do you would be much less likely to believe in meds and the professionals. It can be hard to seek help when you have been exposed to the realities of the field.

    OP- That being said, I do think that you should seek some professional help. As I'm sure you know, there are some great professionals and some great support groups.
  • mystiedragonfly
    mystiedragonfly Posts: 189 Member
    I DO agree with the person who said that if you "don't believe in meds", you haven't hit bottom.

    I have had depression and anxiety all of my life. I know, along with you, there are some serious whack jobs in the mental health profession. I was on meds up till I was 25, then went off because nothing seemed to help and none the of therapists seemed to listen, or understand. Then this year, I DID hit bottom and, despite all the other holistic options I have tried, the next step was getting back on meds. Only now, *I* am more educated on the drugs and meds options. I am really happy I took the plunge to try again.

    A medical option you may consider that is more the holistic direction is Acupuncture.

    Anyway, if you are that hellbent on not taking meds, some holistic things that I do (and still do) and you may find to be beneficial are:

    - Exercise (anything that gets your heart pumping and endorphins flowing)
    - Meditation... Sitting still and focusing for at least 5 minutes a day. Low, soft music, a candle lit. Or go to the park and listen to the trees. Etc.
    - Crafting/Art... whether it is crafting, art, poetry, or music. A hobby that, again, focuses your energy
    - Aromatherapy.... Look into scents that are helpful in relieving stress and anxiety. and burn candles and oils of that scent.
    - Clean Eating... remove all gluten from your diet. No pasta, no bread, no cakes. All natural, all clean. Grass feed animals, etc.
    - Vitamin D..... highest form is Cod Liver Oil (I take capsules).
  • OhKelsey1
    OhKelsey1 Posts: 139
    Let's see if I have this right?

    You don't believe in meds. You don't get out of bed. You don't believe counselors know what they are doing. You don't have friends because you don't like people. You hated your job, you are underemployed but it's not your fault.

    You are coming on our forums to basically complain about your life.

    No wonder you are depressed. Change your outlook.

    It's harsh, but I have to agree with this. Barring therapy and medication, one of the biggest things that can make you happier is having people in your life that you care about and can talk to. I don't know you, so maybe this is a wrong assumption, but it sounds like you don't have enough patience with people. If you think EVERYONE is trifling and not worth your time, then I thnk you haven't gotten to know enough people. It's hard to find true friends, and sometimes even the best ones let you down, but they're what makes life bearable.

    To me, it sounds like you have a clinical problem and need to talk to someone. If you won't do that, and you won't try to open yourself up to people, and you won't force yourself out of bed--then I don't know what to tell you. And I don't think anybody else's suggestions will help either.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I feel totally comfortable posting this on here because I don't really have anyone to talk to outside of here.

    I suffer from some pretty severe depression. I do not take medication, simply because I don't believe in it. Yesterday I was awake for about 5 hours of the whole day, and did nothing. I recently quit a really ****ty job with the worst micromanager. I have amazing skills and constantly feel underutilized. (p.s. I still work part time at two different jobs, but it is on call and the time between shifts is unbearable). I am engaged to a wonderful man. I have no friends, and it is not like I don't try. I just find people to be totally selfish and I hate putting in so much effort for people that can only talk about themselves, are sexist, racist, and overall to me boring. Although, I still put in effort because I hate being alone and I am a party girl at heart.

    All of this impacts my health. I don't know why I get up in the morning so I don't even know why I exercise or eat healthy. I try, I really do.

    Does anyone else have an issue like this? I am looking for tips at dealing with this and seeing a doctor is not an option (or a counsellor, I work in the mental health field and know way too many people at almost every agency in the surrounding area).

    Thanks for reading, if you did!

    I don't mean to sound cruel but maybe since you "don't believe in" medcation you haven't hit your lowest. I encourage you seek treatment before you do.
    I wouldn't wish those dark days and hopeless nights on anyone.

    i know far more about medication than someone who just takes it....i work in the mental health field and see people turned to zombies, taking tonnes of pills from 16-60. thanks for your opinion, but it is SO far off base.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,028 Member

    In the past I have had days that everything looked totally negative. I wonder if you are just having a bad day, maybe associated with pms? Do you feel like this every day or just once in a while? I would keep a diary of my feelings. I feel people can figure out what helps them and what does not. What works for one person (counseling, meds) may not work for another. I would encourage the healthy diet and exercise and reaching out to friends who understand.
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